Poetry International Poetry International

Babs Gons


Sometimes you just want to lay your head down
on the earth,
raise your fist to the sky,
let the tears fall and say:
Is it because I am black, white, female,
too tall, too small, too big,
too sweet, naughty,
because I'm ugly, honest,
direct, poetic, eloquent,
too visible, invisible,
misunderstood, praised,
poor, proud,
unapologetic and confrontational?
That's why, right!

And the earth pushes you up
with her soft hands,
kisses you on the cheek and whispers:
It's because you are so very human.
Not too much, not too little, human enough.
Just as human as other human beings.
Just right. 



Soms wil je gewoon je hoofd op de aarde leggen,
je vuist naar de hemel heffen,
de tranen laten komen en zeggen:
het is zeker omdat ik zwart, wit, vrouw,
dik, dun, te groot, te klein,
te lief, onaardig,
omdat ik lelijk, eerlijk,
direct, poëtisch, welbespraakt,
te zichtbaar, onzichtbaar,
onbegrepen, geprezen
arm, trots en confronterend ben?
Daarom zeker!

En dat de aarde je dan met haar zachte handen
heel voorzichtig omhoog duwt,
je op de wang kust en fluistert;
het is omdat je zo ontzettend mens bent.
Niet te veel, niet te weinig, gewoon genoeg mens.
Net zo mens als andere mensen.
Precies goed.


Sometimes you just want to lay your head down
on the earth,
raise your fist to the sky,
let the tears fall and say:
Is it because I am black, white, female,
too tall, too small, too big,
too sweet, naughty,
because I'm ugly, honest,
direct, poetic, eloquent,
too visible, invisible,
misunderstood, praised,
poor, proud,
unapologetic and confrontational?
That's why, right!

And the earth pushes you up
with her soft hands,
kisses you on the cheek and whispers:
It's because you are so very human.
Not too much, not too little, human enough.
Just as human as other human beings.
Just right. 


Sometimes you just want to lay your head down
on the earth,
raise your fist to the sky,
let the tears fall and say:
Is it because I am black, white, female,
too tall, too small, too big,
too sweet, naughty,
because I'm ugly, honest,
direct, poetic, eloquent,
too visible, invisible,
misunderstood, praised,
poor, proud,
unapologetic and confrontational?
That's why, right!

And the earth pushes you up
with her soft hands,
kisses you on the cheek and whispers:
It's because you are so very human.
Not too much, not too little, human enough.
Just as human as other human beings.
Just right. 
Gemeente Rotterdam
Nederlands Letterenfonds
Stichting Van Beuningen Peterich-fonds
Prins Bernhard cultuurfonds
Lira fonds
J.E. Jurriaanse
Gefinancierd door de Europese Unie
Elise Mathilde Fonds
Stichting Verzameling van Wijngaarden-Boot
LantarenVenster – Verhalenhuis Belvédère