Poetry International Poetry International

Péter Závada

Family album


It’s not the generosity, but the sense of proportion
you find surprising, the sun scattering its light
and shadows before you:
two kinds of seeds for the hungry birds.

Like an arrowhead, you’re yanked out
of observation – you find yourself
amid the darkening murmur. The night takes one last
deep breath, pulling away from the shore
before overflowing.


Breakaway days, cast out of
the continuity of our plans,
in the blindspot of our foresight: such was August,
the summer’s singeing our fingertips.

You can hear the trees sobbing in the garden,
their unmistakable counterpoint
knocking on the windowpane: the bony fingers
of departed grandparents –
no one gave them keys when they changed the locks.


The shadow of the word is an imagined space
the shape of the floating
blocking out the light.

flee the page
like little black earwigs,
chewing holes in the eardrums,
nesting in the brain
– their chorus never more to stop.


There’s nothing for it but
to move into this freefall
and inhabit its
accelerating floors.

We stripped off the plaster
of hollow talk to find ourselves
face to face with our forgotten selves
walled into each other.


The sponges of our eyeballs - soak the view
in colour and form:
cut-out shapes where the things should be.
Like stickers into an album –
what’ll you paste in them?


Where’s your handicapped brother?
On the patio? Who left him out there
in the rain?
No one thought to bring him in
he just sits there, rain falling
in his mouth, like a fountain,
birds drinking from it.



Niet haar gulheid, veeleer haar gevoel
voor proportie verrast je wanneer de zon
haar licht en haar schaduwen voor je uitstrooit:
twee soorten zaad voor hongerige vogels.

Als een pijlpunt word je weggerukt
uit de contemplatie, plotseling wordt het donker
en druist het om je heen. De nacht haalt nog een keer
diep adem en trekt zich terug van de kust
voordat hij overstroomt.


Losgebroken dagen, verstoten
uit de continuïteit van onze plannen, in de dode hoek
van ons gezichtsveld: dit was augustus,
de zomer haalt ons in.

Uit de tuin klinkt het gesnik van de bomen,
hun nergens mee te verwarren canon
tikt tegen de ruit: knokige vingers
van dode grootouders die geen sleutel
hebben gekregen van de nieuwe sloten.


De schaduw van het woord is een denkbeeldige plaats,
de zwevende gestalte
dekt het licht af.

De zinnen schieten
als zwarte oorwurmen
van het papier,
knagen een gat in het trommelvlies
en nestelen zich in het brein
– het getjirp zal nooit meer ophouden.


Er blijft niets anders over
dan onze intrek te nemen in deze vrijeval
en het ons comfortabel te maken
in de steeds snellere verdiepingen.

De pleisterlaag van lege praat
is weggeslagen zodat we daaronder
ons vergeten zelf aantreffen
in elkaar vastgemetseld.


De oogbollen zijn sponzen die de aanblik
opzuigen, met zijn kleuren en vormen:
op de plaats van de voorwerpen blijven uitgesneden sjablonen.
Wat plak je erin,
als stickers in een album?


Waar is je gehandicapte broertje?
Op de veranda? Wie heeft hem daar achtergelaten
terwijl de hemel naar beneden komt?
Niemand heeft hem naar binnen gebracht,
hij zit er maar en de regen
druppelt in zijn mond, vogels drinken eruit
als was die een fontein.

Családi album


Korántsem bőkezűsége, inkább
arányérzéke lep meg, ahogy eléd
szórja fényét és árnyékait a nap:
kétféle magvat az éhes madaraknak.

Mint egy nyílhegyet, a szemlélődésből
valami kiránt, a sötétedő morajlásban
találod magad. Az éjszaka még egyszer
nagy levegőt vesz, a parttól visszahúzódik,
mielőtt kiáradna.


Szakadár napok, kitaszítva terveink
folytonosságából, előrelátásunk
holtterében: ez volt az augusztus,
körmünkre ég a nyár.

A fák zokogása a kertből behallatszik,
összetéveszthetetlen kánonjuk
az ablaküvegen kopog: halott nagyszülők
csontos ujjai, akiknek a lecserélt
zárakhoz senki nem adott kulcsot.


A szó árnyéka elképzelt hely,
a lebegés alakja a fényt

A mondatok,
mint fekete fülbemászók,
a papírról eliszkolnak,
lukat rágnak a dobhártyán,
az agyban fészket raknak,
– sose hallgat el többé a ciripelés.


Nincs más hátra,
mint beköltözni ebbe a zuhanásba,
belakni egyre gyorsuló

Az üres beszéd vakolatát
levertük, hogy alatta elfeledett
énünkkel találjuk magunkat
szembe, egymásba falazottan.


A szemgolyók szivacsai felitatják
a látványt színeivel, formáival:
a tárgyak helyén kivágott sablonok.
Mint matricákat egy albumba
– mit ragasztasz beléjük?


Hol a fogyatékos öcséd?
A verandán? Ki hagyta kint,
miközben leszakadt az ég?
Senkinek nem jutott eszébe
behozni, csak ül, és az eső
a szájába esik, mint egy szökőkútból,
szájából madarak isznak.

Family album


It’s not the generosity, but the sense of proportion
you find surprising, the sun scattering its light
and shadows before you:
two kinds of seeds for the hungry birds.

Like an arrowhead, you’re yanked out
of observation – you find yourself
amid the darkening murmur. The night takes one last
deep breath, pulling away from the shore
before overflowing.


Breakaway days, cast out of
the continuity of our plans,
in the blindspot of our foresight: such was August,
the summer’s singeing our fingertips.

You can hear the trees sobbing in the garden,
their unmistakable counterpoint
knocking on the windowpane: the bony fingers
of departed grandparents –
no one gave them keys when they changed the locks.


The shadow of the word is an imagined space
the shape of the floating
blocking out the light.

flee the page
like little black earwigs,
chewing holes in the eardrums,
nesting in the brain
– their chorus never more to stop.


There’s nothing for it but
to move into this freefall
and inhabit its
accelerating floors.

We stripped off the plaster
of hollow talk to find ourselves
face to face with our forgotten selves
walled into each other.


The sponges of our eyeballs - soak the view
in colour and form:
cut-out shapes where the things should be.
Like stickers into an album –
what’ll you paste in them?


Where’s your handicapped brother?
On the patio? Who left him out there
in the rain?
No one thought to bring him in
he just sits there, rain falling
in his mouth, like a fountain,
birds drinking from it.

Family album


It’s not the generosity, but the sense of proportion
you find surprising, the sun scattering its light
and shadows before you:
two kinds of seeds for the hungry birds.

Like an arrowhead, you’re yanked out
of observation – you find yourself
amid the darkening murmur. The night takes one last
deep breath, pulling away from the shore
before overflowing.


Breakaway days, cast out of
the continuity of our plans,
in the blindspot of our foresight: such was August,
the summer’s singeing our fingertips.

You can hear the trees sobbing in the garden,
their unmistakable counterpoint
knocking on the windowpane: the bony fingers
of departed grandparents –
no one gave them keys when they changed the locks.


The shadow of the word is an imagined space
the shape of the floating
blocking out the light.

flee the page
like little black earwigs,
chewing holes in the eardrums,
nesting in the brain
– their chorus never more to stop.


There’s nothing for it but
to move into this freefall
and inhabit its
accelerating floors.

We stripped off the plaster
of hollow talk to find ourselves
face to face with our forgotten selves
walled into each other.


The sponges of our eyeballs - soak the view
in colour and form:
cut-out shapes where the things should be.
Like stickers into an album –
what’ll you paste in them?


Where’s your handicapped brother?
On the patio? Who left him out there
in the rain?
No one thought to bring him in
he just sits there, rain falling
in his mouth, like a fountain,
birds drinking from it.
Gemeente Rotterdam
Nederlands Letterenfonds
Stichting Van Beuningen Peterich-fonds
Prins Bernhard cultuurfonds
Lira fonds
J.E. Jurriaanse
Gefinancierd door de Europese Unie
Elise Mathilde Fonds
Stichting Verzameling van Wijngaarden-Boot
LantarenVenster – Verhalenhuis Belvédère