Poetry International Poetry International

Mischa Andriessen


It amounts to nothing, this weight.
Inadvertently I’ve drifted from where
I became an unwitting witness learning
that everything that matters emerges
of itself with ease I bear the burden
of crown and trunk, knowing neither
hunger nor thirst, hiding
in the heart of flame and flower
to blossom in the fire, the sun will shine
at night, when there is no birdsong
the silence of the mountain will be even
deeper; I am here now, money in my pocket
not lacking anything I will stand
still on this stump forever
while the wood is being milled
sawdust becoming pulp feeding pride.

Behind the barn he remains motionless
in the father’s determined grip
a tipping point: Let him go, he won’t fall.
Soon when I dare to look
it will be the way he said it would
weakness and cowardice revealing themselves
nothing to yell and scream about
the father says, But still I wonder
if what I desire is in your power.

What does it amount to, this weight?
In itself, standing is effortless.
I grow easily naturally
until later a shadow joins me
containing so much it could not possibly
be produced by me alone.

He stands beside me.
What makes you think
you can do it now?

One after the other we squeeze
our eyes shut, turning
our backs on the father
who brought us here
promising not to go away
before one of us can no longer
stand on his own legs
it’s time to seize a stone
locate his temple, hit home
remaining steady from now on, regardless
of whether anyone is noticing
recognising the potential
of emptiness, an emptiness
that parts, not looking up
vacantly, the trembling reflection
in ditch water where nothing is left
of the one who was just here, someone
who is not indifferent, who like me
joins in, establishes, stands firm, perseveres
when weariness and weak will
present themselves, sharp beaks
hack unstitchable holes
in the skin, rainwater bird shit
dirties the view. However I knelt
she looked up, only then did the thought
take hold that there was no reason
I couldn’t have disappeared
stayed away, I followed him blindly, all that time
it turned out to just exist, I
saw it at once, recognised the story
forming around me
as I had been told, by him
who I myself – who I never recovered
endlessly followed, until I assumed position
and saw him acting out for me
that his hand found hers
then escaped, he feigned deafness
gripped her again, surprised
by the futility of her resistance, it was me
who took her quietly in my arms, swaddled
her then lay her carefully back down, rose
returned in the scorching silence
was shown my place
as if it had always only been me
who had stood here always only me alone
standing here, growing naturally
a looming shadow.


Her gift will turn out to be the ability to see
and keep looking, seeing what presents itself
with all her compassion and innocence
as if for the first, that moment
of recognition, revealing herself
with a gesture and I will patiently
wait until my outstretched arms
shoot and grow vine-wrapped
or empty, look away, go berserk
seek a stone and a temple, strike home.
Because this weight amounts to nothing.
He keeps this up effortlessly
seeing himself look up quivering, a child yet
in the blurring water in which form
is only presentation not representation, fabling
a father’s cry far overhead:
The body cannot be found
the birds circle for a time
above the thought and when
they are gone again, what must
have been there finally appears.
How the mirror then shatters open
she stares up and seems
almost alive in the water
that has demanded her hushed body.

Standing like this requires nothing, the crown
the trunk, what does it amount to?
an emptiness breaking free
for a change, he was never alone
standing here on his stump
still, resolute, ready to bleed
he tells me now, easy
it’s me, look.



Het stelt niets voor dit gewicht.
Achteloos ben ik weggedreven van waar
ik getuige werd ongewild leerde
dat alles van belang boven komt
vanzelf met gemak tors ik de last
van kroon en stam, ken honger
noch dorst, heb mezelf verborgen
in het hart van de vlammen en bloesem
zal bloeien in het vuur, de zon schijnen
in de avond, wanneer geen vogel zingt
zal de berg nog stiller zijn; ik ben nu hier
heb geld in mijn zak, geen gebrek aan niets
zal op deze stronk eindeloos stilstaan
terwijl het hout wordt verzaagd
zaagsel pulp wordt voer voor hoogmoed.

Achter de schuur blijft hij bewegingloos
in de vastbesloten greep van de vader
een keerwoord: Laat hem los en hij blijft staan.
Wanneer ik dadelijk durf te kijken
zal het zijn zoals hij heeft gezegd
wat laf is en zwak bekent zich vanzelf
geen reden om te schreeuwen
zegt de vader: Toch vraag ik me af
of wat ik verlang wel in je macht ligt?

Wat stelt het voor, dit gewicht?
Het staan op zich vraagt niets.
Ik groei zonder moeite uit mijzelf
tot straks een schemer aanschuift
die zoveel omvat dat hij onmogelijk
alleen door mij kan worden voortgebracht.

Hij staat naast me.
Wat doet je denken
dat je het nu wel kan?

Om beurten knijpen we
onze ogen dicht, draaien
onze ruggen naar de vader
die ons hier heeft gebracht
beloofd niet weg te gaan
eer een van ons niet meer
op zijn benen kan staan
het tijd is een steen te pakken
zijn slaap te vinden, toe te slaan
voortaan bestendig te blijven, ongeacht
of iemand het opmerkt
de potentie herkent
van de leegte, een leegte
die afwijkt, niet even wezenloos
opkijkt, het trillende spiegelbeeld
van boezemwater waarin niets nog
van wie daar zo-even, juist iemand
die niet onverschillig is, zoals ik
instapt, vaststelt, pal staat, doorzet
wanneer vermoeidheid en wilsgebrek
zich aandienen, scherpe snavels
niet te hechten gaten hakken
in de huid, regenwater vogelstront
de blik vervuilen. Hoe ik knielde
zij opkeek, in mij landde toen
eerst de gedachte dat er geen reden was
waarom ik niet had kunnen verdwijnen
wegblijven, ik hem redeloos volgde, al die tijd
het bleek zomaar te bestaan, ik
zag het meteen, herkende het verhaal
dat zich nu om mij vormde
zoals mij was gezegd, door hem
die ik zelf – die ik nooit meer terugkreeg
eindeloos naliep, tot ik mijn stek innam
en hem zag mij verbeeldend
dat zijn hand die van haar vond
toen ontvluchtte, hij zich doof hield
haar nog eens vast greep, zich verbaasde
over hoe futiel haar verzet, ik was het
die haar stil in mijn armen nam, bakerde
toen voorzichtig teruglegde, opstond
in de verzengende stilte weerkeerde
mijn plaats gewezen kreeg
alsof het altijd al alleen ik
was die hier had gestaan ik altijd al alleen
hier had gestaan, uit mezelf was gegroeid
een schemer die daar opdoemt.

Nog steeds?
Nog steeds.

Haar gave zal blijken het kunnen zien
en te blijven kijken, wat zich aandiende
met al haar erbarmen en onschuld te zien
alsof het voor het eerst, dat moment
van herkenning, zich bekennen
met een gebaar en ik zal geduldig
wachten tot mijn uitgestoken armen
uitlopen en omwingerd raken
of leeg zijn, weg kijken, amok maken
een steen en slaap zoeken, toeslaan.
Want het stelt niets voor zo’n gewicht.
Moeiteloos houdt hij dit vol
ziet zichzelf trillend opkijken, een kind nog
uit het doezelende water waarin vorm
niets voorstelt, alleen voorhoudt, fabelt
een vaderkreet ver boven hem:
Het lichaam kan niet worden gevonden
een poos cirkelen de vogels
waar het gedacht is en wanneer
ze weer weg zijn, verschijnt
wat daar moest zijn geweest.
Hoe dan de spiegel open splintert
zij opstaart en zo goed
als levend lijkt in het water
dat haar verstilde lijf heeft opgeëist.

Dit staan vraagt niets, de kroon
de stam, wat stelt het voor?
een leegte voor de verandering
uit zich brekend, hij was nooit alleen
staat hier op zijn stronk
stil, tot bloedens toe beraden
zegt hij mij nu na, kalm
maar kijk dan wie ik ben.


It amounts to nothing, this weight.
Inadvertently I’ve drifted from where
I became an unwitting witness learning
that everything that matters emerges
of itself with ease I bear the burden
of crown and trunk, knowing neither
hunger nor thirst, hiding
in the heart of flame and flower
to blossom in the fire, the sun will shine
at night, when there is no birdsong
the silence of the mountain will be even
deeper; I am here now, money in my pocket
not lacking anything I will stand
still on this stump forever
while the wood is being milled
sawdust becoming pulp feeding pride.

Behind the barn he remains motionless
in the father’s determined grip
a tipping point: Let him go, he won’t fall.
Soon when I dare to look
it will be the way he said it would
weakness and cowardice revealing themselves
nothing to yell and scream about
the father says, But still I wonder
if what I desire is in your power.

What does it amount to, this weight?
In itself, standing is effortless.
I grow easily naturally
until later a shadow joins me
containing so much it could not possibly
be produced by me alone.

He stands beside me.
What makes you think
you can do it now?

One after the other we squeeze
our eyes shut, turning
our backs on the father
who brought us here
promising not to go away
before one of us can no longer
stand on his own legs
it’s time to seize a stone
locate his temple, hit home
remaining steady from now on, regardless
of whether anyone is noticing
recognising the potential
of emptiness, an emptiness
that parts, not looking up
vacantly, the trembling reflection
in ditch water where nothing is left
of the one who was just here, someone
who is not indifferent, who like me
joins in, establishes, stands firm, perseveres
when weariness and weak will
present themselves, sharp beaks
hack unstitchable holes
in the skin, rainwater bird shit
dirties the view. However I knelt
she looked up, only then did the thought
take hold that there was no reason
I couldn’t have disappeared
stayed away, I followed him blindly, all that time
it turned out to just exist, I
saw it at once, recognised the story
forming around me
as I had been told, by him
who I myself – who I never recovered
endlessly followed, until I assumed position
and saw him acting out for me
that his hand found hers
then escaped, he feigned deafness
gripped her again, surprised
by the futility of her resistance, it was me
who took her quietly in my arms, swaddled
her then lay her carefully back down, rose
returned in the scorching silence
was shown my place
as if it had always only been me
who had stood here always only me alone
standing here, growing naturally
a looming shadow.


Her gift will turn out to be the ability to see
and keep looking, seeing what presents itself
with all her compassion and innocence
as if for the first, that moment
of recognition, revealing herself
with a gesture and I will patiently
wait until my outstretched arms
shoot and grow vine-wrapped
or empty, look away, go berserk
seek a stone and a temple, strike home.
Because this weight amounts to nothing.
He keeps this up effortlessly
seeing himself look up quivering, a child yet
in the blurring water in which form
is only presentation not representation, fabling
a father’s cry far overhead:
The body cannot be found
the birds circle for a time
above the thought and when
they are gone again, what must
have been there finally appears.
How the mirror then shatters open
she stares up and seems
almost alive in the water
that has demanded her hushed body.

Standing like this requires nothing, the crown
the trunk, what does it amount to?
an emptiness breaking free
for a change, he was never alone
standing here on his stump
still, resolute, ready to bleed
he tells me now, easy
it’s me, look.


It amounts to nothing, this weight.
Inadvertently I’ve drifted from where
I became an unwitting witness learning
that everything that matters emerges
of itself with ease I bear the burden
of crown and trunk, knowing neither
hunger nor thirst, hiding
in the heart of flame and flower
to blossom in the fire, the sun will shine
at night, when there is no birdsong
the silence of the mountain will be even
deeper; I am here now, money in my pocket
not lacking anything I will stand
still on this stump forever
while the wood is being milled
sawdust becoming pulp feeding pride.

Behind the barn he remains motionless
in the father’s determined grip
a tipping point: Let him go, he won’t fall.
Soon when I dare to look
it will be the way he said it would
weakness and cowardice revealing themselves
nothing to yell and scream about
the father says, But still I wonder
if what I desire is in your power.

What does it amount to, this weight?
In itself, standing is effortless.
I grow easily naturally
until later a shadow joins me
containing so much it could not possibly
be produced by me alone.

He stands beside me.
What makes you think
you can do it now?

One after the other we squeeze
our eyes shut, turning
our backs on the father
who brought us here
promising not to go away
before one of us can no longer
stand on his own legs
it’s time to seize a stone
locate his temple, hit home
remaining steady from now on, regardless
of whether anyone is noticing
recognising the potential
of emptiness, an emptiness
that parts, not looking up
vacantly, the trembling reflection
in ditch water where nothing is left
of the one who was just here, someone
who is not indifferent, who like me
joins in, establishes, stands firm, perseveres
when weariness and weak will
present themselves, sharp beaks
hack unstitchable holes
in the skin, rainwater bird shit
dirties the view. However I knelt
she looked up, only then did the thought
take hold that there was no reason
I couldn’t have disappeared
stayed away, I followed him blindly, all that time
it turned out to just exist, I
saw it at once, recognised the story
forming around me
as I had been told, by him
who I myself – who I never recovered
endlessly followed, until I assumed position
and saw him acting out for me
that his hand found hers
then escaped, he feigned deafness
gripped her again, surprised
by the futility of her resistance, it was me
who took her quietly in my arms, swaddled
her then lay her carefully back down, rose
returned in the scorching silence
was shown my place
as if it had always only been me
who had stood here always only me alone
standing here, growing naturally
a looming shadow.


Her gift will turn out to be the ability to see
and keep looking, seeing what presents itself
with all her compassion and innocence
as if for the first, that moment
of recognition, revealing herself
with a gesture and I will patiently
wait until my outstretched arms
shoot and grow vine-wrapped
or empty, look away, go berserk
seek a stone and a temple, strike home.
Because this weight amounts to nothing.
He keeps this up effortlessly
seeing himself look up quivering, a child yet
in the blurring water in which form
is only presentation not representation, fabling
a father’s cry far overhead:
The body cannot be found
the birds circle for a time
above the thought and when
they are gone again, what must
have been there finally appears.
How the mirror then shatters open
she stares up and seems
almost alive in the water
that has demanded her hushed body.

Standing like this requires nothing, the crown
the trunk, what does it amount to?
an emptiness breaking free
for a change, he was never alone
standing here on his stump
still, resolute, ready to bleed
he tells me now, easy
it’s me, look.
Gemeente Rotterdam
Nederlands Letterenfonds
Stichting Van Beuningen Peterich-fonds
Ludo Pieters Gastschrijver Fonds
Lira fonds
LantarenVenster – Verhalenhuis Belvédère