Poetry International Poetry International

Ruy Duarte de Carvalho


Look at this country reducing itself to dust,
to saltpeter sores
and the blackened walls of the battlements
gnawed by the vegetate
of urine and sweat
of virgin meat sent
to dig splendors and grandeur
on the other side of the ocean.

Look at the history of a lost country:
tides of the gagged at a low ebb,
the naïve tolerance exploited
in flesh. Ask the sea,
still serene, and caressing
the same old eroded coast.

Look at the square brutal buildings:
the wharfs, people-depositories.
Look at the rivers refitted with cadavers
the rivers turbid with the dense flow
of arms and mothers of my country.

Look at the churches newly restored
on top of the ruins of a propagated faith:
white walls of an urgent dignity
hiding shackles for binding the heathen.

Look at the night inherited by these eyes
and a people condemned to kneading your bread.
Look, love, if you’re attentive, you’ll see
a history of stone building itself
on top of a history of death reducing itself to dust,
to saltpeter sores.


Kijk toch eens aan dit land dat uiteenvalt
in wonden van salpeter
en de muren, zwarte muren, van de forten,
aangevreten door begroeiing
van urine en van zweet,
het maagdelijke vlees gestuurd
van overzee
om roem en glorie te vergaren.

Kijk toch eens aan de historie van dit verloren land:
laagtij van een gemuilkorfd volk,
de argeloze inschikkelijkheid als vlees
benut. Vraag het de zee,
die zacht is en nog steeds
dezelfde geërodeerde kust liefkoost.

Kijk toch eens aan die vreselijke vierkante gebouwen:
havenloodsen, mensenmagazijnen.
Kijk toch eens aan die rivieren met nieuwe lijken,
rivieren troebel van het vettig glijden
van de armen en de handen van mijn land.

Kijk toch eens aan die gerestaureerde kerken
op ruïnes van een rondgebazuind geloof:
witte muren van urgente schittering
verbergen ijzers om de heiden op te voeden.

Kijk toch eens aan deze geërfde nacht, in de ogen
van een volk gedoemd jouw brood te kneden.

Kijk mij eens aan, mijn lief, wanneer je goed kijkt zie je
een historie van steen die wordt gebouwd
op een dode historie die uiteenvalt
in wonden van salpeter.


Olha-me este país a esboroar-se
em chagas de salitre
e os muros, negros, dos fortes
roídos pelo vegetar
da urina e do suor
da carne virgem mandada
cavar glórias e grandeza
do outro lado do mar.

Olha-me a história de um país perdido:
marés vazantes de gente amordaçada
a ingénua tolerância aproveitada
em carne. Pergunta ao mar
que é manso e afaga ainda
a mesma velha costa erosionada.

Olha-me as brutas construções quadradas:
embarcadouros, depósitos de gente.
Olha-me os rios renovados de cadáveres
os rios turvos do espesso deslizar
dos braços e das mães do meu país.

Olha-me igrejas agora restauradas
sobre ruínas de propalada fé:
paredes brancas de um urgente brio
escondendo ferros de amarrar gentio.

Olha-me a noite herdada nestes olhos
e um povo condenado a amassar-te o pão.

Olha-me amor, atenta podes ver
uma história de pedra a construir-se
sobre uma história morta a esboroar-se
em chagas de salitre.


Look at this country reducing itself to dust,
to saltpeter sores
and the blackened walls of the battlements
gnawed by the vegetate
of urine and sweat
of virgin meat sent
to dig splendors and grandeur
on the other side of the ocean.

Look at the history of a lost country:
tides of the gagged at a low ebb,
the naïve tolerance exploited
in flesh. Ask the sea,
still serene, and caressing
the same old eroded coast.

Look at the square brutal buildings:
the wharfs, people-depositories.
Look at the rivers refitted with cadavers
the rivers turbid with the dense flow
of arms and mothers of my country.

Look at the churches newly restored
on top of the ruins of a propagated faith:
white walls of an urgent dignity
hiding shackles for binding the heathen.

Look at the night inherited by these eyes
and a people condemned to kneading your bread.
Look, love, if you’re attentive, you’ll see
a history of stone building itself
on top of a history of death reducing itself to dust,
to saltpeter sores.


Look at this country reducing itself to dust,
to saltpeter sores
and the blackened walls of the battlements
gnawed by the vegetate
of urine and sweat
of virgin meat sent
to dig splendors and grandeur
on the other side of the ocean.

Look at the history of a lost country:
tides of the gagged at a low ebb,
the naïve tolerance exploited
in flesh. Ask the sea,
still serene, and caressing
the same old eroded coast.

Look at the square brutal buildings:
the wharfs, people-depositories.
Look at the rivers refitted with cadavers
the rivers turbid with the dense flow
of arms and mothers of my country.

Look at the churches newly restored
on top of the ruins of a propagated faith:
white walls of an urgent dignity
hiding shackles for binding the heathen.

Look at the night inherited by these eyes
and a people condemned to kneading your bread.
Look, love, if you’re attentive, you’ll see
a history of stone building itself
on top of a history of death reducing itself to dust,
to saltpeter sores.
Gemeente Rotterdam
Nederlands Letterenfonds
Stichting Van Beuningen Peterich-fonds
Prins Bernhard cultuurfonds
Lira fonds
J.E. Jurriaanse
Gefinancierd door de Europese Unie
Elise Mathilde Fonds
Stichting Verzameling van Wijngaarden-Boot
LantarenVenster – Verhalenhuis Belvédère