Poetry International Poetry International

Mohamed Al-Harthy


Remarkable, the three of them together:
the mouse,
the keyboard
and the word processor
that fails to process them, but rather
does quite the contrary
and makes me forget
to save them in the proper file.
And so the icon of accusation
appears on the screen
before I can even accuse myself
or the word processor
or the playful mouse
after the disappearance of many a poem
about nights and morning suns . . .  
The icon’s accusation wore me out
so I thought of looking for a typewriter
(like the one Virginia Woolf used),
one that would not weary
of tapping out its symphony
with speedy slowness
or slowing speed.
But these enchanting instruments
have fallen out of use these days
and no one pays them any heed:
under heavy guard they bemoan their fate
in museum kingdoms
that no one ever visits.
I almost raised the flag, I almost surrendered,
but I opted to follow Hemingway’s advice
and go back to writing with a pencil.
I traversed page after page with that sharpened oar
so that the boat of words might finally cast anchor
on arrival’s coast. But I went too far
in my emulation, and started
scrawling on the walls
like him,
and so I failed to master
his short sentences.


      Het is een vreemd verhaal van hun gedrieën:
de muis, het toetsenbord en de tekstverwerker die geen tekst verwerkt
maar, daarentegen, mij laat vergeten woorden op te slaan
            in de goede map…
de foutmelding springt daar op het scherm
voor ik mijzelf, de tekstverwerker en de speelse muis verwijten maak dat in meer dan één
            nachtgedicht het zonlicht van de volgende ochtend was verdwenen…
De foutmelding op het scherm putte me uit. Ik dacht erover
naar een schrijfmachine uit te kijken (zo één als Virginia Woolf gebruikte) die er niet genoeg van kreeg haar luide symfonie haastig traag
of langzaam gehaast, ritmisch   
            hamerend te spelen…
maar die fantastische machines zijn verdwenen in onze dagen
            je ziet ze bijna nooit
ze worden beweend (onder de strengste bewaking) in een museum
            dat niemand bezoekt
Ik had bijna de vlag gehesen, de witte vlag
maar ik verkoos de raad van Hemingway te volgen
            en ging opnieuw met potlood schrijven
met de geslepen roeiriem stak ik menig water over om het schip van woorden
            tenslotte aan de aankomstoever af te meren – als ik niet gefaald had zijn korte zinnen te verstaan, toen ik voortging met zijn raad te volgen
            en net als hij voor de muur bleef steken

قاربُ الكلمات يَرسُو . . .

عجيبٌ أمرُ ثلاثتِهم:
الفأرةِ، لوحةِ المفاتيح ومُعالج الكلمات الذي لا يُعالجها
بل يفعل العكس تماماً حين يُنسيني حفظها
              في الملفِّ الصحيح…
     لتقفز أيقونةُ المَلامة على الشاشةِ
قبل أن ألوم نفسي، مُعالجَ الكلمات والفأرةَ اللعوبَ إثر اختفاء
أكثر من قصيدة ليلٍ في شُموس الصَّباحات التالية…
أعيتني أيقونةُ الملامةِ على صَفحة الشاشة ففكرتُ بالبحث
عن آلةٍ كاتبة (كتلك التي استخدمتها ڤرجينيا وولف) لا تملُّ
من عزف سيمفونيَّتها الصدَّاحةِ ببُطءٍ يتسارعُ
أو بتسارعٍ يتباطأُ إيقاعًا
     مع ضربات الأصابع...
لكنَّ تلك الآلات الفاتنة اندثرت في أيامنا هذه
     وبالكاد يلمحها المرءُ
تندبُ حظها (تحت الحِراسة المُشدَّدة) في مَلكوت مُتحف
     لا يُزار.
كدتُ أرفعُ الرَّايةَ، كدتُ أرفعها استسلاماً
لكنني آثرتُ الانصياع لنصيحة هيمِنغواي
     وعُدتُ للكتابةِ بقلم رصاص
عَبرتُ بمجذافه المَبريِّ أكثر من صفحةٍ ليرسو قاربُ الكلماتِ
     أخيرًا على ضفةِ الوُصول - لولا أنني حين تماديتُ
في مُجاراةِ صاحب النصيحة بالكتابة واقفاً مِثلَهُ على الحائط
     فشلتُ في إتقانِ جُمَلِهِ القصيرة.


Remarkable, the three of them together:
the mouse,
the keyboard
and the word processor
that fails to process them, but rather
does quite the contrary
and makes me forget
to save them in the proper file.
And so the icon of accusation
appears on the screen
before I can even accuse myself
or the word processor
or the playful mouse
after the disappearance of many a poem
about nights and morning suns . . .  
The icon’s accusation wore me out
so I thought of looking for a typewriter
(like the one Virginia Woolf used),
one that would not weary
of tapping out its symphony
with speedy slowness
or slowing speed.
But these enchanting instruments
have fallen out of use these days
and no one pays them any heed:
under heavy guard they bemoan their fate
in museum kingdoms
that no one ever visits.
I almost raised the flag, I almost surrendered,
but I opted to follow Hemingway’s advice
and go back to writing with a pencil.
I traversed page after page with that sharpened oar
so that the boat of words might finally cast anchor
on arrival’s coast. But I went too far
in my emulation, and started
scrawling on the walls
like him,
and so I failed to master
his short sentences.


Remarkable, the three of them together:
the mouse,
the keyboard
and the word processor
that fails to process them, but rather
does quite the contrary
and makes me forget
to save them in the proper file.
And so the icon of accusation
appears on the screen
before I can even accuse myself
or the word processor
or the playful mouse
after the disappearance of many a poem
about nights and morning suns . . .  
The icon’s accusation wore me out
so I thought of looking for a typewriter
(like the one Virginia Woolf used),
one that would not weary
of tapping out its symphony
with speedy slowness
or slowing speed.
But these enchanting instruments
have fallen out of use these days
and no one pays them any heed:
under heavy guard they bemoan their fate
in museum kingdoms
that no one ever visits.
I almost raised the flag, I almost surrendered,
but I opted to follow Hemingway’s advice
and go back to writing with a pencil.
I traversed page after page with that sharpened oar
so that the boat of words might finally cast anchor
on arrival’s coast. But I went too far
in my emulation, and started
scrawling on the walls
like him,
and so I failed to master
his short sentences.
Gemeente Rotterdam
Nederlands Letterenfonds
Stichting Van Beuningen Peterich-fonds
Prins Bernhard cultuurfonds
Lira fonds
J.E. Jurriaanse
Gefinancierd door de Europese Unie
Elise Mathilde Fonds
Stichting Verzameling van Wijngaarden-Boot
LantarenVenster – Verhalenhuis Belvédère