Poetry International Poetry International

Dolores Dorantes


“6.-Branches. Branches crossing the air. Branches cutting the air. Cutting across the interminable skin of sky. Lashing the sky. Of us all you have is shreds of sky, fervor. We are shreds. Live parts of a tree. Goldwork applied painfully onto the air, the skin of air is what you have. The blue flesh of sky. Skin that you cannot trample. We want you to want to hug us. We like that you try to hold onto the sky. We like that your hands knock against the branches. We like that you direct the branches in the air. We all want you to cut us. A gust of birds. We want you to cover our mouths. The strands of your veins calmly against the skin of sky. Hold us from within the pulse, fervor.”


“6.-Takken. Takken doorkruisen de lucht. Takken doorsnijden de lucht. Doorboren de oneindige huid van de hemel. Geselen de hemel. Repen hemel heb jij van ons, vurigheid. Repen zijn we. Levende delen van een boom. Met pijn uitgevoerde edelsmeedkunst in de lucht, wat jij hebt is de huid van de lucht. Het blauwe vlees van de hemel. Huid waar je niet op kunt trappen. We willen dat jij ons wilt omhelzen. We vinden het prettig dat je probeert de hemel vast te binden. We vinden het prettig dat jouw handen tegen de takken botsen. We vinden het prettig dat je de takken in de lucht leidt. We willen allemaal dat je ons afsnijdt. Een salvo van vogels. We willen dat je ons de mond snoert. De draden van jouw aderen kalm over de huid van de hemel. Ondersteun ons vanuit de polsslag, vurigheid."

“6.-Ramas. Ramas cruzando el aire. Ramas cortando el aire. Atravesando la interminable piel del cielo. Azotando el cielo. Tiras de cielo tienes de nosotras, fervor. Tiras somos. Partes vivas de un árbol. Orfebrería aplicada con dolor sobre el aire, la piel del aire es lo que tienes. La carne azul del cielo. Piel que no puedes pisar. Queremos que quieras abrazarnos. Nos gusta que intentes sujetar el cielo. Nos gusta que tus manos se topen con las ramas. Nos gusta que dirijas las ramas en el aire. Todas queremos que nos cortes. Una racha de pájaros. Queremos que nos tapes la boca. Las hebras de tus venas en calma sobre la piel del cielo. Sostennos desde el pulso, fervor.”


“6.-Branches. Branches crossing the air. Branches cutting the air. Cutting across the interminable skin of sky. Lashing the sky. Of us all you have is shreds of sky, fervor. We are shreds. Live parts of a tree. Goldwork applied painfully onto the air, the skin of air is what you have. The blue flesh of sky. Skin that you cannot trample. We want you to want to hug us. We like that you try to hold onto the sky. We like that your hands knock against the branches. We like that you direct the branches in the air. We all want you to cut us. A gust of birds. We want you to cover our mouths. The strands of your veins calmly against the skin of sky. Hold us from within the pulse, fervor.”


“6.-Branches. Branches crossing the air. Branches cutting the air. Cutting across the interminable skin of sky. Lashing the sky. Of us all you have is shreds of sky, fervor. We are shreds. Live parts of a tree. Goldwork applied painfully onto the air, the skin of air is what you have. The blue flesh of sky. Skin that you cannot trample. We want you to want to hug us. We like that you try to hold onto the sky. We like that your hands knock against the branches. We like that you direct the branches in the air. We all want you to cut us. A gust of birds. We want you to cover our mouths. The strands of your veins calmly against the skin of sky. Hold us from within the pulse, fervor.”
Gemeente Rotterdam
Nederlands Letterenfonds
Stichting Van Beuningen Peterich-fonds
Prins Bernhard cultuurfonds
Lira fonds
J.E. Jurriaanse
Gefinancierd door de Europese Unie
Elise Mathilde Fonds
Stichting Verzameling van Wijngaarden-Boot
LantarenVenster – Verhalenhuis Belvédère