Poetry International Poetry International

Bernke Klein Zandvoort


this is what I came across today

two fork tines, nine dog ends
in amongst the wall grass, half a bar code
how rain fell into a fountain and something
that I would later define as blossom gum
walked along a few blocks under shoes
the enchantment of a thumb and forefinger
still palpable in a pinch of tobacco
a new housing estate erupting like milk teeth 
from the sand, a deflated 8 (or the sign for infinity)

fragments of lives are gathered in my bag

on the way to the hereafter, in graves they found
tiny hoes, a comb, a blue-print
of a face, to be hammered out on arrival

in this life, I spend every day cleaning up faces into emoticons
sending my questions through the nine stomachs of Google

learning that there are buildings designed with the ruins they will become in mind
that discovering once meant removing your hat

I put things into words, bags that are too small



dit is wat ik vandaag tegenkwam

twee tanden van een vork, negen peuken
tussen gevelgras, een halve streepjescode
hoe er regen viel in een fontein en iets
wat ik later zou definiëren als bloesemplak
een paar straten onder schoenen meegenomen
de bezieling van een duim en wijsvinger
nog voelbaar in een plukje shag
een nieuwe woonwijk als een opkomend melkgebit
uit het zand, een leeggelopen 8 (of het teken voor oneindig)

fragmenten van levens bracht ik samen in mijn tas

op de weg naar het hiernamaals werden in graven
kleine schoffels gevonden, een kam, een bouwplaat
van een gezicht om het bij aankomst uit te deuken

in dit leven schoon ik elke dag gezichten tot emoticons
stuur mijn vragen door de negen magen van Google

leer dat er gebouwen zijn ontworpen naar de ruïne die ze zullen worden
dat ontdekken eerst je hoed afnemen was

stop ik dingen in woorden, te kleine tassen



this is what I came across today

two fork tines, nine dog ends
in amongst the wall grass, half a bar code
how rain fell into a fountain and something
that I would later define as blossom gum
walked along a few blocks under shoes
the enchantment of a thumb and forefinger
still palpable in a pinch of tobacco
a new housing estate erupting like milk teeth 
from the sand, a deflated 8 (or the sign for infinity)

fragments of lives are gathered in my bag

on the way to the hereafter, in graves they found
tiny hoes, a comb, a blue-print
of a face, to be hammered out on arrival

in this life, I spend every day cleaning up faces into emoticons
sending my questions through the nine stomachs of Google

learning that there are buildings designed with the ruins they will become in mind
that discovering once meant removing your hat

I put things into words, bags that are too small


this is what I came across today

two fork tines, nine dog ends
in amongst the wall grass, half a bar code
how rain fell into a fountain and something
that I would later define as blossom gum
walked along a few blocks under shoes
the enchantment of a thumb and forefinger
still palpable in a pinch of tobacco
a new housing estate erupting like milk teeth 
from the sand, a deflated 8 (or the sign for infinity)

fragments of lives are gathered in my bag

on the way to the hereafter, in graves they found
tiny hoes, a comb, a blue-print
of a face, to be hammered out on arrival

in this life, I spend every day cleaning up faces into emoticons
sending my questions through the nine stomachs of Google

learning that there are buildings designed with the ruins they will become in mind
that discovering once meant removing your hat

I put things into words, bags that are too small

Gemeente Rotterdam
Nederlands Letterenfonds
Stichting Van Beuningen Peterich-fonds
Prins Bernhard cultuurfonds
Lira fonds
J.E. Jurriaanse
Gefinancierd door de Europese Unie
Elise Mathilde Fonds
Stichting Verzameling van Wijngaarden-Boot
LantarenVenster – Verhalenhuis Belvédère