Poetry International Poetry International

Dezsö Tandori

Application for a constellation

Thank you for having chosen me from among my numerous
green-plant brothers.
Of the home-grown green plants avail-
able to us I am one of the most un-
assuming. I come from East India, my extensive family
can boast of many gorgeous varieties.
Each variety requires, in winter, a place with a constant temper-
ature of 18-20 C°. I am one of those plants
in need of light. I request bright daylight.
In a drafty place my leaves fall off; for this reason I take it
kindly if, before the room is aired, conscientious hands re-
move me from the path of air currents, and if, for the short time
that ventilation is in progress, I can withdraw somewhere
to a place free of drafts. In the summer season, how-
ever, I am fond of shade. I would like the clear Benefactor
of Plants to shield me from the blazing sun. It gives me great plea-
sure to have my leaves sprinkled with water. I shall be a hardy
plant if I can live in a mixture of earth com-
posed of leaf mold, manured soil, turf, and sand.

Solliciteren naar een constellatie

Dank u, dat u mij uit mijn talrijke groene-plant broeders
gekozen hebt.
Van de beschikbare, in ons land gekweekte groe-
ne planten, ben ik één van de minst veeleisen-
de. Ik kom oorspronkelijk uit Oost-Indië, mijn wijd vertakte familie
kan trots zijn op vele mooie variëteiten.
Al mijn variëteiten verlangen 's winters een plaats met gelijkmatige tem-
p­eratuur van 18-20 °C. Ik behoor tot de planten die veel licht
nodig hebben, ik vraag om licht.
Op een tochtige plaats vallen mijn bladeren af, daarom ben ik
dankbaar, wanneer zorgzame handen mij vóór het luchten
uit de richting van de luchtstroom halen en ik me, voor de kor-
te duur van de luchtverversing, ergens op een tochtvrije plek
terug kan trekken. In het zomerseizoen ben ik echter op scha-
duw gesteld. Ik zou graag willen dat de lieve Plantenvriend
mij ook tegen de brandende zon zou beschermen. Het doet mij veel vreug-
de wanneer mijn bladeren met water besprenkeld worden. Ik zal
een dankbare plant zijn, wanneer ik in een mengsel van aarde mag le-
ven dat is samengesteld uit bladgrond, mestgrond, turfmolm en zand.

Egy konstelláció megpályázása

Köszönöm, hogy számos zöldnövény közül
engem választott.
A rendelkezésünkre álló hazai termesztésű zöld-
növények közül egyike vagyok a legigénytelenebbek-
nek. Kelet-Indiából származom, kiterjedt családom
sok szép változattal büszkélkedhet.
Minden változatom télen 18-20 C° egyenletes hőmér-
sékletű helyet kiván. A fényigényes növények közé
tartozom, kérem a világosságot.
Huzatos helyen leveleim lehullanak, ezért hálásan
veszem, ha szellőztetés előtt a légáramlás irányá-
ból gondos kezek elvesznek, és arra a rövid időre,
amíg a légesere tart, valahol huzatmentes helyen
meghúzhatom magam. Nyári időszakban azonban az ár-
nyékot kedvelem. Szeretném, ha a kedves Növénybarát
a tűző naptól is megvédene. Nagy örömem telik ab-
ban, ha a leveleimet vízzel megpermetezik. Hálás
növény leszek, ha olyan földkeverékben élhetek, mely-
nek összetétele lombföld, trágyaföld, tőzeg és homok.
Dezsö Tandori

Dezsö Tandori

(Hungary, 1938)


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Application for a constellation

Thank you for having chosen me from among my numerous
green-plant brothers.
Of the home-grown green plants avail-
able to us I am one of the most un-
assuming. I come from East India, my extensive family
can boast of many gorgeous varieties.
Each variety requires, in winter, a place with a constant temper-
ature of 18-20 C°. I am one of those plants
in need of light. I request bright daylight.
In a drafty place my leaves fall off; for this reason I take it
kindly if, before the room is aired, conscientious hands re-
move me from the path of air currents, and if, for the short time
that ventilation is in progress, I can withdraw somewhere
to a place free of drafts. In the summer season, how-
ever, I am fond of shade. I would like the clear Benefactor
of Plants to shield me from the blazing sun. It gives me great plea-
sure to have my leaves sprinkled with water. I shall be a hardy
plant if I can live in a mixture of earth com-
posed of leaf mold, manured soil, turf, and sand.

Application for a constellation

Thank you for having chosen me from among my numerous
green-plant brothers.
Of the home-grown green plants avail-
able to us I am one of the most un-
assuming. I come from East India, my extensive family
can boast of many gorgeous varieties.
Each variety requires, in winter, a place with a constant temper-
ature of 18-20 C°. I am one of those plants
in need of light. I request bright daylight.
In a drafty place my leaves fall off; for this reason I take it
kindly if, before the room is aired, conscientious hands re-
move me from the path of air currents, and if, for the short time
that ventilation is in progress, I can withdraw somewhere
to a place free of drafts. In the summer season, how-
ever, I am fond of shade. I would like the clear Benefactor
of Plants to shield me from the blazing sun. It gives me great plea-
sure to have my leaves sprinkled with water. I shall be a hardy
plant if I can live in a mixture of earth com-
posed of leaf mold, manured soil, turf, and sand.
Gemeente Rotterdam
Nederlands Letterenfonds
Stichting Van Beuningen Peterich-fonds
Prins Bernhard cultuurfonds
Lira fonds
J.E. Jurriaanse
Gefinancierd door de Europese Unie
Elise Mathilde Fonds
Stichting Verzameling van Wijngaarden-Boot
LantarenVenster – Verhalenhuis Belvédère