Poetry International Poetry International

Jacob Groot


Whether you’re alone we’re not about to ask
because I’ll wait as long as it takes for you to say it

And then I’ll say: you are alone because I’m with you
And if you then say that’s only what you are when you’re alone
I’ll say:

that’s exactly when you’re with me. All across the world I stand up

from the steppe, by the bare light, in my addicted
body from which I pull the spirit loose till I can brew

the coffee from my bones, and I keep grinding
till you have found me among the dogs. But

do you hear me complain that I’m alone? For I find you
in the answer



Of je alleen bent gaan we dus niet vragen
omdat ik net zo lang wacht tot je het zegt

En dan zeg ik: je bent alleen omdat ik bij je ben
En als je dan zegt dat je het alleen bent als je alleen bent
zeg ik:

juist dan ben je bij me. Overal ter wereld sta ik op

van de steppe, bij het kale licht, in mijn verslaafde
lichaam waaruit ik de geest lostrek tot ik koffie kan

zetten van mijn beenderen, en ik maal verder
tot je me gevonden hebt tussen de honden. Maar

hoor je me klagen dat ik alleen ben? Want ik vind je
in het antwoord


Whether you’re alone we’re not about to ask
because I’ll wait as long as it takes for you to say it

And then I’ll say: you are alone because I’m with you
And if you then say that’s only what you are when you’re alone
I’ll say:

that’s exactly when you’re with me. All across the world I stand up

from the steppe, by the bare light, in my addicted
body from which I pull the spirit loose till I can brew

the coffee from my bones, and I keep grinding
till you have found me among the dogs. But

do you hear me complain that I’m alone? For I find you
in the answer


Whether you’re alone we’re not about to ask
because I’ll wait as long as it takes for you to say it

And then I’ll say: you are alone because I’m with you
And if you then say that’s only what you are when you’re alone
I’ll say:

that’s exactly when you’re with me. All across the world I stand up

from the steppe, by the bare light, in my addicted
body from which I pull the spirit loose till I can brew

the coffee from my bones, and I keep grinding
till you have found me among the dogs. But

do you hear me complain that I’m alone? For I find you
in the answer
Gemeente Rotterdam
Nederlands Letterenfonds
Stichting Van Beuningen Peterich-fonds
Prins Bernhard cultuurfonds
Lira fonds
J.E. Jurriaanse
Gefinancierd door de Europese Unie
Elise Mathilde Fonds
Stichting Verzameling van Wijngaarden-Boot
LantarenVenster – Verhalenhuis Belvédère