Poetry International Poetry International

Juan Manuel Roca

The Goodbye Rock

And all these men who are dancing,
Are they going to die? Yeah!
And the barbarians who don’t come
To the poem of the Greek, are they going to die? Oh yeah!
And the blue bird that rouses me
From the horrible nightmare
In which I splash about, covered in mud maybe? Yeah, yeah!
And the children, for God’s sake,
The children who knock over the hamper of their voices
In the middle of our stupid story?
Yes, babe!
And the moon clean-shaven with lavender slapped on
And the girl crazy as the birds
And the rivers where death bathes once and thrice
And God’s idiot daybreaks
And all the poets the haughty the pure of heart
The amorous the solemn the lice-ridden
All the arrogant and supercilious poets
Are they going to die? Yeah! Three times yeah!



Y todos estos hombres que bailan
¿Van a morir? ¡Yeah!
Y los bárbaros que no llegan
Al poema del griego, ¿van a morir? ¡Oh, yeah!
Y el pájaro azul que me despierta
De la horrible pesadilla
En la que chapaleo ¿recubierto de lodo? ¡Yeah, yeah!
¿Y los niños, por Dios,
Los niños que vuelcan el cesto de sus voces
En medio de nuestra estúpida historia?
¡Sí, nena!
Y la luna rasurada y palmoteada con lavanda
Y la muchacha loca como los pájaros
Y los ríos donde la muerte se baña una y tres veces
Y las idiotas mañanitas de Dios
Y todos los poetas los engolados los puros
Los amorosos los solemnes y los piojosos
Todos los arrogantes y soberbios poetas
¿Van a morir? ¡Yeah! ¡Tres veces yeah!

The Goodbye Rock

And all these men who are dancing,
Are they going to die? Yeah!
And the barbarians who don’t come
To the poem of the Greek, are they going to die? Oh yeah!
And the blue bird that rouses me
From the horrible nightmare
In which I splash about, covered in mud maybe? Yeah, yeah!
And the children, for God’s sake,
The children who knock over the hamper of their voices
In the middle of our stupid story?
Yes, babe!
And the moon clean-shaven with lavender slapped on
And the girl crazy as the birds
And the rivers where death bathes once and thrice
And God’s idiot daybreaks
And all the poets the haughty the pure of heart
The amorous the solemn the lice-ridden
All the arrogant and supercilious poets
Are they going to die? Yeah! Three times yeah!

The Goodbye Rock

And all these men who are dancing,
Are they going to die? Yeah!
And the barbarians who don’t come
To the poem of the Greek, are they going to die? Oh yeah!
And the blue bird that rouses me
From the horrible nightmare
In which I splash about, covered in mud maybe? Yeah, yeah!
And the children, for God’s sake,
The children who knock over the hamper of their voices
In the middle of our stupid story?
Yes, babe!
And the moon clean-shaven with lavender slapped on
And the girl crazy as the birds
And the rivers where death bathes once and thrice
And God’s idiot daybreaks
And all the poets the haughty the pure of heart
The amorous the solemn the lice-ridden
All the arrogant and supercilious poets
Are they going to die? Yeah! Three times yeah!
Gemeente Rotterdam
Nederlands Letterenfonds
Stichting Van Beuningen Peterich-fonds
Prins Bernhard cultuurfonds
Lira fonds
J.E. Jurriaanse
Gefinancierd door de Europese Unie
Elise Mathilde Fonds
Stichting Verzameling van Wijngaarden-Boot
LantarenVenster – Verhalenhuis Belvédère