Poetry International Poetry International

Elke de Rijcke


where was I headed to now?

by which hand and what means had I been unchained from the day?

for how much longer would I be able to stand this unusual erring
on the part of my aging self?

what could I do against the deviation of the caresses of my shoulder?

the sun anointed my face
but its oil was not retained by my skin.

my elevated internal temperature
was due to a deficiency of my vital energies.

the temperature of my soul had already long since
been below zero.

I was radically alone and the only friend I held dear
locked up his promise.
the promise between us was ungracious promise,
shunted between constriction and dilation.

if it was I who aroused your organ, it was you who aroused my heart.

the suns were derailed from my earth and roamed other routes.  

I was under great pressure and I felt incapable of disturbing the substance
that enveloped me.

my expectations did not reawaken until touched by a sun
no larger than a thumb.

and there was also a child who was, just like the sun,
each day continually new.

but its strapping velocity ran ahead of me
three lightyears in advance
so that I remained alone,
rattling upon myself



où roulais-je à présent ?

par quelle main et de quelle façon étais-je désenchaînée de la journée?

pour combien de temps encore serai-je à même d'assumer ce sillonnement hors normes à l'égard de moi-même vieillissante ?

que pouvais-je faire contre le détournement des caresses de mon épaule ?

le soleil oignait mon visage
mais son huile n'était pas retenue par ma peau.

que ma température interne était élevée
tenait à une déficience de mes énergies vitales.

la température de mon âme était depuis longtemps déjà
au-dessous de zéro.

j'étais radicalement seule et le seul ami qui me tenait à cœur
fermait sa promesse à clé.
la promesse entre nous était disgrâcieuse promesse,
ballotée entre resserrement et dilatation.

si c'était moi qui attisait ton membre, c'était toi qui attisait mon cœur.

les soleils étaient désengrénés de ma terre et divagaient sur d'autres routes.

j'étais sous haute tension et je me sentais incapable de remuer la matière dans laquelle je baignais.

mon espérance ne se rallumait qu'au toucher d'un soleil
qui ne dépassait pas la taille d’un pouce.

et il y avait une enfant aussi qui était, tout comme le soleil,
chaque jour continûment nouvelle.

mais sa vélocité gaillarde avait sur moi une avancée
de trois années de lumière,
de sorte que je restais seule,
bringuebalante sur ma personne


where was I headed to now?

by which hand and what means had I been unchained from the day?

for how much longer would I be able to stand this unusual erring
on the part of my aging self?

what could I do against the deviation of the caresses of my shoulder?

the sun anointed my face
but its oil was not retained by my skin.

my elevated internal temperature
was due to a deficiency of my vital energies.

the temperature of my soul had already long since
been below zero.

I was radically alone and the only friend I held dear
locked up his promise.
the promise between us was ungracious promise,
shunted between constriction and dilation.

if it was I who aroused your organ, it was you who aroused my heart.

the suns were derailed from my earth and roamed other routes.  

I was under great pressure and I felt incapable of disturbing the substance
that enveloped me.

my expectations did not reawaken until touched by a sun
no larger than a thumb.

and there was also a child who was, just like the sun,
each day continually new.

but its strapping velocity ran ahead of me
three lightyears in advance
so that I remained alone,
rattling upon myself


where was I headed to now?

by which hand and what means had I been unchained from the day?

for how much longer would I be able to stand this unusual erring
on the part of my aging self?

what could I do against the deviation of the caresses of my shoulder?

the sun anointed my face
but its oil was not retained by my skin.

my elevated internal temperature
was due to a deficiency of my vital energies.

the temperature of my soul had already long since
been below zero.

I was radically alone and the only friend I held dear
locked up his promise.
the promise between us was ungracious promise,
shunted between constriction and dilation.

if it was I who aroused your organ, it was you who aroused my heart.

the suns were derailed from my earth and roamed other routes.  

I was under great pressure and I felt incapable of disturbing the substance
that enveloped me.

my expectations did not reawaken until touched by a sun
no larger than a thumb.

and there was also a child who was, just like the sun,
each day continually new.

but its strapping velocity ran ahead of me
three lightyears in advance
so that I remained alone,
rattling upon myself
Gemeente Rotterdam
Nederlands Letterenfonds
Stichting Van Beuningen Peterich-fonds
Prins Bernhard cultuurfonds
Lira fonds
J.E. Jurriaanse
Gefinancierd door de Europese Unie
Elise Mathilde Fonds
Stichting Verzameling van Wijngaarden-Boot
LantarenVenster – Verhalenhuis Belvédère