Poetry International Poetry International

Irena Matijašević


i need black coffee, not only a moment
but a full cup, in which there is room for
the lack of belief and cynicism, hardness
then passage, having been drunk, the bottom, softness of the fresh dregs
and that you don’t drink, i have to kick the white vice
let’s call it too much sugar, too much white and i need something bitter,
harsher. in fact, a resistance.
life, the way black coffee goes with the white smoke,
a bit of grounding, a bit of lifting up, rhythm, exchange, a moment,
we are making arrangements
tuesday, tuesday is ok, one day in february, after two



treba mi crna kava, ne samo  trenutak
nego duža kava, u koju stane
nevjera i cinizam, tvrdoća
pa prijelaz, ispijen, dno, mekoća  svježeg taloga
a on se ne pije. ionako se moram skinuti s bijelog poroka,
nazovimo to previše šećera previše bijelog
i tražim nešto gorče, oporije.
otpor zapravo.
život, onako kako uz bijeli dim ide crna kava,
malo uzemljenje malo podizanje, ritam, izmjena, trenutak,
mi se dogovaramo
utorak, može utorak, jedan dan veljače, poslije dva


i need black coffee, not only a moment
but a full cup, in which there is room for
the lack of belief and cynicism, hardness
then passage, having been drunk, the bottom, softness of the fresh dregs
and that you don’t drink, i have to kick the white vice
let’s call it too much sugar, too much white and i need something bitter,
harsher. in fact, a resistance.
life, the way black coffee goes with the white smoke,
a bit of grounding, a bit of lifting up, rhythm, exchange, a moment,
we are making arrangements
tuesday, tuesday is ok, one day in february, after two


i need black coffee, not only a moment
but a full cup, in which there is room for
the lack of belief and cynicism, hardness
then passage, having been drunk, the bottom, softness of the fresh dregs
and that you don’t drink, i have to kick the white vice
let’s call it too much sugar, too much white and i need something bitter,
harsher. in fact, a resistance.
life, the way black coffee goes with the white smoke,
a bit of grounding, a bit of lifting up, rhythm, exchange, a moment,
we are making arrangements
tuesday, tuesday is ok, one day in february, after two
Gemeente Rotterdam
Nederlands Letterenfonds
Stichting Van Beuningen Peterich-fonds
Prins Bernhard cultuurfonds
Lira fonds
J.E. Jurriaanse
Gefinancierd door de Europese Unie
Elise Mathilde Fonds
Stichting Verzameling van Wijngaarden-Boot
LantarenVenster – Verhalenhuis Belvédère