Poetry International Poetry International

Miroslav Mićanović


A house for sale in Gunja
is very simple to describe
in the year two thousand and thirteen:
large and well-kept,
with yard and garden, green lawn
and small orchard, with summer kitchen,
reliable tools and confident neighbors,
with comfortable wooden bench in front of it,
so you can see a world passing
(and leaving).
The house for sale was advertised,
a house kept with hands of various
artisans: bricklayers, carpenters, electricians,
locksmiths, floor layers, ceramists,
roofers, with hands of known
and unknown artisans, ignoramuses,
shady passers-by, a house built
and kept by the hands of its owner
Antun Antal (during the last war
he went to Sweden to die
A house for sale in Gunja
is very simple to describe
in the year two thousand and thirteen.
You can come to see an item on
sale and if you buy it you can
rest assured it will
last forever.
But in the advertisement you will not read
about dead owner, he is still around
the house, mending and keeping,
in due time,
if he can afford it.



Može se opisati jednostavno
kuća na prodaju u Gunji 
dvije tisuće i trinaeste godine: 
prostrana i očuvana,
s dvorištem i vrtom, zelenom travom
i niskim voćkama, s ljetnom kuhinjom,
dobrim alatima i pouzdanim komšijama,
s udobnom drvenom klupom ispred nje,
da se može vidjeti svijet koji prolazi
(i koji odlazi).
Oglašeno je kuća na prodaju,
kuća održavana rukama različitih
zanatlija: zidara, stolara, električara,
bravara, parketara, keramičara, 
krovopokrivača, rukama poznatih 
i nepoznatih majstora, neznalica, 
sumnjivih namjernika, kuća rađena
i čuvana rukama njezina vlasnika 
Antuna Antala (koji je s posljednjim 
ratom otišao u Švedsku i tamo 
Može se opisati jednostavno
kuća na prodaju u Gunji 
dvije tisuće i trinaeste godine.

Može se doći i vidjeti ono što je na
prodaju i tko je kupi može biti 
miran i siguran u njezinu 

Ono što nije oglašeno jest
da je njezin umrli vlasnik obilazi
i nadalje, brine o njoj i popravlja je,
kad je vrijeme za to, kad se to 
već nekako može.


A house for sale in Gunja
is very simple to describe
in the year two thousand and thirteen:
large and well-kept,
with yard and garden, green lawn
and small orchard, with summer kitchen,
reliable tools and confident neighbors,
with comfortable wooden bench in front of it,
so you can see a world passing
(and leaving).
The house for sale was advertised,
a house kept with hands of various
artisans: bricklayers, carpenters, electricians,
locksmiths, floor layers, ceramists,
roofers, with hands of known
and unknown artisans, ignoramuses,
shady passers-by, a house built
and kept by the hands of its owner
Antun Antal (during the last war
he went to Sweden to die
A house for sale in Gunja
is very simple to describe
in the year two thousand and thirteen.
You can come to see an item on
sale and if you buy it you can
rest assured it will
last forever.
But in the advertisement you will not read
about dead owner, he is still around
the house, mending and keeping,
in due time,
if he can afford it.


A house for sale in Gunja
is very simple to describe
in the year two thousand and thirteen:
large and well-kept,
with yard and garden, green lawn
and small orchard, with summer kitchen,
reliable tools and confident neighbors,
with comfortable wooden bench in front of it,
so you can see a world passing
(and leaving).
The house for sale was advertised,
a house kept with hands of various
artisans: bricklayers, carpenters, electricians,
locksmiths, floor layers, ceramists,
roofers, with hands of known
and unknown artisans, ignoramuses,
shady passers-by, a house built
and kept by the hands of its owner
Antun Antal (during the last war
he went to Sweden to die
A house for sale in Gunja
is very simple to describe
in the year two thousand and thirteen.
You can come to see an item on
sale and if you buy it you can
rest assured it will
last forever.
But in the advertisement you will not read
about dead owner, he is still around
the house, mending and keeping,
in due time,
if he can afford it.
Gemeente Rotterdam
Nederlands Letterenfonds
Stichting Van Beuningen Peterich-fonds
Prins Bernhard cultuurfonds
Lira fonds
J.E. Jurriaanse
Gefinancierd door de Europese Unie
Elise Mathilde Fonds
Stichting Verzameling van Wijngaarden-Boot
LantarenVenster – Verhalenhuis Belvédère