Poetry International Poetry International

Anzhelina Polonskaya


For the earth, what’s a body
but an excuse to cover
and hide leaves, snows
and forgetting beneath a veil?
Cease to be.

At dawn the birds cry
over every dying thing,
over ugliness and beauty.
At dawn they cry and dance.

O, heart, why do you kneel?
As if begging for alms.
You’ll be burned, your ash scattered,
no one will remember you.

And my heart responds:
“A burn from your shoulder remains
on my shoulder.”
An alien heart, the sun growing cold.



Что тело для земли,
как не повод укрыть
и спрятать  под покровом
листвы, снегов, забвения –
Не быть.

Любая птица плачет на заре
о каждом, кто ляжет белой костью,
о красоте и об юродстве.
И плачет, и танцует  на заре.

Зачем ты стало, сердце, на колени?
И просишь милостыню словно.
Тебя сожгут, и прах развеют –
Никто не вспомнит.

И отвечает сердце мне:
«Ожог от твоего плеча остался
на моём плече.»
Чужое сердце, стынущее солнце.


For the earth, what’s a body
but an excuse to cover
and hide leaves, snows
and forgetting beneath a veil?
Cease to be.

At dawn the birds cry
over every dying thing,
over ugliness and beauty.
At dawn they cry and dance.

O, heart, why do you kneel?
As if begging for alms.
You’ll be burned, your ash scattered,
no one will remember you.

And my heart responds:
“A burn from your shoulder remains
on my shoulder.”
An alien heart, the sun growing cold.


For the earth, what’s a body
but an excuse to cover
and hide leaves, snows
and forgetting beneath a veil?
Cease to be.

At dawn the birds cry
over every dying thing,
over ugliness and beauty.
At dawn they cry and dance.

O, heart, why do you kneel?
As if begging for alms.
You’ll be burned, your ash scattered,
no one will remember you.

And my heart responds:
“A burn from your shoulder remains
on my shoulder.”
An alien heart, the sun growing cold.
Gemeente Rotterdam
Nederlands Letterenfonds
Stichting Van Beuningen Peterich-fonds
Prins Bernhard cultuurfonds
Lira fonds
J.E. Jurriaanse
Gefinancierd door de Europese Unie
Elise Mathilde Fonds
Stichting Verzameling van Wijngaarden-Boot
LantarenVenster – Verhalenhuis Belvédère