Poetry International Poetry International

Nils Chr. Moe-Repstad


The old state is the new state, with white cloths
on the tables and credit card terminals among the whores

first, the nights in Ukraine, then the days on the Caribbean islands
where money is laundered through children’s parties

like whales swallowing tons of krill
and straining water through the baleen

the laws are Caribbean, they create thin lines
in the sand and disappear

‘can you arrange a position for me in St. Petersburg?’
asks Chekhov

there they talk of the destruction of the forests
and duel over illegitimate children and married women

it’s warm and green in the parks
from Moscow Station the trains reach so far to the northeast

that one recalls the uprising and slaughter
concrete ruins and wooden palaces by the Black Sea

the whales fill their lungs with air
that forms plasma in the deep

the lines of nobility are straight, but the nobility is political
and has the lungs of whales

so deep in the system that dueling over the purity
of the bastard economy becomes legitimate

plasmatic lawsuits and murders by poisons
numbered in the periodic table of elements

they are inhumane in the eastern republics
in the fossil fuels and the northern seas

‘they love their fathers so much that my brain softens
and I sell my body’s reserves of methane gas’*

and the duels?

too steep for the Odessa steps

too open for the Balkan plains

too hot in St. Petersburg, St. Tropez

gas princess, plasma and paradise

protest, flag and frost

dictators entering through portholes

* Following an injury received in a theater in Moscow, October 26, 2002, the body’s processes began to slow. This results in an increase of methane gas that is off the charts.


De oude staat is de nieuwe staat, met witte tafelkleden
op de tafels en pinautomaten bij de hoeren

eerst de nachten in Oekraïne, dan de dagen op de Caribische eilanden
waar geld door kinderpartijen wordt gezeefd

zoals walvissen tonnen krill opslokken
en water door de baleinen zeven

de wetten zijn Caribisch, ze produceren dunne lijnen
in het zand en verdwijnen

‘kun je een betrekking voor me regelen in Sint Petersburg?’
vraagt Tsjechov

daar praten ze over de uitroeiing van de bossen
en duelleren ze om bastaardkinderen en getrouwde vrouwen

het is warm en groen in de parken
vanaf het Moskovski-station gaan de treinen zo ver naar het noordoosten

dat men zich het oproer en de afslachting herinnert
betonnen ruïnes en de houten paleizen aan de zwarte zee

de walvissen vullen hun longen met lucht
die plasma wordt in de diepte

de lijnen van de adel zijn recht, maar de adel is politiek
en heeft walvislongen

zo diep in de systemen dat het juist wordt
om te duelleren over de zuiverheid van de bastaardeconomie

de plasmatische rechtszaken en gifmoorden
met nummers in het periodieke systeem

ze zijn onmenselijk in de oostelijke republieken
in het fossiele en in alle noordelijke zeeën

‘ze houden zoveel van hun vaders dat mijn hersenen verweken
en ik verkoop de methaangasreserves van mijn lichaam’*

en de duellen?

te steil op de trappen in Odessa

te open op de vlaktes op de Balkan

te warm in Sint Petersburg, Saint Tropez

het is de gasprinses, plasma en paradijs

het is protest, vlag en vorst

dictators via patrijspoorten naar binnen

* Na een verwonding in een theater in Moskou op 26 oktober 2002 zijn de processen van het lichaam in een trage modus geraakt. Hierdoor ontstaat een ophoping van methaangas die veel hoger is dan normaal.


Den gamle staten er den nye staten, med hvite duker
på bordene og kortterminal blant horene

først nettene i Ukraina, så dagene på de karibiske øyene
hvor pengene siles gjennom barneselskaper

som hvalene sluker tonn av krill
og siler vannet gjennom bardene

lovene er karibiske, de produserer tynne linjer
i sanden og blir borte

«kan du ordne en posisjon for meg i St. Petersburg?»
spør Tsjekhov

der snakker de om utryddelsen av skogene
og duellerer over løsunger og gifte kvinner

det er varmt og grønt i parkene
fra Moskovskij-stasjonen går togene så langt nordøst

at man husker opprøret og nedslaktingen
betongruiner og trepalassene ved det svarte havet

hvalene fyller lungene med luft
som danner plasma i dypet

adelslinjene er rette, men adelen er politisk
og har hvallunger

så dypt i systemene at det blir riktig
å duellere over bastardøkonomiens renhet

de plasmatiske rettssakene og giftmord
med nummer i grunnstofftabellen

de er umenneskelige i de østlige republikkene
i det fossile og alle nordlige hav

«de elsker sine fedre så høyt at hjernen min mykner
og jeg selger kroppens reserver av metangass»*

og duellene?

for bratt i trappene i Odessa

for åpent på de balkanske slettene

for varmt i St. Petersburg, St. Tropez

det er gassprinsessen, plasma og paradis

det er protest, flagg og frost

diktatorer inn gjennom koøyer

*Etter en skade fra et teater i Moskva 26.10.2002 er kroppens prosesser gått inn i en treghetsmodus. Dette resulterer i en opphopning av metangass soms sprenger alle skalaer.


The old state is the new state, with white cloths
on the tables and credit card terminals among the whores

first, the nights in Ukraine, then the days on the Caribbean islands
where money is laundered through children’s parties

like whales swallowing tons of krill
and straining water through the baleen

the laws are Caribbean, they create thin lines
in the sand and disappear

‘can you arrange a position for me in St. Petersburg?’
asks Chekhov

there they talk of the destruction of the forests
and duel over illegitimate children and married women

it’s warm and green in the parks
from Moscow Station the trains reach so far to the northeast

that one recalls the uprising and slaughter
concrete ruins and wooden palaces by the Black Sea

the whales fill their lungs with air
that forms plasma in the deep

the lines of nobility are straight, but the nobility is political
and has the lungs of whales

so deep in the system that dueling over the purity
of the bastard economy becomes legitimate

plasmatic lawsuits and murders by poisons
numbered in the periodic table of elements

they are inhumane in the eastern republics
in the fossil fuels and the northern seas

‘they love their fathers so much that my brain softens
and I sell my body’s reserves of methane gas’*

and the duels?

too steep for the Odessa steps

too open for the Balkan plains

too hot in St. Petersburg, St. Tropez

gas princess, plasma and paradise

protest, flag and frost

dictators entering through portholes

* Following an injury received in a theater in Moscow, October 26, 2002, the body’s processes began to slow. This results in an increase of methane gas that is off the charts.


The old state is the new state, with white cloths
on the tables and credit card terminals among the whores

first, the nights in Ukraine, then the days on the Caribbean islands
where money is laundered through children’s parties

like whales swallowing tons of krill
and straining water through the baleen

the laws are Caribbean, they create thin lines
in the sand and disappear

‘can you arrange a position for me in St. Petersburg?’
asks Chekhov

there they talk of the destruction of the forests
and duel over illegitimate children and married women

it’s warm and green in the parks
from Moscow Station the trains reach so far to the northeast

that one recalls the uprising and slaughter
concrete ruins and wooden palaces by the Black Sea

the whales fill their lungs with air
that forms plasma in the deep

the lines of nobility are straight, but the nobility is political
and has the lungs of whales

so deep in the system that dueling over the purity
of the bastard economy becomes legitimate

plasmatic lawsuits and murders by poisons
numbered in the periodic table of elements

they are inhumane in the eastern republics
in the fossil fuels and the northern seas

‘they love their fathers so much that my brain softens
and I sell my body’s reserves of methane gas’*

and the duels?

too steep for the Odessa steps

too open for the Balkan plains

too hot in St. Petersburg, St. Tropez

gas princess, plasma and paradise

protest, flag and frost

dictators entering through portholes

* Following an injury received in a theater in Moscow, October 26, 2002, the body’s processes began to slow. This results in an increase of methane gas that is off the charts.
Gemeente Rotterdam
Nederlands Letterenfonds
Stichting Van Beuningen Peterich-fonds
Prins Bernhard cultuurfonds
Lira fonds
J.E. Jurriaanse
Gefinancierd door de Europese Unie
Elise Mathilde Fonds
Stichting Verzameling van Wijngaarden-Boot
LantarenVenster – Verhalenhuis Belvédère