Poetry International Poetry International

William Cliff


the rain fell very straight all through the idle night to repeat
the right-angled rain fell on the paving and never ceased
the rain fell from the sky onto the street
made glistening by that water the sky had released

in the solitary night the rain didn’t stop falling down
the rain continued to pour its waters quite straight
into the sticky dreams of the man on the ground
who had stopped under the awning of a little shop open late

the very vertical rain fell without stopping
and the man under the awning stood like a hare
watching for ages that rain that was falling
on the glistening cobbles of the solitary street

the rain was beginning to go off
suddenly he ran out into it again
because he was tired of sheltering under that roof
he was bored with staying in the shelter from the rain


de regen viel recht neer in de verloren nacht
in strakke stralen viel de regen op ’t plaveisel
de regen bleef maar vallen uit de hemel op de straat
die glansde van het water dat uit de hemel viel

in de eenzame nacht viel de regen onbedaarlijk
verticaal bleef de regen naar beneden vallen
in de klamme dromen van de man die op aarde
onder het afdak van een winkel stond te schuilen

de regen kwam aanhoudend bij bakken naar beneden
de man onder het afdak hield zich stil als een haas
terwijl hij heel lang keek naar het vallen van de regen
op het glanzende plaveisel van de eenzame straat

maar opeens beende hij weg vanonder zijn afdak
omdat dat schuilen hem ten slotte ging vervelen
zich haastend door het water dat op de straat opspatte
omdat hij ’t zat was om te schuilen voor de regen



the rain fell very straight all through the idle night to repeat
the right-angled rain fell on the paving and never ceased
the rain fell from the sky onto the street
made glistening by that water the sky had released

in the solitary night the rain didn’t stop falling down
the rain continued to pour its waters quite straight
into the sticky dreams of the man on the ground
who had stopped under the awning of a little shop open late

the very vertical rain fell without stopping
and the man under the awning stood like a hare
watching for ages that rain that was falling
on the glistening cobbles of the solitary street

the rain was beginning to go off
suddenly he ran out into it again
because he was tired of sheltering under that roof
he was bored with staying in the shelter from the rain


the rain fell very straight all through the idle night to repeat
the right-angled rain fell on the paving and never ceased
the rain fell from the sky onto the street
made glistening by that water the sky had released

in the solitary night the rain didn’t stop falling down
the rain continued to pour its waters quite straight
into the sticky dreams of the man on the ground
who had stopped under the awning of a little shop open late

the very vertical rain fell without stopping
and the man under the awning stood like a hare
watching for ages that rain that was falling
on the glistening cobbles of the solitary street

the rain was beginning to go off
suddenly he ran out into it again
because he was tired of sheltering under that roof
he was bored with staying in the shelter from the rain
Gemeente Rotterdam
Nederlands Letterenfonds
Stichting Van Beuningen Peterich-fonds
Prins Bernhard cultuurfonds
Lira fonds
J.E. Jurriaanse
Gefinancierd door de Europese Unie
Elise Mathilde Fonds
Stichting Verzameling van Wijngaarden-Boot
LantarenVenster – Verhalenhuis Belvédère