Poetry International Poetry International

Maartje Smits


the boundary between non-human and human animals is being undermined and Bruno Latour is throwing a party
non-human animals are hobby animals and domestic animals production animals and laboratory animals wild animals prey animals Disney animals pest animals decoy animals ornamental animals coveted animals pets molluscs fantastic animals hybrid mythological commercial animals amphibians trunked animals and mammals pedigree animals freshwater animals crustaceans beasts reptiles insects reindeer songbirds great apes poster animals protected species saved species resilient animals unknown animals undiscovered animals no one will ever see now symbolic animals bipeds quadrupeds wildlife fund oil company tech start-up logo animals rational animals hoofed animals pack animals scavenging animals cattle and the anxious winged animals on the other side
the other side where it is getting hotter and the human animals take off a layer they sweat glaciers and mountains but no one dares admit that there are forest fires sticking in their armpits and the little ones are excreting fish in bed they guard the boundary and condemn anything that crawls across



er wordt gegraven onder de grens tussen niet-menselijke en menselijke dieren en Bruno Latour geeft een feestje

niet-menselijke dieren zijn hobbydieren en gezelschapsdieren productiedieren en proefdieren wilde dieren prooidieren Disneydieren plaagdieren lokdieren sierdieren wensdieren huisdieren weekdieren fantasiedieren hybride mythologische commerciële dieren amfibieën slurfdieren en zoogdieren rasdieren zoetwaterdieren schaaldieren ondieren reptielen insecten rendieren zangvogels mensapen posterdieren beschermde dieren geredde dieren zelfredzame dieren onbekende dieren onontdekte dieren dieren die niemand ooit nog ziet symbolische dieren tweevoeters viervoeters logodieren voor natuurfondsen oliemaatschappijen start-ups in de techsector logische dieren hoefdieren lastdieren aasdieren vee en de angstige gevleugelden van de overkant

de overkant waar het warmer wordt en de menselijke dieren iets uittrekken ze zweten gletsjers en bergen maar niemand durft toe te geven dat er bosbrandjes in zijn oksels kleven en de jonkies vis uitscheiden in bed ze bewaken de grens en veroordelen alles wat over kruipt


the boundary between non-human and human animals is being undermined and Bruno Latour is throwing a party
non-human animals are hobby animals and domestic animals production animals and laboratory animals wild animals prey animals Disney animals pest animals decoy animals ornamental animals coveted animals pets molluscs fantastic animals hybrid mythological commercial animals amphibians trunked animals and mammals pedigree animals freshwater animals crustaceans beasts reptiles insects reindeer songbirds great apes poster animals protected species saved species resilient animals unknown animals undiscovered animals no one will ever see now symbolic animals bipeds quadrupeds wildlife fund oil company tech start-up logo animals rational animals hoofed animals pack animals scavenging animals cattle and the anxious winged animals on the other side
the other side where it is getting hotter and the human animals take off a layer they sweat glaciers and mountains but no one dares admit that there are forest fires sticking in their armpits and the little ones are excreting fish in bed they guard the boundary and condemn anything that crawls across


the boundary between non-human and human animals is being undermined and Bruno Latour is throwing a party
non-human animals are hobby animals and domestic animals production animals and laboratory animals wild animals prey animals Disney animals pest animals decoy animals ornamental animals coveted animals pets molluscs fantastic animals hybrid mythological commercial animals amphibians trunked animals and mammals pedigree animals freshwater animals crustaceans beasts reptiles insects reindeer songbirds great apes poster animals protected species saved species resilient animals unknown animals undiscovered animals no one will ever see now symbolic animals bipeds quadrupeds wildlife fund oil company tech start-up logo animals rational animals hoofed animals pack animals scavenging animals cattle and the anxious winged animals on the other side
the other side where it is getting hotter and the human animals take off a layer they sweat glaciers and mountains but no one dares admit that there are forest fires sticking in their armpits and the little ones are excreting fish in bed they guard the boundary and condemn anything that crawls across
Gemeente Rotterdam
Nederlands Letterenfonds
Stichting Van Beuningen Peterich-fonds
Prins Bernhard cultuurfonds
Lira fonds
J.E. Jurriaanse
Gefinancierd door de Europese Unie
Elise Mathilde Fonds
Stichting Verzameling van Wijngaarden-Boot
LantarenVenster – Verhalenhuis Belvédère