Zheng Xiaoqiong
I remember iron, iron that rusted over timepale red or dark brown, tears in a furnace fire
I remember the distracted, exhausted eyes above the workstations
their gazes were small and trivial, small as a gradual furnace fire
their depression and distress, and a tiny bit of hope
are lit up by the flames, unfold, on white blueprints
or between the red lines of a traditional painting, by the meager monthly wages
and a gradually exhausted heart –
I remember their faces, their wild eyes and subtle trembling
their calloused fingers, their rough and simple lives
I say quietly: they are me, I am them
our grief and pain and hope are kept silent and forbearing
our confessions and hearts and loves are all in tears,
all is as silent and lonely as iron, or as pain
I say, in the vast crowds, we are all alike
we all love and hate, we all breathe, we all have noble spirits
we all have unyielding loneliness and compassion!
© Translation: 2019, Eleanor Goodman
Ik herinner me dat ijzer, het ijzer dat met de tijd verroesttelichtrood of donkerbruin, tranen in het vuur van een kachel
Ik herinner me de afwezige, vermoeide ogen bij de machinetafels
Hun blik was onbeduidend, minuscuul, klein als een langzaam vuurtje
Hun ellende en zorgen, en nog een beetje, een heel klein beetje hoop
lichtten op in het schijnsel van het vuur, zich ontvouwend, op witte bouwtekeningen
of tussen de rode lijnen van traditionele tekeningen, naast het magere maandsalaris
en een innerlijk dat met de dag vermoeider raakt
Ik herinner me hun gezichten, hun troebele blik, hun minieme rillingen
hun vingers met eelt, hun eenvoudige, ruwe leven
Ik fluister: zij zijn ik, ik ben hen
Ons verdriet, onze pijn en hoop worden verzwegen en lijdzaam gedragen
wat we op ons hart hebben, onze diepste gevoelens en onze liefde zijn in tranen,
allemaal zijn ze even stil en verlaten als ijzer, of pijn
Ik zeg: in de immense massa zijn we allemaal gelijk
we kennen liefde en haat, halen adem, hebben een nobele geest,
net zoals onbuigzame eenzaamheid en medeleven!
© Vertaling: 2019, Silvia Marijnissen
© 2019, Zheng Xiaoqiong
From: Female Migrant Workers: An Archive
Publisher: Huacheng chuban she, Beijing
From: Female Migrant Workers: An Archive
Publisher: Huacheng chuban she, Beijing
Poems of Zheng Xiaoqiong
I remember iron, iron that rusted over timepale red or dark brown, tears in a furnace fire
I remember the distracted, exhausted eyes above the workstations
their gazes were small and trivial, small as a gradual furnace fire
their depression and distress, and a tiny bit of hope
are lit up by the flames, unfold, on white blueprints
or between the red lines of a traditional painting, by the meager monthly wages
and a gradually exhausted heart –
I remember their faces, their wild eyes and subtle trembling
their calloused fingers, their rough and simple lives
I say quietly: they are me, I am them
our grief and pain and hope are kept silent and forbearing
our confessions and hearts and loves are all in tears,
all is as silent and lonely as iron, or as pain
I say, in the vast crowds, we are all alike
we all love and hate, we all breathe, we all have noble spirits
we all have unyielding loneliness and compassion!
© 2019, Eleanor Goodman
From: Female Migrant Workers: An Archive
From: Female Migrant Workers: An Archive
I remember iron, iron that rusted over timepale red or dark brown, tears in a furnace fire
I remember the distracted, exhausted eyes above the workstations
their gazes were small and trivial, small as a gradual furnace fire
their depression and distress, and a tiny bit of hope
are lit up by the flames, unfold, on white blueprints
or between the red lines of a traditional painting, by the meager monthly wages
and a gradually exhausted heart –
I remember their faces, their wild eyes and subtle trembling
their calloused fingers, their rough and simple lives
I say quietly: they are me, I am them
our grief and pain and hope are kept silent and forbearing
our confessions and hearts and loves are all in tears,
all is as silent and lonely as iron, or as pain
I say, in the vast crowds, we are all alike
we all love and hate, we all breathe, we all have noble spirits
we all have unyielding loneliness and compassion!
© 2019, Eleanor Goodman

LantarenVenster – Verhalenhuis Belvédère