Poetry International Poetry International

Silvia Bre

You have always known

You have always known
that a moment will come
– it’s lurking here already, it’s below, it’s inside –
when disorder will have won
without a single survivor
an abc, a whatsoever general
ground, a single gesture.
But maybe even things as they are
have an order
so vast
it overflows the frame
as never to enter
anyone’s mind
so the ultimate real fits
with pure abstraction
like at night
when being and not being
are the same.

You have always known

Lo si sa sempre
che verrà un momento
– è già qui in agguato è sotto è dentro –
in cui il disordine l’avrà avuta
vinta a tutto campo
senza neanche un superstite
un abc, un qualunque fondamento
generale, un solo gesto.
Ma forse anche le cose come stanno
hanno un ordine
tanto piú vasto
da uscire dall’inquadratura
da non entrare mai
in nessuna mente
cosí il massimo di reale combacia
con l’astrazione pura
come quando la notte
essere e non essere
si equivalgono.

You have always known

You have always known
that a moment will come
– it’s lurking here already, it’s below, it’s inside –
when disorder will have won
without a single survivor
an abc, a whatsoever general
ground, a single gesture.
But maybe even things as they are
have an order
so vast
it overflows the frame
as never to enter
anyone’s mind
so the ultimate real fits
with pure abstraction
like at night
when being and not being
are the same.

You have always known

You have always known
that a moment will come
– it’s lurking here already, it’s below, it’s inside –
when disorder will have won
without a single survivor
an abc, a whatsoever general
ground, a single gesture.
But maybe even things as they are
have an order
so vast
it overflows the frame
as never to enter
anyone’s mind
so the ultimate real fits
with pure abstraction
like at night
when being and not being
are the same.
Gemeente Rotterdam
Nederlands Letterenfonds
Stichting Van Beuningen Peterich-fonds
Prins Bernhard cultuurfonds
Lira fonds
J.E. Jurriaanse
Gefinancierd door de Europese Unie
Elise Mathilde Fonds
Stichting Verzameling van Wijngaarden-Boot
LantarenVenster – Verhalenhuis Belvédère