Poetry International Poetry International

Eugénie Paultre

Winter 1

lost glance distant glance shared strength clear assurance feeling of truth memory of a music to love oneself just enough to love to wake up to feel lightning as a necessary link this will come to pass will be lost again it will take a long time to find it again only to lose it again to agree with it as long as there would be in our obscurity this spot that so many human beings have looked for and found more or less distinctly but nonetheless with each new generation it all has to be started again with the feeling that it will never ever end that the universe will never be able to end as long as we're searching in its midst for its sovereign heart – eternity is played again – an inexhaustible gift – one must come close reasonably prudently to an enthusiasm that could pulverize us we must know how to wait to be stirred to discover who we are as far as it's given to us to find ourselves

Hiver 1

Hiver 1

regard perdu regard lointain force partagée claire assurance sensation du vrai se souvenir d’une musique s’aimer juste ce qu’il faut pour aimer sentir s’éveiller un lien par éclairs nécessaire cela passera se perdra endurer un temps long à le retrouver pour le perdre à nouveau être d’accord pourvu que se trouve dans notre obscurité ce lieu que tant d’êtres humains ont cherché qu’ils ont trouvé plus ou moins distinctement mais qu’importe à chaque fois à chaque génération tout recommence avec le sentiment que cela n’a pas de fin que l’univers ne pourra jamais finir tant que se cherchera en lui son cœur souverain – l’éternité se rejoue – un don inépuisable – il faut s’approcher raisonnablement prudemment d’un enthousiasme capable de nous pulvériser il faut savoir attendre se troubler se découvrir aussi loin qu’il nous est donné de nous retrouver

Winter 1

lost glance distant glance shared strength clear assurance feeling of truth memory of a music to love oneself just enough to love to wake up to feel lightning as a necessary link this will come to pass will be lost again it will take a long time to find it again only to lose it again to agree with it as long as there would be in our obscurity this spot that so many human beings have looked for and found more or less distinctly but nonetheless with each new generation it all has to be started again with the feeling that it will never ever end that the universe will never be able to end as long as we're searching in its midst for its sovereign heart – eternity is played again – an inexhaustible gift – one must come close reasonably prudently to an enthusiasm that could pulverize us we must know how to wait to be stirred to discover who we are as far as it's given to us to find ourselves

Winter 1

lost glance distant glance shared strength clear assurance feeling of truth memory of a music to love oneself just enough to love to wake up to feel lightning as a necessary link this will come to pass will be lost again it will take a long time to find it again only to lose it again to agree with it as long as there would be in our obscurity this spot that so many human beings have looked for and found more or less distinctly but nonetheless with each new generation it all has to be started again with the feeling that it will never ever end that the universe will never be able to end as long as we're searching in its midst for its sovereign heart – eternity is played again – an inexhaustible gift – one must come close reasonably prudently to an enthusiasm that could pulverize us we must know how to wait to be stirred to discover who we are as far as it's given to us to find ourselves
Gemeente Rotterdam
Nederlands Letterenfonds
Stichting Van Beuningen Peterich-fonds
Prins Bernhard cultuurfonds
Lira fonds
J.E. Jurriaanse
Gefinancierd door de Europese Unie
Elise Mathilde Fonds
Stichting Verzameling van Wijngaarden-Boot
LantarenVenster – Verhalenhuis Belvédère