Poetry International Poetry International

Hasso Krull

Right now, right now I would like to change

Right now, right now I would like to change
into something different. Can I? I don’t know. I
listen to the angry blizzard, a train rattles the things
on the table, then is gone. Did I change

just now? No. Probably not. I open
the window, snow falls in, this is
change, I drink a glass of orange juice
with grapefruit-seed extract

and my face goes red, mottled.
Was that change? I look in the mirror,
now I am really, entirely, another face.
Another person. I don’t want to be like this.

I would like to change. Immediately, now,
to change into something different. The storm goes
quiet. No cars on the roads. Did I
change? I don’t know. Probably not so much.

Nu meteen, nu meteen zou ik iemand

Nu meteen, nu meteen zou ik iemand
anders willen worden. Kan dat? Ik weet het niet. Ik
hoor stormgebulder, een trein doet de spullen
op tafel schudden, dan is het over. Ben ik nu
veranderd? Nee. Waarschijnlijk niet. Ik open
het raam, de sneeuw valt naar binnen,
een verandering, ik drink een glas sinaasappelsap
met een extract van grapefruitzaadjes
en mijn gezicht raakt gevlekt, rood bespikkeld.
Was dat een verandering? Ik kijk in de spiegel,
echt, nu heb ik een heel ander gezicht.
Ik ben een ander mens. Zo wil ik niet zijn.
Ik wil veranderen. Nu, dadelijk, nu meteen
wil ik heel anders worden. De storm gaat
liggen. Er rijdt geen enkele auto. Ben ik
veranderd? Ik weet het niet. Waarschijnlijk niet erg.

Kohe nüüd, kohe nüüd tahaks muutuda
hoopis teistsuguseks. Kas saab? Ei tea. Ma
kuulen tuisu ulgumist, üks rong raputab asju
laua peal, siis on möödas. Kas nüüd

ma muutusin? Ei. Vist mitte. Teen
akna lahti, lund sajab sisse, see on
muutus, joon klaasi apelsinimahla
greipfruudi seemnete ekstraktiga

ja lähen näost lapiliseks, punaselaiguliseks.
Kas see oli muutus? Vaatan peeglisse,
tõepoolest, nüüd olen täitsa teist nägu.
Teine inimene. Ma ei taha selline olla.

Tahaks muutuda. Kohe, kohe nüüd, nüüd kohe
muutuda hoopis teistsuguseks. Tuisk jääb
vakka. Ühtki autot ei sõida. Kas ma
muutusin? Ei tea. Vist mitte eriti.

Right now, right now I would like to change

Right now, right now I would like to change
into something different. Can I? I don’t know. I
listen to the angry blizzard, a train rattles the things
on the table, then is gone. Did I change

just now? No. Probably not. I open
the window, snow falls in, this is
change, I drink a glass of orange juice
with grapefruit-seed extract

and my face goes red, mottled.
Was that change? I look in the mirror,
now I am really, entirely, another face.
Another person. I don’t want to be like this.

I would like to change. Immediately, now,
to change into something different. The storm goes
quiet. No cars on the roads. Did I
change? I don’t know. Probably not so much.

Right now, right now I would like to change

Right now, right now I would like to change
into something different. Can I? I don’t know. I
listen to the angry blizzard, a train rattles the things
on the table, then is gone. Did I change

just now? No. Probably not. I open
the window, snow falls in, this is
change, I drink a glass of orange juice
with grapefruit-seed extract

and my face goes red, mottled.
Was that change? I look in the mirror,
now I am really, entirely, another face.
Another person. I don’t want to be like this.

I would like to change. Immediately, now,
to change into something different. The storm goes
quiet. No cars on the roads. Did I
change? I don’t know. Probably not so much.
Gemeente Rotterdam
Nederlands Letterenfonds
Stichting Van Beuningen Peterich-fonds
Prins Bernhard cultuurfonds
Lira fonds
J.E. Jurriaanse
Gefinancierd door de Europese Unie
Elise Mathilde Fonds
Stichting Verzameling van Wijngaarden-Boot
LantarenVenster – Verhalenhuis Belvédère