Vanessa Kisuule
Uiteindelijk was je zo om.Een rechtvaardige ruk aan twee touwen in een grand plié.
Even vloog je,
maakte een boogje, toen smakte je tegen de grond
met het gekletter van een speelgoedpistool, kleingeld,
We juichten als bezetenen.
Staande ovatie op het podium van je nek.
Punkballet. Eerste akte.
Het begint nog maar net.
En wie heeft je gehouwen,
zoveel zorg besteed aan die rustende kin en statige houding?
Wijs en rechtschapen, aldus de plaquette
Overwinnaars hebben hun geschiedenis graag stil en netjes
maar de geschiedenis is een slinkse maîtresse,
sliert als rook, Colston,
als speeksel in een hongerige mond.
Dit is je waar je thuishoort,
hier beneden, tussen de puinhopen
waar we allemaal rondlopen.
Voer je verknipte glorie maar aan de kikkervisjes.
Tieners zullen rappen op je gesyncopeerde plons.
Ik denk aan je op de bodem van die haven
tussen de gruwelen die je baarde.
Geen gedicht had het bondiger kunnen zeggen.
En toch
ben jij er
voor altijd.
Jij die de ideale verhoudingen afpaste.
Bloed tot suiker tot geld tot bakstenen.
In elk protspand waar we mee pronken
spoken de knoken.
Kinderen leren en titanen zingen
onder de koppige roest van je naam.
Maar door de lucht pulseert zacht iets nieuws.
Voel je het ook?
Colston, ik krijg je geluid maar niet uit mijn hoofd.
Keer op keer ben ik langs je sokkel gelopen,
jij massief dreigement van marmer en metaal.
Maar toen je neerkwam brak er een stuk van je af
sprong weg
en van binnen
alleen maar lucht.
Al die tijd
was je hol.
© Vertaling: 2021, Jeske van der Velden
You came down easy in the endthe righteous wrench of two ropes in a grand plie
briefly, you flew
corkscrewed, then met the ground
with the clang of toy guns, loose change
a rain of cheers.
Standing ovation on the platform of your neck
punk ballet. Act 1.
there is more to come.
And who carved you?
They took such care with that stately pose and propped chin.
Wise and virtuous the plaque assured us.
Victors wish history odourless and static
but history is a sneaky mistress
moves like smoke, Colston,
like saliva in a hungry mouth.
This is your rightful home
here, in the pit of chaos with the rest of us.
Take your twisted glory and feed it to the tadpoles.
Kids will write raps to that syncopated splash.
I think of you lying in that harbour
with the horrors you hosted.
There is no poem more succinct than that.
But still
are permanent.
You who perfected the ratio.
Blood to sugar to money to bricks.
Each bougie building we flaunt
haunted by bones.
Children learn and titans sing
under the stubborn rust of your name.
But the air is gently throbbing with newness.
Can you feel it?
Colston, I can’t get the sound of you from my head.
Countless times I passed that plinth
its heavy threat of metal and marble.
But as you landed a piece of you fell off
broke away
and inside
nothing but air.
This whole time
You were hollow.
© 2021, Vanessa Kisuule

Vanessa Kisuule
(United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, 1991)
Vanessa Kisuule is a writer and performer who has become well-known both as a slam poet and as author of her two poetry collections. Her poem Hollow, about the toppling of the statue of the 17th century slaver Edward Colston, went viral in under three days. As winner of ten slam titles, the official poet of Glastonbury festival, and poet laureate of Bristol (2018-2020), Kisuule has seen many st...
Poems of Vanessa Kisuule
You came down easy in the endthe righteous wrench of two ropes in a grand plie
briefly, you flew
corkscrewed, then met the ground
with the clang of toy guns, loose change
a rain of cheers.
Standing ovation on the platform of your neck
punk ballet. Act 1.
there is more to come.
And who carved you?
They took such care with that stately pose and propped chin.
Wise and virtuous the plaque assured us.
Victors wish history odourless and static
but history is a sneaky mistress
moves like smoke, Colston,
like saliva in a hungry mouth.
This is your rightful home
here, in the pit of chaos with the rest of us.
Take your twisted glory and feed it to the tadpoles.
Kids will write raps to that syncopated splash.
I think of you lying in that harbour
with the horrors you hosted.
There is no poem more succinct than that.
But still
are permanent.
You who perfected the ratio.
Blood to sugar to money to bricks.
Each bougie building we flaunt
haunted by bones.
Children learn and titans sing
under the stubborn rust of your name.
But the air is gently throbbing with newness.
Can you feel it?
Colston, I can’t get the sound of you from my head.
Countless times I passed that plinth
its heavy threat of metal and marble.
But as you landed a piece of you fell off
broke away
and inside
nothing but air.
This whole time
You were hollow.

LantarenVenster – Verhalenhuis Belvédère