Poetry International Poetry International

Jike Bu

One flower one world

Along the brilliantly climbing vine, splendid, is the flower of prophecy.
Nourished by the rain and dew, it looks charming, enchanting,
catching every eye. But the flower outside this season
remains silent. It’s intense in a quiet way,
it faces the wind, embracing another kind of spring
in its mysteriously far-stretching chambers.

The shepherd girl is dreaming under a newly awakened tree.
A seemingly surreal twig on which the moon rises and sun sets,
what’s momentary intertwined with eternity. She lies there. She lies
on this cold, barren plateau,
bare and plain, utterly free, as if no one
can grasp this land more tightly than she, this land she dwells on.
No one has waited longer and witnessed this more than she has––
the bird that flies away early and the plant that flowers late.
This, and this only. All other encounters become meaningless.




One flower one world

Along the brilliantly climbing vine, splendid, is the flower of prophecy.
Nourished by the rain and dew, it looks charming, enchanting,
catching every eye. But the flower outside this season
remains silent. It’s intense in a quiet way,
it faces the wind, embracing another kind of spring
in its mysteriously far-stretching chambers.

The shepherd girl is dreaming under a newly awakened tree.
A seemingly surreal twig on which the moon rises and sun sets,
what’s momentary intertwined with eternity. She lies there. She lies
on this cold, barren plateau,
bare and plain, utterly free, as if no one
can grasp this land more tightly than she, this land she dwells on.
No one has waited longer and witnessed this more than she has––
the bird that flies away early and the plant that flowers late.
This, and this only. All other encounters become meaningless.

One flower one world

Along the brilliantly climbing vine, splendid, is the flower of prophecy.
Nourished by the rain and dew, it looks charming, enchanting,
catching every eye. But the flower outside this season
remains silent. It’s intense in a quiet way,
it faces the wind, embracing another kind of spring
in its mysteriously far-stretching chambers.

The shepherd girl is dreaming under a newly awakened tree.
A seemingly surreal twig on which the moon rises and sun sets,
what’s momentary intertwined with eternity. She lies there. She lies
on this cold, barren plateau,
bare and plain, utterly free, as if no one
can grasp this land more tightly than she, this land she dwells on.
No one has waited longer and witnessed this more than she has––
the bird that flies away early and the plant that flowers late.
This, and this only. All other encounters become meaningless.
Gemeente Rotterdam
Nederlands Letterenfonds
Stichting Van Beuningen Peterich-fonds
Prins Bernhard cultuurfonds
Lira fonds
J.E. Jurriaanse
Gefinancierd door de Europese Unie
Elise Mathilde Fonds
Stichting Verzameling van Wijngaarden-Boot
LantarenVenster – Verhalenhuis Belvédère