Poetry International Poetry International


At this moment, writing, I sense

at this moment, writing, I sense
what poetry is about
but when I think about it
it eludes me by definition

just as water cupped in your hand
disappears between your fingers
when you spread them

or the sky you saw shining in it
fragments and suddenly is gone

yet I am surprised to see
this cosmos on a page before me

words stainless, transparent
saved from a brain full of doubts

thoughts clothed again in language
expression of the human heart
blood all pure in our body

big words are a threat to poetry
they have no depth nor value

but children still speak free from care
fearless, they hold my hand

they wake me from my stupor
uninhibited, passionate, fiery
they lend my heart a new rhythm

in a dream I kiss their eyes
I'm ripening with them

with them I taste purity, friendship
a fruit of trust and love

nu ik schrijf ervaar ik wat poëzie is

nu ik schrijf ervaar ik wat poëzie is
maar als ik het overdenk
ontgaat het mij per definitie

precies zoals water binnen je handen
wegglipt tussen gespreide vingers

of de hemel die je erin zag schijnen
fragmenteert en ineens niet meer is

toch ben ik verrast en bekijk
die cosmos hier op een bladzij

woorden schoon zonder bijsmaak
gered uit een brein vol van twijfels

gedachten ingekleed weer in taal
expressie van het menselijk hart
bloed alzuiver binnen ons lichaam

grootsprakigheid staat poëzie naar het leven
diepgang noch waarde bezit zij

maar onbekommerd praten nog kinderen
onbevreesd houdt de jeugd mijn hand vast

zij bevrijden mij uit mijn coma
ongeremd, driftig, vol vuur
brengen zij nieuw ritme mijn hart in

in een droom zoen ik hun ogen
rijp ik met hen mee

als zij proef ik zuiverheid, vriendschap
een vrucht van vertrouwen en liefde


At this moment, writing, I sense

at this moment, writing, I sense
what poetry is about
but when I think about it
it eludes me by definition

just as water cupped in your hand
disappears between your fingers
when you spread them

or the sky you saw shining in it
fragments and suddenly is gone

yet I am surprised to see
this cosmos on a page before me

words stainless, transparent
saved from a brain full of doubts

thoughts clothed again in language
expression of the human heart
blood all pure in our body

big words are a threat to poetry
they have no depth nor value

but children still speak free from care
fearless, they hold my hand

they wake me from my stupor
uninhibited, passionate, fiery
they lend my heart a new rhythm

in a dream I kiss their eyes
I'm ripening with them

with them I taste purity, friendship
a fruit of trust and love

At this moment, writing, I sense

at this moment, writing, I sense
what poetry is about
but when I think about it
it eludes me by definition

just as water cupped in your hand
disappears between your fingers
when you spread them

or the sky you saw shining in it
fragments and suddenly is gone

yet I am surprised to see
this cosmos on a page before me

words stainless, transparent
saved from a brain full of doubts

thoughts clothed again in language
expression of the human heart
blood all pure in our body

big words are a threat to poetry
they have no depth nor value

but children still speak free from care
fearless, they hold my hand

they wake me from my stupor
uninhibited, passionate, fiery
they lend my heart a new rhythm

in a dream I kiss their eyes
I'm ripening with them

with them I taste purity, friendship
a fruit of trust and love

Gemeente Rotterdam
Nederlands Letterenfonds
Stichting Van Beuningen Peterich-fonds
Prins Bernhard cultuurfonds
Lira fonds
J.E. Jurriaanse
Gefinancierd door de Europese Unie
Elise Mathilde Fonds
Stichting Verzameling van Wijngaarden-Boot
LantarenVenster – Verhalenhuis Belvédère