Poetry International Poetry International

Hu Xudong


Walking. Walking alone in despair.
The massive autumn tiger is roaring above me,
a God in pseudonym.
Countless autumn tigers
hide in the numerous motor vehicles on the road,
howling from their gas throats
as if in chorus, scolding me, the only creature
on the road without gas.
I feel guilty, a happy sensation, a thrill of crime.
Yes, I’m walking on the highway
with a weighted backpack on my shoulders
and firm steps
in the wilderness outside this little town.
No bus routes run between the two shopping centers
and I definitely don’t look like a shopper
picking underwear for my distant wife.
I’m more like a suspicious guy
with sun burns,
and poison milk powder, bombs, or communism
in my backpack.
My footsteps awaken some other creatures
on the roadside, who have no gas in their bodies either
just like me; grasshoppers. They live a small life
in this huge country.
They are fantastic country musicians.
Their little wings and back legs make friction
that takes me back to the rice fields
of the Sichuan Basin
from this gigantic North American prairie.
Come on grasshoppers, sing your little songs
before I die from sweating too much.
Put all the autumn tigers
to sleep and let me walk my way alone.
(2008. Iowa)


Dit is een wanhoopswandeling.
In de brandende zon lijkt de
gigantisch hete herfsttijger, alias god,
boven mijn hoofd onophoudelijk te brullen;
nog meer herfsttijgers verbergen zich in
de ontelbare auto’s en motoren naast mij,
die stuk voor stuk met hun prikkelbare benzinekeel
een fluittoon afgeven die de lucht doet trillen, alsof ze
in koor mijn lichaam, het enige op deze snelweg
dat geen benzine in zich heeft, afkraken.
In feite geeft me dat een soort
kwellende blijdschap: inderdaad, met op mijn rug
een grote rugzak stap ik stevig door
tussen de twee shopping centers waar geen bus rijdt,
in de wildernis van de buitenwijken van dit kleine stadje;
ik zie er ook helemaal niet uit als een
klant die overal voor zijn verre vrouw lingerie
uitkiest; ik lijk eerder iemand van
een verdacht ras die in zijn rugzak misschien wel
vergiftigd melkpoeder, een bom of communisme heeft.
Plotseling wekken mijn voetstappen
in de berm naast de weg andere
lichamen waarin geen benzine zit:
een zwerm sprinkhanen die neerslachtig
in dit enorm grote land
hun minuscule rechtvleugelige leventje leven.
Zij zijn de beste muzikanten van het platteland,
een beetje wrijving van hun vleugels en achterpoten
doen mij van deze prairie in Noord-Amerika
weer terug in de rijstvelden van Sichuan belanden.
Zet ‘m op, sprinkhanen! Hypnotiseer volledig
met jullie stemmetjes alle herfsttijgers
voor mijn zweetdruppels vallen.
Iowa, 23 september 2008


        09/23/2008 Iowa City


Walking. Walking alone in despair.
The massive autumn tiger is roaring above me,
a God in pseudonym.
Countless autumn tigers
hide in the numerous motor vehicles on the road,
howling from their gas throats
as if in chorus, scolding me, the only creature
on the road without gas.
I feel guilty, a happy sensation, a thrill of crime.
Yes, I’m walking on the highway
with a weighted backpack on my shoulders
and firm steps
in the wilderness outside this little town.
No bus routes run between the two shopping centers
and I definitely don’t look like a shopper
picking underwear for my distant wife.
I’m more like a suspicious guy
with sun burns,
and poison milk powder, bombs, or communism
in my backpack.
My footsteps awaken some other creatures
on the roadside, who have no gas in their bodies either
just like me; grasshoppers. They live a small life
in this huge country.
They are fantastic country musicians.
Their little wings and back legs make friction
that takes me back to the rice fields
of the Sichuan Basin
from this gigantic North American prairie.
Come on grasshoppers, sing your little songs
before I die from sweating too much.
Put all the autumn tigers
to sleep and let me walk my way alone.
(2008. Iowa)


Walking. Walking alone in despair.
The massive autumn tiger is roaring above me,
a God in pseudonym.
Countless autumn tigers
hide in the numerous motor vehicles on the road,
howling from their gas throats
as if in chorus, scolding me, the only creature
on the road without gas.
I feel guilty, a happy sensation, a thrill of crime.
Yes, I’m walking on the highway
with a weighted backpack on my shoulders
and firm steps
in the wilderness outside this little town.
No bus routes run between the two shopping centers
and I definitely don’t look like a shopper
picking underwear for my distant wife.
I’m more like a suspicious guy
with sun burns,
and poison milk powder, bombs, or communism
in my backpack.
My footsteps awaken some other creatures
on the roadside, who have no gas in their bodies either
just like me; grasshoppers. They live a small life
in this huge country.
They are fantastic country musicians.
Their little wings and back legs make friction
that takes me back to the rice fields
of the Sichuan Basin
from this gigantic North American prairie.
Come on grasshoppers, sing your little songs
before I die from sweating too much.
Put all the autumn tigers
to sleep and let me walk my way alone.
(2008. Iowa)
Gemeente Rotterdam
Nederlands Letterenfonds
Stichting Van Beuningen Peterich-fonds
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