Poetry International Poetry International

Chouchanik Thamrazian


I wanted
To think of snowdrop cities,
Of cities dropping with snow
For your fingers.
I wanted to think
About white cities, about snow cities,
For these few stems – in frost – on your fingers
Instead of smiles that stay closed.
I wanted
To think about white dawns, prisoners of the snows.

And about rains, rains, rains,
Slow, without consideration, drenched with gold,
  Rains of snow
Like your roles, your flawless faces, learned by heart
leave you, betray you, undo you each day in the terrible silence of the rooms without a conclusion.
    ‘I wanted to say nothing.’

I wanted to think about prisoner cities
About those few words embroidered with snow, which
wander from the point.
    I wanted to be quiet,
to be here – to be far,
in a body of suspended summers –
for your summers which live in me.

I wanted to think of white dawns, their heart – red – of snow,
I wanted to think your fury – white – on the grasshoppers of the breaking skies, of the skies that depart, that empty.

And of rains, rains, red rains
   of snow
As the cities are embellished and are unembellished, rise, fall,
The white cities, the floating cities, the deep cities, the cities that don’t exist at the foot of the high red towers of your stormy rages that smell of red currants.
I wanted to plunge my fingers; to hold back nothing.

I wanted to think about moons
Of wounded moons, of dropped moons, of snowdrop moons,
Of moons of blood
For your nights that desert the faces, the hands and the lands, for your ochre and deserted nights.
I wanted to believe in suns of ink to crown your escapes.
I wanted to drink the suns; to be cold, wakeful.
I wanted to spit the moons: to burn cold.

I wanted to bewitch
the gardens of ochre joys and without refuge,
the hanging gardens of your joys and
to attract birds – silver birds – and moons carved of branched gold
of purple sleep.

I wanted to think the rooms,
The rooms asleep on the golden grasshoppers, the rooms where your footsteps awake,
To be there; to be far away.
To look, to see nothing.
To listen; to hear nothing.
To plunge my fingers; to soak.
To touch; to hold back nothing
of your songs that falter, sink.
    in the high, red towers of storm.

To pray to the white dawns, to the prisoner dawns, to the dawns of snow
For the birds of your rage.
I wanted to be there; to dwell nowhere.
I wanted not to live in you.
To empty the clusters of the cold, the rocks of stars, in the bodies that grind your words
  To listen, to hear nothing.
   To look, to see nothing
  To be there, to be far away.

I wanted to think of white cities, of deep cities, of prisoner cities,
I wanted to think of snowdrop cities, of cities dropping with snow, of cities of waking without refuge,
I wanted
To be there, to dwell nowhere
To smile at the smiles that you would be given one day.


Ik wilde
Sneeuw doorborende steden denken,
Door sneeuw doorboorde steden
Voor je vingers.
Witte steden
Wilde ik denken, steden van sneeuw,
Om die paar stelen – berijpt – op je vingers
In plaats van de glimlach die gesloten blijft.

Ik wilde
Witte morgens denken, gevangenen van de sneeuw.

En regens, regens, regens,
Trage, onvoorkomende, gouddoordrenkte
Regens van sneeuw
Zoals je rollen, je naadloze, ingestudeerde gezichten
je verlaten, je verraden, je dagelijks ontrafelen in de
schrikwekkende stilte van de zalen, zonder besluit.
– Ik wilde: niets zeggen.

Ik wilde steden denken die de gevangenen zijn
van die paar uit sneeuw geborduurde woorden
Ik wilde zwijgen,
hier blijven – ver weg zijn,
in het lichaam van de hangende zomers,
– om jouw zomers die me onbewonen.

Ik wilde witte morgens denken, hun hart – rood – van sneeuw,
Ik wilde je woede denken – wit – op de sprinkhanen van de luchten die zich verscheuren, die zich verlaten, zich ledigen.

En regens, regens, rode regens
van sneeuw
Zoals de steden zich borduren en deborduren, verrijzen instorten,
de witte steden, de drijvende steden, de diepe steden, de steden die
niet bestaan,
aan de voet van de hoge en rode torens van je woedende onweersbuien die naar aalbessen geuren.
Ik wilde mijn vingers dompelen; niets houden.

Ik wilde manen denken,
Verwonde manen, doorboorde manen, sneeuw doorborende manen,
manen van bloed
Voor je nachten die de gezichten, de handen en de gronden verlaten,
[voor je verlaten, okeren nachten.
Ik wilde geloven in de zonnen van inkt om je ontsnappingen te bekronen.
Ik wilde de zonnen drinken; koud zijn, wakker.
Ik wilde de manen spuwen: koud branden.

Ik wilde ze betoveren,
    de tuinen met okeren vreugden en zonder toevlucht,
    de hangende tuinen van je vreugden en
    vogels aanbrengen – zilveren vogels – en uit goud gesneden manen
    in de takken van de purperen dromen.

    Ik wilde de zalen denken,
    De ingeslapen zalen op de gouden sprinkhanen, de zalen waar je
    stappen ontwaken,
    Er zijn; me verre houden.
    Kijken, niets zien.
    Luisteren; niets horen.
    Mijn vingers dompelen; ontdopen.
    Aanraken; niets houden
    van je wankelende, wegzinkende zangen
                           in de hoge en rode torens van het onweer.

    Tot de witte morgens bidden, tot de gevangen dageraden, de morgens
    van sneeuw
Voor de vogels van je woede.
Ik wilde er zijn; niets bewonen.
Ik wilde: je niet bewonen.
Ledigen de druiven van de kou, de rotsen van sterren, in de lichamen die knisteren van je woorden
      –  Luisteren, niets horen.
      –  Kijken, niets zien
      –  Er zijn, ver zijn.

Ik wilde witte steden denken, diepe steden, gevangen steden,
Ik wilde sneeuw doorborende steden denken, sneeuw-doorboorde steden, steden van wakes zonder toevlucht,
Ik wilde
Er zijn; niets bewonen,
glimlachen om de glimlach die ze je ooit zullen schenken.


J’ai voulu
Penser des villes perce-neige,
Des villes percées-de-neige
Pour tes doigts.
J’ai voulu penser
Des villes blanches, des villes de neige,
Pour ces quelques tiges – en givre - sur tes doigts
Au lieu des sourires qui restent clos.

J’ai voulu
Penser des aurores blanches, prisonnières des neiges.
Sans cure.

Et des pluies, des pluies, des pluies,
Lentes, sans prévenance, trempées d’or,
   Pluies de neige
Comme tes rôles, tes visages sans faille, appris par cœur
te quittent, te trahissent, te défont chaque jour dans le silence terrible des salles, sans épilogue.
– J’ai voulu ne rien dire.

J’ai voulu penser des villes prisonnières
    De ces quelques mots brodés de neiges, qui s’égarent.
J’ai voulu me taire,
me tenir ici - être loin,
dans le corps d’étés suspendus,
– pour tes étés qui m’inhabitent. 

J’ai voulu penser des aurores blanches, leur cœur - rouge - de neige,
J’ai voulu penser ta fureur - blanche – sur les sauterelles des ciels qui se déchirent, des ciels qui se quittent, se vident.

Et des pluies, des pluies, des pluies rouges
      de neige
Comme les villes se brodent et se débrodent, s’élèvent s’effondrent,
Les villes blanches, les villes flottantes, les villes profondes, les villes qui n’existent pas
au pied des tours hautes et rouges de tes rages d’orage qui sentent la groseille.
J’ai voulu plonger mes doigts ; ne rien retenir.

J’ai voulu penser des lunes
Des lunes blessées, des lunes percées, des lunes-perce-neige,
des lunes de sang
Pour tes nuits qui quittent les visages, les mains et les terres, pour tes nuits désertes et ocres.
J’ai voulu croire aux soleils d’encre pour couronner tes fuites.
J’ai voulu boire les soleils; être froid, en veille.
J’ai voulu cracher les lunes: brûler froid.

J’ai voulu ensorceler
les jardins aux joies ocres et sans refuge,
les jardins suspendus de tes joies et
accrocher des oiseaux – oiseaux d’argent – et des lunes taillés d’or aux branches des sommeils pourpres.

J’ai voulu penser les salles,
Les salles endormies sur les sauterelles d’or, les salles où tes pas se réveillent,
Etre là; me tenir loin.
Regarder, ne rien voir.
Ecouter; ne rien entendre.
Plonger mes doigts; détremper.
Toucher; ne rien retenir
de tes chants qui chancellent, s’enlisent
dans les tours hautes et rouges d’orage.

Prier aux aubes blanches, aux aubes prisonnières, aux aubes de neige
Pour les oiseaux de ta rage.
J’ai voulu être là; ne rien habiter.
J’ai voulu ne pas t’habiter.
Vider les grappes du froid, les rochers d’astres, dans les corps qui crissent de tes mots
Ecouter, ne rien entendre.
Regarder, ne rien voir
Etre là, être loin.

J’ai voulu penser des villes blanches, des villes profondes, des villes prisonnières,
J’ai voulu penser des villes-perce-neige, des villes-percées-de-neige, des villes de veilles sans refuge, 
J’ai voulu
Etre là ; ne rien habiter
sourire aux sourires qu’on t’offrirait un jour.
Poems of Chouchanik Thamrazian


I wanted
To think of snowdrop cities,
Of cities dropping with snow
For your fingers.
I wanted to think
About white cities, about snow cities,
For these few stems – in frost – on your fingers
Instead of smiles that stay closed.
I wanted
To think about white dawns, prisoners of the snows.

And about rains, rains, rains,
Slow, without consideration, drenched with gold,
  Rains of snow
Like your roles, your flawless faces, learned by heart
leave you, betray you, undo you each day in the terrible silence of the rooms without a conclusion.
    ‘I wanted to say nothing.’

I wanted to think about prisoner cities
About those few words embroidered with snow, which
wander from the point.
    I wanted to be quiet,
to be here – to be far,
in a body of suspended summers –
for your summers which live in me.

I wanted to think of white dawns, their heart – red – of snow,
I wanted to think your fury – white – on the grasshoppers of the breaking skies, of the skies that depart, that empty.

And of rains, rains, red rains
   of snow
As the cities are embellished and are unembellished, rise, fall,
The white cities, the floating cities, the deep cities, the cities that don’t exist at the foot of the high red towers of your stormy rages that smell of red currants.
I wanted to plunge my fingers; to hold back nothing.

I wanted to think about moons
Of wounded moons, of dropped moons, of snowdrop moons,
Of moons of blood
For your nights that desert the faces, the hands and the lands, for your ochre and deserted nights.
I wanted to believe in suns of ink to crown your escapes.
I wanted to drink the suns; to be cold, wakeful.
I wanted to spit the moons: to burn cold.

I wanted to bewitch
the gardens of ochre joys and without refuge,
the hanging gardens of your joys and
to attract birds – silver birds – and moons carved of branched gold
of purple sleep.

I wanted to think the rooms,
The rooms asleep on the golden grasshoppers, the rooms where your footsteps awake,
To be there; to be far away.
To look, to see nothing.
To listen; to hear nothing.
To plunge my fingers; to soak.
To touch; to hold back nothing
of your songs that falter, sink.
    in the high, red towers of storm.

To pray to the white dawns, to the prisoner dawns, to the dawns of snow
For the birds of your rage.
I wanted to be there; to dwell nowhere.
I wanted not to live in you.
To empty the clusters of the cold, the rocks of stars, in the bodies that grind your words
  To listen, to hear nothing.
   To look, to see nothing
  To be there, to be far away.

I wanted to think of white cities, of deep cities, of prisoner cities,
I wanted to think of snowdrop cities, of cities dropping with snow, of cities of waking without refuge,
I wanted
To be there, to dwell nowhere
To smile at the smiles that you would be given one day.


I wanted
To think of snowdrop cities,
Of cities dropping with snow
For your fingers.
I wanted to think
About white cities, about snow cities,
For these few stems – in frost – on your fingers
Instead of smiles that stay closed.
I wanted
To think about white dawns, prisoners of the snows.

And about rains, rains, rains,
Slow, without consideration, drenched with gold,
  Rains of snow
Like your roles, your flawless faces, learned by heart
leave you, betray you, undo you each day in the terrible silence of the rooms without a conclusion.
    ‘I wanted to say nothing.’

I wanted to think about prisoner cities
About those few words embroidered with snow, which
wander from the point.
    I wanted to be quiet,
to be here – to be far,
in a body of suspended summers –
for your summers which live in me.

I wanted to think of white dawns, their heart – red – of snow,
I wanted to think your fury – white – on the grasshoppers of the breaking skies, of the skies that depart, that empty.

And of rains, rains, red rains
   of snow
As the cities are embellished and are unembellished, rise, fall,
The white cities, the floating cities, the deep cities, the cities that don’t exist at the foot of the high red towers of your stormy rages that smell of red currants.
I wanted to plunge my fingers; to hold back nothing.

I wanted to think about moons
Of wounded moons, of dropped moons, of snowdrop moons,
Of moons of blood
For your nights that desert the faces, the hands and the lands, for your ochre and deserted nights.
I wanted to believe in suns of ink to crown your escapes.
I wanted to drink the suns; to be cold, wakeful.
I wanted to spit the moons: to burn cold.

I wanted to bewitch
the gardens of ochre joys and without refuge,
the hanging gardens of your joys and
to attract birds – silver birds – and moons carved of branched gold
of purple sleep.

I wanted to think the rooms,
The rooms asleep on the golden grasshoppers, the rooms where your footsteps awake,
To be there; to be far away.
To look, to see nothing.
To listen; to hear nothing.
To plunge my fingers; to soak.
To touch; to hold back nothing
of your songs that falter, sink.
    in the high, red towers of storm.

To pray to the white dawns, to the prisoner dawns, to the dawns of snow
For the birds of your rage.
I wanted to be there; to dwell nowhere.
I wanted not to live in you.
To empty the clusters of the cold, the rocks of stars, in the bodies that grind your words
  To listen, to hear nothing.
   To look, to see nothing
  To be there, to be far away.

I wanted to think of white cities, of deep cities, of prisoner cities,
I wanted to think of snowdrop cities, of cities dropping with snow, of cities of waking without refuge,
I wanted
To be there, to dwell nowhere
To smile at the smiles that you would be given one day.
Gemeente Rotterdam
Nederlands Letterenfonds
Stichting Van Beuningen Peterich-fonds
Prins Bernhard cultuurfonds
Lira fonds
J.E. Jurriaanse
Gefinancierd door de Europese Unie
Elise Mathilde Fonds
Stichting Verzameling van Wijngaarden-Boot
LantarenVenster – Verhalenhuis Belvédère