Poetry International Poetry International

Dorta Jagić

Under the Cheeks

all those necessary words we didn’t tell each other
turning into fossils somewhere deep,  
in the oldest human jaws.  
just like the dreamt and unspoken fairy tales of the clerks.  
it is always good to know they were not completely lost.  
under our severe, pulled-back cheeks
two high school girls on sleds
have been kissing each other for years near the frozen pond.  
in the glory of their naïve hunger, shy boys were cooking
Persian roses in the worn-out skates.  
they are kissing each other violently, their lips restlessly  
                    squealing in the darkness
like naked birds in the warm godly sky.  
under our still cheeks they are kissing.  
kissing from the moment we met,  
in spite of our silence.  
and they will never stop, though the match started
with the removal of your yellow and his pink suitcases
to Poland
far away

Pod obrazima

Pod obrazima

sve one potrebne riječi koje si nismo rekle
fosiliziraju se negdje duboko,
u najstarijim ljudskim čeljustima.
baš kao i bajke koje sanjaju i prešućuju činovnici.
uvijek je dobro znati da nisu posve izgubljene.
pod našim strogim, uvučenim obrazima
dvije srednjoškolke na saonicama
godinama se ljube kraj smrzlog ribnjaka.
u slavu njihove naivne gladi, stidljivi dječaci perzijske ruže
kuhaju u razgaženim klizaljkama.
one se silovito ljube, njihove usne neumorno
    pocikuju u mraku
kao u toplom božjem nebu ogoljene ptice.
pod našim nepomičnim obrazima one se ljube.
ljube od kad smo se prvi put srele,
u inat našoj šutnji.
i nikada neće stati, iako je već počela utakmica
s odnošenjem tvojih žutih i njegovih roza kovčega
u poljsku,
u daljinu

Under the Cheeks

all those necessary words we didn’t tell each other
turning into fossils somewhere deep,  
in the oldest human jaws.  
just like the dreamt and unspoken fairy tales of the clerks.  
it is always good to know they were not completely lost.  
under our severe, pulled-back cheeks
two high school girls on sleds
have been kissing each other for years near the frozen pond.  
in the glory of their naïve hunger, shy boys were cooking
Persian roses in the worn-out skates.  
they are kissing each other violently, their lips restlessly  
                    squealing in the darkness
like naked birds in the warm godly sky.  
under our still cheeks they are kissing.  
kissing from the moment we met,  
in spite of our silence.  
and they will never stop, though the match started
with the removal of your yellow and his pink suitcases
to Poland
far away

Under the Cheeks

all those necessary words we didn’t tell each other
turning into fossils somewhere deep,  
in the oldest human jaws.  
just like the dreamt and unspoken fairy tales of the clerks.  
it is always good to know they were not completely lost.  
under our severe, pulled-back cheeks
two high school girls on sleds
have been kissing each other for years near the frozen pond.  
in the glory of their naïve hunger, shy boys were cooking
Persian roses in the worn-out skates.  
they are kissing each other violently, their lips restlessly  
                    squealing in the darkness
like naked birds in the warm godly sky.  
under our still cheeks they are kissing.  
kissing from the moment we met,  
in spite of our silence.  
and they will never stop, though the match started
with the removal of your yellow and his pink suitcases
to Poland
far away
Gemeente Rotterdam
Nederlands Letterenfonds
Stichting Van Beuningen Peterich-fonds
Prins Bernhard cultuurfonds
Lira fonds
J.E. Jurriaanse
Gefinancierd door de Europese Unie
Elise Mathilde Fonds
Stichting Verzameling van Wijngaarden-Boot
LantarenVenster – Verhalenhuis Belvédère