Liu Waitong
Let me return to twenty-six years before I was born,the four seas hazy, and white foam like a curse written across the heavens,
I stand precariously on a black wave, ten million rough
hungry ghosts pass back and forth across my empty shell.
I am cold, I am cold, Mao Zedong never saw Marx at all
carrying just a flowery Avīci he came down from the mountains;
I am cold, I am cold, Chiang Kai-Shek never saw Yahweh at all
carrying just a gilded Yama crossed the river.
It is raining in the bamboo forest; when we touch it, they are all flames . . .
Flowers opened in the boots; we push our feet in, inside all broken bones . . .
Don’t you know how big and brittle human bones are?
Even the white butterflies each carry the blossom of a thundering cry.
Let me return to when my father was fourteen; the lines of his face in full bloom like a tiger cub
will soon be washed away by bloody arrows shot from all directions.
I stand precariously on a black wave, unable to catch this unborn country,
this youth hastily discarded at the end of chaos.
© Translation: 2013, Venus Lau & Robin Peckham
[1] Line 6: A Buddhist term for an endless hell with no possibility of respite, or the deepest level of such a hell.
[2] Line 8: A Buddhist god of death or king of hell.
Laat me teruggaan in de tijd zesentwintig jaar voor mijn geboorte,mist overal, wit schuim als een vloek tegen de hemel geschreven,
ik sta gevaarlijk op een zwarte golf, waar ontelbare ruige
hongerige geesten dwars door mijn lege schelp gaan.
Ik heb het koud, ik heb het koud, Mao Zedong heeft Marx helemaal nooit gezien
alleen met de bonte hel Avici in zijn armen kwam hij de berg af;
ik heb het koud, ik heb het koud, Chiang Kai-Shek heeft Jehova helemaal nooit gezien
alleen met een vergulden Yama in zijn armen stak hij de rivier over.
Het regent in het bamboebos, we raken elkaar aan, alles staat in vlammen . . .
Het bloeide bloemen in de laarzen, we stopten onze voeten erin, allemaal gebroken botten . . .
Je weet zeker niet hoe groot en kwetsbaar mensenbotten zijn?
Zelfs elke witte vlinder draagt het geluid van donderslagen.
Laat me teruggaan naar het jaar dat mijn vader veertien was, de strepen van een tijgerwelp die in
zijn gezicht bloeiden werden
al snel weggewassen door bloedpijlen geschoten vanuit alle richtingen.
Ik sta gevaarlijk op een zwarte golf, en kan dit ongeboren land niet opvangen,
de jeugd vergooid in een stormachtig einde.
© Vertaling: 2013, Audrey Heijns
© 2013, Liu Waitong
Poems of Liu Waitong
Let me return to twenty-six years before I was born,the four seas hazy, and white foam like a curse written across the heavens,
I stand precariously on a black wave, ten million rough
hungry ghosts pass back and forth across my empty shell.
I am cold, I am cold, Mao Zedong never saw Marx at all
carrying just a flowery Avīci he came down from the mountains;
I am cold, I am cold, Chiang Kai-Shek never saw Yahweh at all
carrying just a gilded Yama crossed the river.
It is raining in the bamboo forest; when we touch it, they are all flames . . .
Flowers opened in the boots; we push our feet in, inside all broken bones . . .
Don’t you know how big and brittle human bones are?
Even the white butterflies each carry the blossom of a thundering cry.
Let me return to when my father was fourteen; the lines of his face in full bloom like a tiger cub
will soon be washed away by bloody arrows shot from all directions.
I stand precariously on a black wave, unable to catch this unborn country,
this youth hastily discarded at the end of chaos.
© 2013, Venus Lau & Robin Peckham
Let me return to twenty-six years before I was born,the four seas hazy, and white foam like a curse written across the heavens,
I stand precariously on a black wave, ten million rough
hungry ghosts pass back and forth across my empty shell.
I am cold, I am cold, Mao Zedong never saw Marx at all
carrying just a flowery Avīci he came down from the mountains;
I am cold, I am cold, Chiang Kai-Shek never saw Yahweh at all
carrying just a gilded Yama crossed the river.
It is raining in the bamboo forest; when we touch it, they are all flames . . .
Flowers opened in the boots; we push our feet in, inside all broken bones . . .
Don’t you know how big and brittle human bones are?
Even the white butterflies each carry the blossom of a thundering cry.
Let me return to when my father was fourteen; the lines of his face in full bloom like a tiger cub
will soon be washed away by bloody arrows shot from all directions.
I stand precariously on a black wave, unable to catch this unborn country,
this youth hastily discarded at the end of chaos.
© 2013, Venus Lau & Robin Peckham

LantarenVenster – Verhalenhuis Belvédère