Poetry International Poetry International

Ricardo Domeneck


(bŏd'ē). n. pl. bod·ies. No-
body's. Weight and mass
(please don't confuse them)
attached to surfaces
of the binary code
known as masculine and feminine.
1.a. Geography of self-placement. Area with well-defined borders; dedicated space to dream of dictionaries.
1.b. Locus of focus in terror, hocus pocus of logic in damp orifices.
1.c. Carcass. Back to reality.
They say
the same air
can't surround
the same two people
at once.
2.a. Dangerous standard for the mechanics of purity; the illusion of hygiene.
2.b. Not a tree.
Colors ordered
according to preference.
Delivery follows the rules
of genetic production.
Red-headed specimens
with a penis
are a rare treat.
3.a. Unreliable in raincoats. Makeshift and often vacillating. Anything that comes in parts.
3.b. A set of mistakes and misunderstandings known as sanity; a public corporation.
The private sphere
is a nightmare, too.
4.a. A commercial establishment.
4.b. For instructions, refer to manual. And oral.
known as voice
causes adherence
to its definition.
5.a. Gobbledegook that won't sweat in photos.
5.b. The biggest play about friction. Anal Tommy.
5.c. Machinery to make liquids.
5.d. Fated for lubricants.
If cut or pierced,
6.a. Exclusively for indexes and appendixes.
6.b. For mass, what's tangible. For matter, rags.
Give it water,
make it celestial.
7. Comfortable furniture that requires maintenance. A collection or quantity, as of material or information: proof of its inflation.
On a map,


zn. o lichaam [lichaam]. Mv. lichamen Van nie-
mand. Massa en gewicht
(niet door elkaar halen a.u.b.)
als aanhangsels bij oppervlakten
met een binaire code
aka mannelijk en vrouwelijk
1. a. Geografie van de opstelling. Gebied met welomschreven grenzen; stuk ruimte om te dromen met woordenboeken.
1. b.  Locus van focus bij angst, hocus pocus van de logica in vochtige openingen.
1. c. Karkas. Terugkeer naar de werkelijkheid.
Men zegt
dat dezelfde lucht
geen twee
kan omgeven.
2. a. Patroon van gevaarlijk uiterlijk voor de mechaniek van zuiverheid; de illusie van  hygiëne.
2. b. Geen boom.
Kleuren naar smaak te bestellen.
Ontvangst volgt volgens regels
van genetische fabricatie.
Roodharige exemplaren
als aanhangsel van een penis
gelden als lekkernijen.
3. a. Niet te vertrouwen in regenjassen. Voorlopig en vaak schommelend. Alles wat in stukken klaarkomt.
3. b. Een verzameling fouten en dubbelzinnigheden die als gezondheid bekendstaan; een Vereniging z.w.
Maar de privésfeer
is ook een nachtmerrie.
4. a. Commercieel etablissement.
4. b. Voor instructies, zie handleiding, of mondeling.
Klank bekend
als stem
veroorzaakt de aankleving
aan zijn definitie.
5. a. Ramsj die op foto’s niet zweet.
5. b. Grootst mogelijk wrijvingsvlak. Anale tomie.
5. c. Machinerie voor vloeistoffenproductie.
5. d. Bestemd voor glijmiddel.
Neigt ertoe waakzamer te worden
indien gesneden of doorboord.
6. a. Uitsluitend voor indices en appendices.
6. b. Massa van het tastbare en materie voor vodden.
Geef het water
en het wordt hemels.
7. Comfortabel meubelstuk dat onderhoud vereist. Verzameling of hoeveelheid, zoals van materiaal of informatie: de vanzelfsprekendheid van zijn toename.
op een kaart.


subst m corpo ['korpu]. pl. corpos. De nem
um. Massa e peso
(favor não confundir)
anexados a superfícies
de código binário
aka masculino e feminino.
1. a. Geografia do posicionar-se. Área com fronteiras definidas; porção de espaço a sonhar com dicionários.
1. b. Locus de focus em terror, hocus pocus da lógica em orifícios úmidos.
1. c. Carcaça. Retorno à realidade.
que o mesmo ar
não pode circundar
dois ao mesmo
2. a. Padrão de aparência perigosa para a mecânica da pureza; a ilusão da higiene.
2. b. Não uma árvore.
Cores são encomendadas de acordo com o gosto.
Entrega segue regras
de fabricação genética.
Exemplares ruivos
anexados a um pênis
são uma iguaria.
3. a. Não confiável em impermeáveis. Temporário e de oscilações frequentes. Todo que goza por partes.
3. b. Um grupo de erros e equívocos reputados como uma sanidade; uma Corporação S.A.
Mas a esfera privada
é também um pesadelo.
4. a. Estabelecimento comercial.
4. b. Para instruções, referir-se ao manual, ao oral.
Som conhecido
como voz
causa aderência
à sua definição.
5. a. Geringonça que não sua em fotografias.
5. b. A maior peça da fricção. Anal tomia.
5. c. Maquinaria para a produção de líquidos.
5. d. Destinado a lubrificantes.
Se cortado ou perfurado,
tende a tornar-se mais atento.
6. a. Exclusivo para índices e apêndices.
6. b. Massa do tangível e matéria de farrapos.
Dê-lhe água,
faça-o celeste.
7. Mobília confortável que requer manutenção. Uma coletânea ou quantidade, como de material ou informação: a evidência de sua inflação.
em um mapa.


(bŏd'ē). n. pl. bod·ies. No-
body's. Weight and mass
(please don't confuse them)
attached to surfaces
of the binary code
known as masculine and feminine.
1.a. Geography of self-placement. Area with well-defined borders; dedicated space to dream of dictionaries.
1.b. Locus of focus in terror, hocus pocus of logic in damp orifices.
1.c. Carcass. Back to reality.
They say
the same air
can't surround
the same two people
at once.
2.a. Dangerous standard for the mechanics of purity; the illusion of hygiene.
2.b. Not a tree.
Colors ordered
according to preference.
Delivery follows the rules
of genetic production.
Red-headed specimens
with a penis
are a rare treat.
3.a. Unreliable in raincoats. Makeshift and often vacillating. Anything that comes in parts.
3.b. A set of mistakes and misunderstandings known as sanity; a public corporation.
The private sphere
is a nightmare, too.
4.a. A commercial establishment.
4.b. For instructions, refer to manual. And oral.
known as voice
causes adherence
to its definition.
5.a. Gobbledegook that won't sweat in photos.
5.b. The biggest play about friction. Anal Tommy.
5.c. Machinery to make liquids.
5.d. Fated for lubricants.
If cut or pierced,
6.a. Exclusively for indexes and appendixes.
6.b. For mass, what's tangible. For matter, rags.
Give it water,
make it celestial.
7. Comfortable furniture that requires maintenance. A collection or quantity, as of material or information: proof of its inflation.
On a map,


(bŏd'ē). n. pl. bod·ies. No-
body's. Weight and mass
(please don't confuse them)
attached to surfaces
of the binary code
known as masculine and feminine.
1.a. Geography of self-placement. Area with well-defined borders; dedicated space to dream of dictionaries.
1.b. Locus of focus in terror, hocus pocus of logic in damp orifices.
1.c. Carcass. Back to reality.
They say
the same air
can't surround
the same two people
at once.
2.a. Dangerous standard for the mechanics of purity; the illusion of hygiene.
2.b. Not a tree.
Colors ordered
according to preference.
Delivery follows the rules
of genetic production.
Red-headed specimens
with a penis
are a rare treat.
3.a. Unreliable in raincoats. Makeshift and often vacillating. Anything that comes in parts.
3.b. A set of mistakes and misunderstandings known as sanity; a public corporation.
The private sphere
is a nightmare, too.
4.a. A commercial establishment.
4.b. For instructions, refer to manual. And oral.
known as voice
causes adherence
to its definition.
5.a. Gobbledegook that won't sweat in photos.
5.b. The biggest play about friction. Anal Tommy.
5.c. Machinery to make liquids.
5.d. Fated for lubricants.
If cut or pierced,
6.a. Exclusively for indexes and appendixes.
6.b. For mass, what's tangible. For matter, rags.
Give it water,
make it celestial.
7. Comfortable furniture that requires maintenance. A collection or quantity, as of material or information: proof of its inflation.
On a map,
Gemeente Rotterdam
Nederlands Letterenfonds
Stichting Van Beuningen Peterich-fonds
Prins Bernhard cultuurfonds
Lira fonds
J.E. Jurriaanse
Gefinancierd door de Europese Unie
Elise Mathilde Fonds
Stichting Verzameling van Wijngaarden-Boot
LantarenVenster – Verhalenhuis Belvédère