Poetry International Poetry International

Farhad Showghi

'I am well disposed towards things'

I am well disposed towards things that are most easily open to all sides, so do not soon disappear or become hard to say, quickly squandered in a different light. Daylight must necessarily be an option. View of the things may then be a limitation. To the point of docile juxtaposition along the street. I see how the neighbours noticeably step out of their houses without needing to extend beyond the word neighbour. This feeling will find its expression in the surroundings and will connect with sequences of walking, with different buses and bags, almost spaciously. If one of them wants to be more insistent, he goes back into the garden to the snowberry bush. If I let myself be encouraged by this, visibly bend down for a moment, tie my life-sized shoelaces, then I too will have touched myself up. In the end I come to my thoughts as on other days. And wear a jacket. Am already in the course of being somewhere in closest proximity.

'Ik ben zeer te spreken over iets'

Ik ben zeer te spreken over iets dat het makkelijkst naar alle kanten open is, dus niet meteen weg of moeilijk te zeggen, snel te verkwisten in een ander licht. Daglicht zal onvermijdelijk in aanmerking komen. Zicht op de dingen mag dan gerust een beperking zijn. Tot op het bereidwillige naast elkaar langs de straat. Ik zie hoe de buren merkbaar uit hun huizen komen, zonder meer dan het woord buur te moeten zijn. Dit gevoel zal in de omgeving zijn uitdrukking vinden en aansluiting met loopsequenties, met verschillende struiken en draagtassen, weids haast. Wil iemand nu indringender worden, gaat hij terug de tuin in naar de sneeuwbessenstruik. Als ik me hierdoor laat aanvuren, zichtbaar snel buk, nog levensgroot mijn veters strik, heb ik me ook opgefrist. Ik kom eindelijk tot mijn gedachten zoals ’s anderendaags. En draag een jas. Ben al bezig in onmiddellijke nabijheid op één plek te zijn.



'Gut bin ich auf etwas zu sprechen'

Gut bin ich auf etwas zu sprechen, das am leichtesten nach allen Seiten offen ist, also nicht gleich wieder weg oder schwer zu sagen, schnell zu verjubeln in einem anderen Licht. Tageshelle muss zwangsläufig infrage kommen. Sicht auf die Dinge darf dann ruhig eine Begrenzung sein. Bis hin zum fügsamen Nebeneinander entlang der Straße. Ich sehe, wie die Nachbarn merklich aus den Häusern treten, ohne über das Wort Nachbar hinaus wirken zu müssen. Dieses Gefühl wird in der Umgebung seinen Ausdruck finden und Anschluss an Gangsequenzen, mit verschiedenen Büschen und Tragetaschen, weiträumig fast. Will einer jetzt eindringlicher werden, geht er zurück in den Garten zum Schneebeerenstrauch. Wenn ich mich hiervon anfeuern lasse, sichtlich kurz bücke, noch in Lebensgröße die Schuhe binde, habe ich mich auch frisch gemacht. Ich komme schließlich auf meine Gedanken wie anderntags. Und trage eine Jacke. Bin schon dabei, in nächster Nähe an einer Stelle zu sein.


'I am well disposed towards things'

I am well disposed towards things that are most easily open to all sides, so do not soon disappear or become hard to say, quickly squandered in a different light. Daylight must necessarily be an option. View of the things may then be a limitation. To the point of docile juxtaposition along the street. I see how the neighbours noticeably step out of their houses without needing to extend beyond the word neighbour. This feeling will find its expression in the surroundings and will connect with sequences of walking, with different buses and bags, almost spaciously. If one of them wants to be more insistent, he goes back into the garden to the snowberry bush. If I let myself be encouraged by this, visibly bend down for a moment, tie my life-sized shoelaces, then I too will have touched myself up. In the end I come to my thoughts as on other days. And wear a jacket. Am already in the course of being somewhere in closest proximity.

'I am well disposed towards things'

I am well disposed towards things that are most easily open to all sides, so do not soon disappear or become hard to say, quickly squandered in a different light. Daylight must necessarily be an option. View of the things may then be a limitation. To the point of docile juxtaposition along the street. I see how the neighbours noticeably step out of their houses without needing to extend beyond the word neighbour. This feeling will find its expression in the surroundings and will connect with sequences of walking, with different buses and bags, almost spaciously. If one of them wants to be more insistent, he goes back into the garden to the snowberry bush. If I let myself be encouraged by this, visibly bend down for a moment, tie my life-sized shoelaces, then I too will have touched myself up. In the end I come to my thoughts as on other days. And wear a jacket. Am already in the course of being somewhere in closest proximity.

Gemeente Rotterdam
Nederlands Letterenfonds
Stichting Van Beuningen Peterich-fonds
Prins Bernhard cultuurfonds
Lira fonds
J.E. Jurriaanse
Gefinancierd door de Europese Unie
Elise Mathilde Fonds
Stichting Verzameling van Wijngaarden-Boot
LantarenVenster – Verhalenhuis Belvédère