Poetry International Poetry International

Barbara Köhler


a game with the eyes a game with the hands
the talk of gestures tied to the net of glances
captious and resolved as if turned to answer
questions the next question to a continuation
of the present to let a piece to let a possibility
to let an ornament grow on the green tin
square between the players a maze with two
exits and a forgotten middle the figure that
depicts a conversation it takes on the form
shares it with the pieces the double squares
with eyes black on worn white count same
to same count on green next to red six next to
one to one next to nothing to nothing count
recount each other a present a gift um
: the mix of chance and fate and skill
the mixing of pieces a ritual the division into
two equal parts and a common kitty out of
which the one who can no longer give takes
the one who has nothing to add takes out of
a hope that doesn’t fade till the last piece is
played to find an answer a sign a sameness
a turn that continues the conversation that fits
into the ornament that perhaps becomes a
picture that then appears clearly in the middle
of the night in the small bar with the green tables
at one of which two play not at war, not for
mastery or power the one who wins this game
is the one who can give everything who stays
awake who sees how sameness changes at
the same time the one who answers the other
at the table with the same sides and the
gestures the glances the glances the gestures
no words but another quiet hearing between two
givers and the pattern gives an order to chance it
perceives who gives: realizes it at the same time
bindingly and yet clearly open on both sides
something that is given as if everything could
depend on a game of dominoes: life itself



ein spiel mit den augen ein spiel mit den händen
die rede der gesten ins netz der blicke geknüpft
verfängliches & gelöstes wie fragen zu antworten
gewendet der nächsten frage zu einer fortsetzung
der gegenwart um einen stein um eine möglichkeit
um ein ornament wachsen zu lassen auf dem grünen
blechquadrat zwischen den spielern ein labyrinth
mit zwei ausgängen & vergessener mitte die figur
die ein gespräch beschreibt die form nimmt es an
teilt es mit den steinen den doppelquadraten mit
augen schwarzen auf abgegriffnem weiß zählen sie
gleich zu gleich zählen auf grün neben rot sechs
neben eins zu eins neben nichts zu nichts zählen
erzählen einander eine gegenwart ein geschenk um
presente: die mischung aus zufall & geschick das
mischen der steine ein ritual ihr teilen in zwei
gleiche teile & einen gemeinsamen vorrat aus dem
nimmt wer nicht mehr geben kann wer nichts hinzu
zufügen hat nimmt von einer hoffnung die bis zum
letzten stein nicht weniger wird eine antwort zu
finden ein zeichen ein gleiches eine wendung die
das gespräch fortsetzt in das ornament sich fügt
zum bild vielleicht das dann deutlich erscheinen
würde mitten in der nacht in der kleinen bar mit
den grünen tischen an einem zwei die nicht krieg
spielen nicht um herrschaft & macht dieses spiel
gewinnt wer alles geben kann wer wach bleibt wer
sieht wie gleiches zugleich sich ändert eins das
andere erwidert am tisch mit den gleichen seiten
die gesten die blicke die blicke die gesten kein
wort aber ein anderes stilles vernehmen zwischen
zwei gebenden das muster ergibt eine ordnung der
zufälle nimmt wer gibt wahr: verwirklicht sie zu
gleich verbindlich & offen sichtlich fortsetzbar
auf beiden seiten ein hingegebenes als könnte es
ums ganze gehen bei einem dominospiel: ums leben


a game with the eyes a game with the hands
the talk of gestures tied to the net of glances
captious and resolved as if turned to answer
questions the next question to a continuation
of the present to let a piece to let a possibility
to let an ornament grow on the green tin
square between the players a maze with two
exits and a forgotten middle the figure that
depicts a conversation it takes on the form
shares it with the pieces the double squares
with eyes black on worn white count same
to same count on green next to red six next to
one to one next to nothing to nothing count
recount each other a present a gift um
: the mix of chance and fate and skill
the mixing of pieces a ritual the division into
two equal parts and a common kitty out of
which the one who can no longer give takes
the one who has nothing to add takes out of
a hope that doesn’t fade till the last piece is
played to find an answer a sign a sameness
a turn that continues the conversation that fits
into the ornament that perhaps becomes a
picture that then appears clearly in the middle
of the night in the small bar with the green tables
at one of which two play not at war, not for
mastery or power the one who wins this game
is the one who can give everything who stays
awake who sees how sameness changes at
the same time the one who answers the other
at the table with the same sides and the
gestures the glances the glances the gestures
no words but another quiet hearing between two
givers and the pattern gives an order to chance it
perceives who gives: realizes it at the same time
bindingly and yet clearly open on both sides
something that is given as if everything could
depend on a game of dominoes: life itself


a game with the eyes a game with the hands
the talk of gestures tied to the net of glances
captious and resolved as if turned to answer
questions the next question to a continuation
of the present to let a piece to let a possibility
to let an ornament grow on the green tin
square between the players a maze with two
exits and a forgotten middle the figure that
depicts a conversation it takes on the form
shares it with the pieces the double squares
with eyes black on worn white count same
to same count on green next to red six next to
one to one next to nothing to nothing count
recount each other a present a gift um
: the mix of chance and fate and skill
the mixing of pieces a ritual the division into
two equal parts and a common kitty out of
which the one who can no longer give takes
the one who has nothing to add takes out of
a hope that doesn’t fade till the last piece is
played to find an answer a sign a sameness
a turn that continues the conversation that fits
into the ornament that perhaps becomes a
picture that then appears clearly in the middle
of the night in the small bar with the green tables
at one of which two play not at war, not for
mastery or power the one who wins this game
is the one who can give everything who stays
awake who sees how sameness changes at
the same time the one who answers the other
at the table with the same sides and the
gestures the glances the glances the gestures
no words but another quiet hearing between two
givers and the pattern gives an order to chance it
perceives who gives: realizes it at the same time
bindingly and yet clearly open on both sides
something that is given as if everything could
depend on a game of dominoes: life itself
Gemeente Rotterdam
Nederlands Letterenfonds
Stichting Van Beuningen Peterich-fonds
Prins Bernhard cultuurfonds
Lira fonds
J.E. Jurriaanse
Gefinancierd door de Europese Unie
Elise Mathilde Fonds
Stichting Verzameling van Wijngaarden-Boot
LantarenVenster – Verhalenhuis Belvédère