Poetry International Poetry International

Tatjana Gromača


A fat man and a fat woman kiss in the supermarket.
Their juicy, pinky tongues
lean awkwardly against each other
like two rolls on the bakery counter.
While they kiss, they can’t cling to each other.
They come together at two points only:
the tip of their belly and the fiery flames of their tongue.
After lovemaking
they roll about in the sheets
like two happy hippos
in the zoo pool.

The fat man massages the fat woman’s feet
a TV newsman’s voice is in the background
and she feeds him tripe or honeycomb
from a pot that is on the floor.
Later on maybe she dresses him in her gowns
and puts a glaring lipstick on his lips.

They pay no attention to stains on the pillow
or breadcrumbs on the sheets,
to hairs, stretch marks, cellulite,
or varicose veins like railway tracks
on their short legs.
They are not frustrated with politics or the state of the country
or the bad living conditions,
these two passionate self-contained creatures
this perfect hermaphroditic cheese pie.



Debeli i debela ljube se u samoposluzi.
Njihovi sočni, ružičasti jezici
nezgrapno se naslanjaju jedan na drugog
kao dvije pogačice na pultu pekarskog kioska.
Dok se ljube, ne mogu biti pripijeni jedan uz drugog.
Dodiruju se samo u dvije točke:
vrhovima svojih trbuha i vatrenim plamičcima jezika.
Poslije vođenja ljubavi
oni se valjuškaju goli po plahtama
kao dva sretna nilska konjića
u bazenu zoološkog vrta:

Debeli masira debeloj stopala
u pozadini se čuje glas spikera s TV dnevnika
a ona ga hrani filekima ili tripicama
koje u loncu stoje dolje kraj uzglavlja.
Poslije mu možda oblači svoje haljine
i maže ga drečavim ruževima.

Ne obaziru se na fleke po jastučnicama
ni na mrvice kruha na plahtama
na dlake, strije, celulitis
niti na proširene venske tračnice
po svojim kratkim nogama.
Nisu frustrirani gospodarsko političkim stanjem u
ni lošim stambenim uvjetima
ta dva strastvena samodostatna stvora,
ta savršena hemafroditska gibanica.


A fat man and a fat woman kiss in the supermarket.
Their juicy, pinky tongues
lean awkwardly against each other
like two rolls on the bakery counter.
While they kiss, they can’t cling to each other.
They come together at two points only:
the tip of their belly and the fiery flames of their tongue.
After lovemaking
they roll about in the sheets
like two happy hippos
in the zoo pool.

The fat man massages the fat woman’s feet
a TV newsman’s voice is in the background
and she feeds him tripe or honeycomb
from a pot that is on the floor.
Later on maybe she dresses him in her gowns
and puts a glaring lipstick on his lips.

They pay no attention to stains on the pillow
or breadcrumbs on the sheets,
to hairs, stretch marks, cellulite,
or varicose veins like railway tracks
on their short legs.
They are not frustrated with politics or the state of the country
or the bad living conditions,
these two passionate self-contained creatures
this perfect hermaphroditic cheese pie.


A fat man and a fat woman kiss in the supermarket.
Their juicy, pinky tongues
lean awkwardly against each other
like two rolls on the bakery counter.
While they kiss, they can’t cling to each other.
They come together at two points only:
the tip of their belly and the fiery flames of their tongue.
After lovemaking
they roll about in the sheets
like two happy hippos
in the zoo pool.

The fat man massages the fat woman’s feet
a TV newsman’s voice is in the background
and she feeds him tripe or honeycomb
from a pot that is on the floor.
Later on maybe she dresses him in her gowns
and puts a glaring lipstick on his lips.

They pay no attention to stains on the pillow
or breadcrumbs on the sheets,
to hairs, stretch marks, cellulite,
or varicose veins like railway tracks
on their short legs.
They are not frustrated with politics or the state of the country
or the bad living conditions,
these two passionate self-contained creatures
this perfect hermaphroditic cheese pie.
Gemeente Rotterdam
Nederlands Letterenfonds
Stichting Van Beuningen Peterich-fonds
Prins Bernhard cultuurfonds
Lira fonds
J.E. Jurriaanse
Gefinancierd door de Europese Unie
Elise Mathilde Fonds
Stichting Verzameling van Wijngaarden-Boot
LantarenVenster – Verhalenhuis Belvédère