Poetry International Poetry International

Barbara Köhler

Good Day

always left out in the rain,
stay cool as if leaving
were the question: remains to be seen
& what brings me down to earth

with a bang strikes my open heart
red-eyed decried I’ll survive the smart
disintegrate degenerate for you
remove myself what’s left are you

off your head off home offtimes
JUST TRAVELLIN’ it’s not about
empty words so much high-flown

phoney baloney all that I can spout
is blown and thrown away between us two
the rain soaked down to the bone

Guten Tag

Guten Tag

immer hinterher im regen stehen
gelassen bleiben als ob gehen
die frage sei: dahingestellt
& was aus allen wolken fällt

mir zu betrifft mich offenherzig
verheult verlacht den rest verschmerz ich
vergeh verkomme auf dich zu
entferne mich was bleibt bist du

bei trost bei dir beizeiten
JUST TRAVELLIN‘ es kommt nicht an
auf sprüche soviel ist versprochen

und haltlos was ich sagen kann
verstummt verspielt zwischen uns beiden
der regen naß bis auf die knochen

Good Day

always left out in the rain,
stay cool as if leaving
were the question: remains to be seen
& what brings me down to earth

with a bang strikes my open heart
red-eyed decried I’ll survive the smart
disintegrate degenerate for you
remove myself what’s left are you

off your head off home offtimes
JUST TRAVELLIN’ it’s not about
empty words so much high-flown

phoney baloney all that I can spout
is blown and thrown away between us two
the rain soaked down to the bone

Good Day

always left out in the rain,
stay cool as if leaving
were the question: remains to be seen
& what brings me down to earth

with a bang strikes my open heart
red-eyed decried I’ll survive the smart
disintegrate degenerate for you
remove myself what’s left are you

off your head off home offtimes
JUST TRAVELLIN’ it’s not about
empty words so much high-flown

phoney baloney all that I can spout
is blown and thrown away between us two
the rain soaked down to the bone
Gemeente Rotterdam
Nederlands Letterenfonds
Stichting Van Beuningen Peterich-fonds
Prins Bernhard cultuurfonds
Lira fonds
J.E. Jurriaanse
Gefinancierd door de Europese Unie
Elise Mathilde Fonds
Stichting Verzameling van Wijngaarden-Boot
LantarenVenster – Verhalenhuis Belvédère