Poetry International Poetry International

Maryam Hooleh


They say under these womens’ chador     walk children and restaurants
They say all the skin and passages           are moonlight and marble . . .
They do their mock laughter
if the chador is blown away            they would take the ‘disaster’ to be stoned
onto the gravediggers of justice
Hey!     The cry of the creeking carts . . .
Meaning, if there were no boundaries    
   no desire should be tempted to advance?
But if someone was left under the stones . . .
buried alive . . .
a woman . . .



مي گويند زير چادر اين زن ها      بچه ها و رستوران ها راه مي روند  ...
مي گويند پوست ها و دالان ها      مهتاب و مرمرند  ...
اينها همه دروغ مي خندند
چادر که به هوا مي رفت      يک «  فاجعه » را به سنگسار مي بردند
در گورکنان ِ متعادل    
                        گريه ي گاري ها را ... هو !
يعني اگر ديوارها نباشند     هيچ وسوسه اي      اميد پيشروي نخواهد بود ؟
اما اگر زير خشت ها      کسي مانده باشد ...
                               زنده زنده ...
                                زني ....



They say under these womens’ chador     walk children and restaurants
They say all the skin and passages           are moonlight and marble . . .
They do their mock laughter
if the chador is blown away            they would take the ‘disaster’ to be stoned
onto the gravediggers of justice
Hey!     The cry of the creeking carts . . .
Meaning, if there were no boundaries    
   no desire should be tempted to advance?
But if someone was left under the stones . . .
buried alive . . .
a woman . . .


They say under these womens’ chador     walk children and restaurants
They say all the skin and passages           are moonlight and marble . . .
They do their mock laughter
if the chador is blown away            they would take the ‘disaster’ to be stoned
onto the gravediggers of justice
Hey!     The cry of the creeking carts . . .
Meaning, if there were no boundaries    
   no desire should be tempted to advance?
But if someone was left under the stones . . .
buried alive . . .
a woman . . .
Gemeente Rotterdam
Nederlands Letterenfonds
Stichting Van Beuningen Peterich-fonds
Prins Bernhard cultuurfonds
Lira fonds
J.E. Jurriaanse
Gefinancierd door de Europese Unie
Elise Mathilde Fonds
Stichting Verzameling van Wijngaarden-Boot
LantarenVenster – Verhalenhuis Belvédère