Poetry International Poetry International

Brane Mozetič

loving you frightens me

loving you frightens me, you see,
not because I might fear death,
decay, damp earth, nor
long separations, you do not feel enough

you are all too quick to strike a new wound, utter
a mindless word, tear down everything
in your sight, you take like a hurricane,
alien, and cold as life

I’m afraid that as I walk through the city
I’ll fall down, vanish into
nothingness, crushed by your force,

afraid the river will overflow, the sun
will fall, my head explode, dreams
will die, fear is larger, like the world.

loving you frightens me

strah me je ljubezni s tabo, veš
ne zato, ker bal bi smrti se
razpadanj, mokre zemlje, ali
dolgih ločevanj, premalo čutiš

vse prehitro vsekaš rano, rečeš
prazno misel in podiraš vse
pred sabo, kot orkan odnašaš
tuj in mrzel, kakor je življenje

strah me je, ko stopam skozi mesto
da kar padem, se sesujem v nič
da pritisk, kot tvoj, me splošči k tlom

da se reka ne razlije, sonce
pade, glava ne razpoči, sanje
ne umro, strah je večji, kakor svet.

loving you frightens me

loving you frightens me, you see,
not because I might fear death,
decay, damp earth, nor
long separations, you do not feel enough

you are all too quick to strike a new wound, utter
a mindless word, tear down everything
in your sight, you take like a hurricane,
alien, and cold as life

I’m afraid that as I walk through the city
I’ll fall down, vanish into
nothingness, crushed by your force,

afraid the river will overflow, the sun
will fall, my head explode, dreams
will die, fear is larger, like the world.

loving you frightens me

loving you frightens me, you see,
not because I might fear death,
decay, damp earth, nor
long separations, you do not feel enough

you are all too quick to strike a new wound, utter
a mindless word, tear down everything
in your sight, you take like a hurricane,
alien, and cold as life

I’m afraid that as I walk through the city
I’ll fall down, vanish into
nothingness, crushed by your force,

afraid the river will overflow, the sun
will fall, my head explode, dreams
will die, fear is larger, like the world.
Gemeente Rotterdam
Nederlands Letterenfonds
Stichting Van Beuningen Peterich-fonds
Prins Bernhard cultuurfonds
Lira fonds
J.E. Jurriaanse
Gefinancierd door de Europese Unie
Elise Mathilde Fonds
Stichting Verzameling van Wijngaarden-Boot
LantarenVenster – Verhalenhuis Belvédère