Laura Accerboni
Yesterday the tallest boy
Yesterday the tallest boyput a stone
between his teeth
and began to chew.
He showed
his mother
what a mouth can do
when pushed to extremes
and that a ransacked home
is only a ransacked home.
Yesterday all the tallest boys
made their enemies starve
and quickly gathered up their toys.
They showed their mothers
the order
and discipline of the dead.
Then they ran
to wash their hands
and listen
to the news
in the form of lullabies.
Gisteren stopte de grootste jongen
Gisteren stopte de grootste jongeneen steen
tussen zijn tanden
en begon te kauwen.
Hij toonde
zijn moeder
wat een mond vermag
die tot het uiterste gedreven wordt
en dat een vernield huis
niet méér is dan een vernield huis.
Gisteren hebben alle grotere jongens
hun vijanden uitgehongerd
en hun speelgoed haastig bij elkaar gezocht.
Ze hebben hun moeder
de orde
en de tucht van de doden getoond
en zijn daarna snel
hun handen gaan wassen
en gaan luisteren
naar het nieuws
in de vorm van wiegeliedjes.
Ieri il bambino più alto
ha messo una pietra
tra i denti
e ha iniziato a masticare.
Ha dimostrato
a sua madre
ciò che una bocca può fare
se messa all'orlo
e che una casa distrutta
è solo una casa distrutta.
Ieri tutti i bambini più alti
hanno messo alla fame i nemici
e raccolto i loro giochi in fretta.
Hanno dimostrato alle madri
e la disciplina dei morti
poi sono corsi
a lavarsi le mani
e ad ascoltare
le notizie
in forma di ninnenanne.
ha messo una pietra
tra i denti
e ha iniziato a masticare.
Ha dimostrato
a sua madre
ciò che una bocca può fare
se messa all'orlo
e che una casa distrutta
è solo una casa distrutta.
Ieri tutti i bambini più alti
hanno messo alla fame i nemici
e raccolto i loro giochi in fretta.
Hanno dimostrato alle madri
e la disciplina dei morti
poi sono corsi
a lavarsi le mani
e ad ascoltare
le notizie
in forma di ninnenanne.
From: La parte dell’annegato
Publisher: Edizioni Nottetempo, Rome
Publisher: Edizioni Nottetempo, Rome
Poems of Laura Accerboni
Yesterday the tallest boy
Yesterday the tallest boyput a stone
between his teeth
and began to chew.
He showed
his mother
what a mouth can do
when pushed to extremes
and that a ransacked home
is only a ransacked home.
Yesterday all the tallest boys
made their enemies starve
and quickly gathered up their toys.
They showed their mothers
the order
and discipline of the dead.
Then they ran
to wash their hands
and listen
to the news
in the form of lullabies.
From: La parte dell’annegato
Yesterday the tallest boy
Yesterday the tallest boyput a stone
between his teeth
and began to chew.
He showed
his mother
what a mouth can do
when pushed to extremes
and that a ransacked home
is only a ransacked home.
Yesterday all the tallest boys
made their enemies starve
and quickly gathered up their toys.
They showed their mothers
the order
and discipline of the dead.
Then they ran
to wash their hands
and listen
to the news
in the form of lullabies.

LantarenVenster – Verhalenhuis Belvédère