Poetry International Poetry International

Henrik Nordbrandt

Days in Late March

Days move along in one direction
faces in the opposite.
Uninterruptedly they borrow each other’s light.

Many years later it is difficult
to determine which were the days
and which were the faces . . .

And the distance between the two things
feels more unreachable
day by day and face by face.

It is this I see in your face
these bright days in late March.


Dagen bewegen zich in één richting
gezichten in de tegengestelde.
Onophoudelijk lenen ze elkaars licht.

Vele jaren later is het moeilijk
te bepalen wat dagen waren
en wat gezichten...

en de afstand tussen die twee dingen
voelt dag na dag en gezicht na gezicht

Dat zie ik aan jouw gezicht
in deze lichte dagen laat in maart.


Dage bevæger sig i én retning
ansigter i den modsatte.
Uophørligt låner de hinandens lys.

Mange år efter er det vanskeligt
at afgøre hvad der var dage
og hvad der var ansigter . . .

Og afstanden mellem de to ting
føles mere uoverskridelig
dag for dag og ansigt for ansigt.

Det er det jeg ser på dit ansigt
Disse lysende dage sent i marts.

Days in Late March

Days move along in one direction
faces in the opposite.
Uninterruptedly they borrow each other’s light.

Many years later it is difficult
to determine which were the days
and which were the faces . . .

And the distance between the two things
feels more unreachable
day by day and face by face.

It is this I see in your face
these bright days in late March.

Days in Late March

Days move along in one direction
faces in the opposite.
Uninterruptedly they borrow each other’s light.

Many years later it is difficult
to determine which were the days
and which were the faces . . .

And the distance between the two things
feels more unreachable
day by day and face by face.

It is this I see in your face
these bright days in late March.
Gemeente Rotterdam
Nederlands Letterenfonds
Stichting Van Beuningen Peterich-fonds
Prins Bernhard cultuurfonds
Lira fonds
J.E. Jurriaanse
Gefinancierd door de Europese Unie
Elise Mathilde Fonds
Stichting Verzameling van Wijngaarden-Boot
LantarenVenster – Verhalenhuis Belvédère