Poetry International Poetry International

Claudiu Komartin


the sun is cobalt when it rises from the body and shines
above the reefs
and my weathered brain on which unknown birds
alight is cobalt
the resistance to compromise and apathy
always has been cobalt
and the nocturnal fear I wanted to
beat as if it were a stubborn animal
is cobalt
the hand I’m writing with on a increasingly distant screen
is cobalt
and my stretched compact muscles sweating
with joy and anxiety face to face with love
are cobalt
and the faint refined tremor that poetry
still awakens in me
is cobalt
a mother’s slow forgiveness is cobalt
the leaf fallen on the sheen of the water
in which a friend dreamed of finding his serenity
is cobalt
the need for you was and is still
and the old innocence of the poets who transcribed
appeasing verses that I cannot
get out of my mind
is cobalt there are worlds with tiny skies and
these are happy worlds
in which memory is hope
and before all else wounds are healed
there are worlds in which no-one sells anyone else
and the presentiment of this
is cobalt
and when we speak to each other of love again
don’t believe a word of it
my cobalt eyes will reveal
to you
everything on
that day.



soarele e cobalt când se înalţă din trup şi străluceşte
peste recife
şi creierul meu tăbăcit pe care se aşază
păsări necunoscute este cobalt
rezistenţa la compromis şi la neputinţă
a fost întotdeauna cobalt
şi frica nocturnă pe care am vrut să
o bat ca pe un animal încăpăţânat
e cobalt
mâna cu care scriu pe un ecran tot mai îndepărtat
e cobalt
şi muşchii mei alungiţi şi compacţi asudând
de bucurie şi groază în faţa iubirii
sunt cobalt
şi cutremurarea stinsă şi rafinată pe care poezia
mi-o mai trezeşte
este cobalt
iertarea târzie a mamei este cobalt
cobalt voinţa de a mă împotrivi armelor totalitare ale uitării
frunza căzută pe luciul apei
în care prietenul a crezut că îşi va găsi liniştea
e cobalt
nevoia de tine a fost şi încă este
şi inocenţa bătrână a poeţilor care au turnat
versuri mângâietoare pe care nu mi le pot
scoate din cap
e cobalt
sunt lumi cu ceruri minuscule şi
sunt lumi fericite
în care memoria este speranţă
şi rănile sunt dinainte vindecate
sunt lumi în care nimeni nu vinde pe nimeni
şi presimţirea lor
e cobalt
şi când îţi voi vorbi din nou despre dragoste
să nu crezi nici un cuvânt
ochii mei de cobalt îţi vor
în acea zi


the sun is cobalt when it rises from the body and shines
above the reefs
and my weathered brain on which unknown birds
alight is cobalt
the resistance to compromise and apathy
always has been cobalt
and the nocturnal fear I wanted to
beat as if it were a stubborn animal
is cobalt
the hand I’m writing with on a increasingly distant screen
is cobalt
and my stretched compact muscles sweating
with joy and anxiety face to face with love
are cobalt
and the faint refined tremor that poetry
still awakens in me
is cobalt
a mother’s slow forgiveness is cobalt
the leaf fallen on the sheen of the water
in which a friend dreamed of finding his serenity
is cobalt
the need for you was and is still
and the old innocence of the poets who transcribed
appeasing verses that I cannot
get out of my mind
is cobalt there are worlds with tiny skies and
these are happy worlds
in which memory is hope
and before all else wounds are healed
there are worlds in which no-one sells anyone else
and the presentiment of this
is cobalt
and when we speak to each other of love again
don’t believe a word of it
my cobalt eyes will reveal
to you
everything on
that day.


the sun is cobalt when it rises from the body and shines
above the reefs
and my weathered brain on which unknown birds
alight is cobalt
the resistance to compromise and apathy
always has been cobalt
and the nocturnal fear I wanted to
beat as if it were a stubborn animal
is cobalt
the hand I’m writing with on a increasingly distant screen
is cobalt
and my stretched compact muscles sweating
with joy and anxiety face to face with love
are cobalt
and the faint refined tremor that poetry
still awakens in me
is cobalt
a mother’s slow forgiveness is cobalt
the leaf fallen on the sheen of the water
in which a friend dreamed of finding his serenity
is cobalt
the need for you was and is still
and the old innocence of the poets who transcribed
appeasing verses that I cannot
get out of my mind
is cobalt there are worlds with tiny skies and
these are happy worlds
in which memory is hope
and before all else wounds are healed
there are worlds in which no-one sells anyone else
and the presentiment of this
is cobalt
and when we speak to each other of love again
don’t believe a word of it
my cobalt eyes will reveal
to you
everything on
that day.
Gemeente Rotterdam
Nederlands Letterenfonds
Stichting Van Beuningen Peterich-fonds
Ludo Pieters Gastschrijver Fonds
Lira fonds
LantarenVenster – Verhalenhuis Belvédère