Poetry International Poetry International



half solar the other half
plunged in night that divides and fraternally shares two
scraps of the same idea:
round flattened at the poles insecure in its fall       
out of darkness

the pendular head sunk between shoulders
the orbit of the absurd fulfilling its incumbent curvature
wandering distorting the silent
clarity of hemispheres

festooned in eyes of beryl, orifices, surrounded
by visibilities
panoramas breaking off that linger
long afterwards, coiling 

a game of veiling and unveiling on the rooftop terrace
of events
where a tongue licks particles, proffers phrases
or the muteness of fireflies

but everything scatters from everything else
even though we thrust an arm into the void 
out from the center, it’s thwarted

and everything crashes, velocious 
mobile rewinding, an utter retroversion, and we can see
the camel of reason
pass through the eye of a needle 

and it snows in this geometry
resplendence really as though a flame were handed to us
to fill the darkness

this is how we are upon the the face of the earth
burning the weeds
burying the signs
tipping the sphere of thinking into the water

each year we go down a series of narrow paths
ever dimmer
inundated, sleep is submerged under nocturnal weight
the body shudders with anonymity

it’s in the calm of a room humming with death
that our sphere falls into its crowd of ghosts
the ceiling opens on the celestial fire
on a different, a singular clarity

and in this emptiness, this opening, in this
high burgeoning snowflake a magnolia blooms and blooms

the immense sequoia of the world retires
to its dominion
while dimensions of fear and crap cool in their own venue
the naked bulb in the middle of the ceiling

the orphan waves of the circuit breaker are hushed
in hidden complexities   
attend to fable-like vibrations beyond evidence

and the adagio that demolished the light
erupted in the heavy breath of alveoli
as a fragile star lit up in the blue
for a Percival with closed eyes


een helft zonnig de andere helft
diep binnen de nacht die broederlijk de twee stukken
verdeelt en deelt van hetzelfde idee:
rond afgeplat aan de polen onzeker in zijn val
door de duisternis

het pendelend hoofd gevat tussen schouders
volgt in de baan van het absurde de hem toegemeten kromming
dolend de stille helderheid
vertekenend van de halfronden

versierd met ogen, openingen, omringd
door zichtbaarheden
scheidt het panorama’s af die blijven drijven tot
veel later, kronkelig

je-ziet-me-wel je-ziet-me-niet spelend op het dakterras
van de evenementen
waar een tong partikels likt, spreekwijzen probeert
of de stomheid van glimwormen oefent

maar alles verwijdert zich van alles
hoe ver een arm van ons zich ook rekt naar het niets
vanuit het middelpunt, ontoereikend

en het alles neerstort, oorzaak
snel teruggespoeld, de hele band achterstevoren, en we
de kameel van het denkvermorgen zien gaan
door het oog van een naald

en het sneeuwt op deze geometrie
zo veel
schittert sterk alsof aan de handen een vuur
het duister komt verstrooien

zo zijn wij op het aangezicht van de aarde
de grassen verbrandend
de tekens begravend
de bol van het denken buigend naar het water

we bewegen langs jaar na jaar vervagende
kleine sporen
de slaap overspoelt dompelt onder met een nachtelijk gewicht
het lichaam beeft van naamloosheid

het is in de rust van een rumoerige gedoofde kamer
dat onze bol neerslaat in de menigte van zijn fantomen
het plafond gaat open naar de hemelse brand
de andere en enige klaarheid

en in deze leegte of openheid in deze
vergrote sneeuwvlok bloeit en bloeit een magnolia

de immense sequoia van de wereld keert in
tot de macht
terwijl de plek van de maten van de angsten en narigheden
afkoelt in de plafondlamp

in verborgen ingewikkeldheden bedaren de golven
verweesd van de zekering
veelvuldige fabelachtige trillingen buiten de waarneming
nemen af

en het adagio waarin het licht zich sloopte
is ontstoken in de diepe ademhaling van de longblaasjes
terwijl een broze ster oplicht in het blauw
voor een Parsifal met gesloten ogen


metade solar outra metade
adentrada na noite que divide e reparte irmãmente os dois
pedaços da mesma ideia:
redonda achatada nos polos insegura no seu tombo
escuridão afora

a cabeça pendular metida entre ombros
na órbita do absurdo a cumprir a curvatura que lhe cabe
errando distorcendo a silenciosa
nitidez dos hemisférios

enfeitada de gázeos, orifícios, rodeada
de visíveis
desprendem-se dela panoramas que flutuam até
muito depois, tortuosos

brincando de se mostrar de se encobrir na açoteia
dos eventos
onde uma língua lambe partículas, intenta locuções
ou a mudez dos vaga-lumes

mas tudo de tudo se afasta
por mais que um braço nosso se retese para o nada
partindo do centro, desalcançando

e o todo se despenhe, móbil
veloz rebobinado, o retroverso inteiro, e vejamos passar
pelo buraco de uma agulha o camelo
do raciocínio

e neva nesta geometria
resplandece muito como se às mãos um lume
viesse entreter as trevas

estamos assim sobre o rosto da terra
queimando as ervas
enterrando os sinais
inclinando a esfera do pensamento para a água

seguimos por pequenas pistas ano a ano
menos nítidas
o sono alaga submerge com um peso nocturno
o corpo treme de anonimato

é no sossego de um quarto extinto rumoroso
que a nossa esfera abate na mole dos seus fantasmas
o tecto abre ao incêndio celeste
a outra e à única claridade

e nesse vácuo ou abertura nesse
floco de neve ampliado uma magnólia floresce e floresce

a sequóia imensa do mundo recolhe
à potestade
enquanto o lugar das medidas dos medos e das merdas
arrefece na lâmpada do tecto

aquietam-se em ocultas complexidões as ondas
órfãs do disjuntor
frequentam vibrações fabulares exteriores à evidência
e o adágio em que demoliu a luz
acendeu na respiração profunda dos alvéolos
enquanto uma frágil estrela se acende no azul
para um Percival de olhos fechados


half solar the other half
plunged in night that divides and fraternally shares two
scraps of the same idea:
round flattened at the poles insecure in its fall       
out of darkness

the pendular head sunk between shoulders
the orbit of the absurd fulfilling its incumbent curvature
wandering distorting the silent
clarity of hemispheres

festooned in eyes of beryl, orifices, surrounded
by visibilities
panoramas breaking off that linger
long afterwards, coiling 

a game of veiling and unveiling on the rooftop terrace
of events
where a tongue licks particles, proffers phrases
or the muteness of fireflies

but everything scatters from everything else
even though we thrust an arm into the void 
out from the center, it’s thwarted

and everything crashes, velocious 
mobile rewinding, an utter retroversion, and we can see
the camel of reason
pass through the eye of a needle 

and it snows in this geometry
resplendence really as though a flame were handed to us
to fill the darkness

this is how we are upon the the face of the earth
burning the weeds
burying the signs
tipping the sphere of thinking into the water

each year we go down a series of narrow paths
ever dimmer
inundated, sleep is submerged under nocturnal weight
the body shudders with anonymity

it’s in the calm of a room humming with death
that our sphere falls into its crowd of ghosts
the ceiling opens on the celestial fire
on a different, a singular clarity

and in this emptiness, this opening, in this
high burgeoning snowflake a magnolia blooms and blooms

the immense sequoia of the world retires
to its dominion
while dimensions of fear and crap cool in their own venue
the naked bulb in the middle of the ceiling

the orphan waves of the circuit breaker are hushed
in hidden complexities   
attend to fable-like vibrations beyond evidence

and the adagio that demolished the light
erupted in the heavy breath of alveoli
as a fragile star lit up in the blue
for a Percival with closed eyes


half solar the other half
plunged in night that divides and fraternally shares two
scraps of the same idea:
round flattened at the poles insecure in its fall       
out of darkness

the pendular head sunk between shoulders
the orbit of the absurd fulfilling its incumbent curvature
wandering distorting the silent
clarity of hemispheres

festooned in eyes of beryl, orifices, surrounded
by visibilities
panoramas breaking off that linger
long afterwards, coiling 

a game of veiling and unveiling on the rooftop terrace
of events
where a tongue licks particles, proffers phrases
or the muteness of fireflies

but everything scatters from everything else
even though we thrust an arm into the void 
out from the center, it’s thwarted

and everything crashes, velocious 
mobile rewinding, an utter retroversion, and we can see
the camel of reason
pass through the eye of a needle 

and it snows in this geometry
resplendence really as though a flame were handed to us
to fill the darkness

this is how we are upon the the face of the earth
burning the weeds
burying the signs
tipping the sphere of thinking into the water

each year we go down a series of narrow paths
ever dimmer
inundated, sleep is submerged under nocturnal weight
the body shudders with anonymity

it’s in the calm of a room humming with death
that our sphere falls into its crowd of ghosts
the ceiling opens on the celestial fire
on a different, a singular clarity

and in this emptiness, this opening, in this
high burgeoning snowflake a magnolia blooms and blooms

the immense sequoia of the world retires
to its dominion
while dimensions of fear and crap cool in their own venue
the naked bulb in the middle of the ceiling

the orphan waves of the circuit breaker are hushed
in hidden complexities   
attend to fable-like vibrations beyond evidence

and the adagio that demolished the light
erupted in the heavy breath of alveoli
as a fragile star lit up in the blue
for a Percival with closed eyes
Gemeente Rotterdam
Nederlands Letterenfonds
Stichting Van Beuningen Peterich-fonds
Prins Bernhard cultuurfonds
Lira fonds
J.E. Jurriaanse
Gefinancierd door de Europese Unie
Elise Mathilde Fonds
Stichting Verzameling van Wijngaarden-Boot
LantarenVenster – Verhalenhuis Belvédère