Jean-Michel Espitallier
The hibiscus is not an animalThe ingot is not an animal
The mascarpone is not an animal
The elymus repens is not an animal
The gangrene is not an animal
The pennywort is not an animal
The rattle is not an animal
The stump is not an animal
The frog seat is not an animal
The oxymoron is not an animal
The pannier is not an animal
The osselet is not an animal
The vomit is not an animal
The agora is not an animal
The gingham is not an animal
The nasion is not an animal
The tarp is not an animal
The amanita phalloides is not an animal
The centiare is not an animal
The sabir is not an animal
The acanthus is not an animal
The plush is not an animal
The crankshaft is not an animal
The gold-digger is not an animal
The etui is not an animal
The cider is not an animal
The wimp is not an animal
The kidney is not an animal
The huguenot is not an animal
The ptyx is not an animal
The clout is not an animal
The kebab bush is not an animal
The cluster is not an animal
The fettuccine is not an animal
The mange-tout is not an animal
The booing is not an animal
The lasagne is not an animal
The bludgeon is not an animal
The anvil is not an animal
The verve is not an animal
The commons is not an animal
The piss is not an animal
The amis is not an animal
The honeysuckle is not an animal
The braggart is not an animal
The jack is not an animal
The topside is not an animal
The basin is not an animal
The oklahoma is not an animal
The escovitch is not an animal
The glayre is not an animal
The dactyl is not an animal
The buzzer is not an animal
The zsa zsa is not an animal
The hervey is not an animal
The gazette is not an animal
The cat-o’-nine-tails is not an animal
The noose is not an animal
The trellis is not an animal
The hirst is not an animal
The pedestal is not an animal
The grill is not an animal
The sari is not an animal
The pump is not an animal
The chervil is not an animal
The aglaulus is not an animal
The rancid is not an animal
The appalachians is not an animal
The urba is not an animal
The urchin is not an animal
The igame is not an animal
The dog day is not an animal
The effete is not an animal
The rill is not an animal
The loser is not an animal
The paunch is not an animal
The appendix is not an animal
The gland is not an animal
The tweed is not an animal
The hamper is not an animal
The amaranth is not an animal
The myrtle is not an animal
The diarrhoea is not an animal
The trowel is not an animal
The poultice is not an animal
The cabin boy is not an animal
The crisis is not an animal
The zucchini is not an animal
The scapula is not an animal
The beefeater is not an animal
The curfew is not an animal
The bolt is not an animal
The fishnet is not an animal
The hoax is not an animal
The shamble is not an animal
The scale is not an animal
The swindler is not an animal
The ampersand is not an animal
The butterkist is not an animal
The flob is not an animal
The husk is not an animal
The grist is not an animal
The harpy is not an animal
The squint is not an animal
The siren is not an animal
The bowl is not an animal
The armpit is not an animal
The knurl is not an animal
The scuba is not an animal
The onychophagist is not an animal
The hose is not an animal
The raghnallach is not an animal
The kudos is not an animal
The pritt-stik is not an animal
The coke is not an animal
The gal is not an animal
The sarnie is not an animal
The glyph is not an animal
The vol-au-vent is not an animal
The tyke is not an animal
The firelighter is not an animal
The crutch is not an animal
The gewgaw is not an animal
The soot is not an animal
The album is not an animal
The hadji is not an animal
The sleazebag is not an animal
The jug is not an animal
The judy is not an animal
The ferrule is not an animal
The kuhn rikon is not an animal
The vernacular is not an animal
The blarney is not an animal
The suspect is not an animal
The funicular is not an animal
The carcass is not an animal
The gross is not an animal
The gabardine is not an animal
The copse is not an animal
The buckshot is not an animal
The funk is not an animal
The pancreas is not an animal
The thigh boot is not an animal
The shuteye is not an animal
The rotor is not an animal
The rabble is not an animal
The brain is not an animal
The soil is not an animal
The distaff is not an animal
The tamiflu is not an animal
The strap-on is not an animal
The wreath is not an animal
The log is not an animal
The cold is not an animal
The drama is not an animal
The flock is not an animal
The hook is not an animal
The wisteria is not an animal
The gibe is not an animal
The dumpling is not an animal
The merlot is not an animal
The frieze is not an animal
The booker is not an animal
The blackjack is not an animal
The nostril is not an animal
The wigwam is not an animal
The palette is not an animal
The yarrow is not an animal
The orgeat is not an animal
The philanthrope is not an animal
The sprocket is not an animal
The dildo is not an animal
The bamboo is not an animal
The arsenal is not an animal
The blister is not an animal
The churn is not an animal
The wheel is not an animal
The marjoram is not an animal
The juniper is not an animal
The plunger is not an animal
The basket is not an animal
The origami is not an animal
The queer is not an animal
The prole is not an animal
The jack is not an animal
The ewer is not an animal
The iris is not an animal
The rural is not an animal
The passéist is not an animal
The orient is not an animal
The quaver is not an animal
The agenda is not an animal
The scoundrel is not an animal
The snuggle is not an animal
The lunette is not an animal
The verbena is not an animal
The gargoyle is not an animal
The brooch is not an animal
The oaf is not an animal
The buckwheat is not an animal
The hoover is not an animal
The hail is not an animal
The kris is not an animal
The flaubert is not an animal
The greenie is not an animal
The musket is not an animal
The anus is not an animal
The bunch is not an animal
The jerry is not an animal
The shrug is not an animal
The sargasso is not an animal
The gunslinger is not an animal
The blowpipe is not an animal
The quiver is not an animal
The zip is not an animal
The dion is not an animal
The gouge is not an animal
The pirouette is not an animal
The ashtray is not an animal
The syzygy is not an animal
The cratylus is not an animal
The ganglion is not an animal
The chewit is not an animal
The umbrella is not an animal
The arpeggio is not an animal
The girdle is not an animal
The manor is not an animal
The lobby is not an animal
The tapioca is not an animal
The cava is not an animal
The skean is not an animal
The target is not an animal
The bassoon is not an animal
The flick is not an animal
The mortadella is not an animal
The hieroglyph is not an animal
The lolita is not an animal
The sodomite is not an animal
The trammel is not an animal
The planter is not an animal
The vermouth is not an animal
The pertussis is not an animal
The bolus is not an animal
The romorantin is not an animal
The gestapo is not an animal
The jester is not an animal
The queue is not an animal
The blizzard is not an animal
The mastic is not an animal
The tureen is not an animal
The dungaree is not an animal
The marline is not an animal
The racket is not an animal
The valve is not an animal
The rainbow is not an animal
The harp is not an animal
The magnolia is not an animal
The hovercraft is not an animal
The doorstop is not an animal
The lancer is not an animal
The diner is not an animal
The slate is not an animal
The cataract is not an animal
The arquebus is not an animal
The leper is not an animal
The skylight is not an animal
The vistula is not an animal
The wrist-strap is not an animal
The stake is not an animal
The tetrahedron is not an animal
The registrar is not an animal
The crocus is not an animal
The kepi is not an animal
The frou-frou is not an animal
The reticulum is not an animal
The busboy is not an animal
The bowstring is not an animal
The horn is not an animal
The blouse is not an animal
The mugwort is not an animal
The poof is not an animal
The moped is not an animal
The cap is not an animal
The mosque is not an animal
The ridgepole is not an animal
The cornemuse is not an animal
The queue-jump is not an animal
The hopscotch is not an animal
The gonzo is not an animal
The caramel is not an animal
The lozenge is not an animal
The cramp is not an animal
The edge is not an animal
The fag is not an animal
The antic is not an animal
The potpourri is not an animal
The lock is not an animal
The sickle is not an animal
The tubulure is not an animal
The uncle is not an animal
The vulva is not an animal
The kamasutra is not an animal
The tarantella is not an animal
The beet is not an animal
The ambidextrous is not an animal
The goatskin is not an animal
The mandible is not an animal
The croat is not an animal
The fennel is not an animal
The shot is not an animal
The aqueduct is not an animal
The flake is not an animal
The cartesian diver is not an animal
The pimple is not an animal
The saveloy is not an animal
The tyrant is not an animal
The sleepwalker is not an animal
The sneaker is not an animal
The frill is not an animal
The cheezwiz is not an animal
The great bear is not an animal
The piccolo is not an animal
The clepsydra is not an animal
The sty is not an animal
The gooseberry is not an animal
The spinach is not an animal
The menshevik is not an animal
The marble is not an animal
The stout is not an animal
The original is not an animal
© Translation: 2008, Keston Sutherland
De ibiscus is geen dier.De hoep is geen dier.
De mascarpone is geen dier.
De kweek is geen dier.
De gangreen is geen dier.
De waternavel is geen dier.
De klepper is geen dier.
De kolokwint is geen dier.
De roffel is geen dier.
De oxymoron is geen dier.
De trog is geen dier.
De bikkel is geen dier.
De garve is geen dier.
De agora is geen dier.
De zwilk is geen dier.
De neuzelaar is geen dier.
De mui is geen dier.
De groene knolamaniet is geen dier.
De centiare is geen dier.
De pidgin is geen dier.
De acanthus is geen dier.
De knuffel is geen dier.
De zwengelboor is geen dier.
De goudwasser is geen dier.
De snuifdoos is geen dier.
De cider is geen dier.
De goudvlies is geen dier.
De nier is geen dier.
De hugenoot is geen dier.
De ptyx is geen dier.
De oorvijg is geen dier.
De crassula is geen dier.
De tros is geen dier.
De papardel is geen dier.
De alleseter is geen dier.
Het fluitje is geen dier.
De lasagne is geen dier.
De knuppel is geen dier.
De aambeeld is geen dier.
De verve is geen dier.
De gieteling is geen dier.
De pies is geen dier.
De wellebek is geen dier.
De kamperfoelie is geen dier.
De snoeshaan is geen dier.
De vijzel is geen dier.
De longhaas is geen dier.
De kwikbol is geen dier.
De oklahoma is geen dier.
De waterzooi is geen dier.
De gles is geen dier.
De kropaar is geen dier.
De stootbok is geen dier.
De zeezet is geen dier.
De hervé is geen dier.
De gazet is geen dier.
De karwats is geen dier.
De lijmstok is geen dier.
De horde is geen dier.
De mondriaan is geen dier.
De paspel is geen dier.
De rooster is geen dier.
De keule is geen dier.
De pump is geen dier.
De horigan is geen dier.
De eg is geen dier.
De muf is geen dier.
De adirondack is geen dier.
De sfeer is geen dier.
Het vaasje is geen dier.
De igame is geen dier.
De hondsdag is geen dier.
De schriel is geen dier.
De mensa is geen dier.
De lul-de-behanger is geen dier.
De brioche is geen dier.
De index is geen dier.
De klier is geen dier.
De loden is geen dier.
Het kratje is geen dier.
De amarant is geen dier.
De mirt is geen dier.
De koliek is geen dier.
De troffel is geen dier.
Het papje is geen dier.
De bottelier is geen dier.
De crisis is geen dier.
De courgette is geen dier.
De monnikskap is geen dier.
De knorrepot is geen dier.
De rinkelbel is geen dier.
De schuif is geen dier.
De jarretel is geen dier.
De grap is geen dier.
Het lapjepootje is geen dier.
De gamma is geen dier.
De zwendelaar is geen dier.
De ampersand is geen dier.
De popcorn is geen dier.
De kwat is geen dier.
Het kelkkafje is geen dier.
Het korreltje is geen dier.
De rotmeid is geen dier.
De scheel is geen dier.
Het zwaailichtje is geen dier.
Het knobbeltje is geen dier.
De oksel is geen dier.
Het spoorradje is geen dier.
De scafander is geen dier.
De onychofaag is geen dier.
De legging is geen dier.
De ranelagh is geen dier.
De roem is geen dier.
De plakker is geen dier.
De charcoal is geen dier.
De mokkel is geen dier.
Het broodje-van-kootje is geen dier.
De sleuf is geen dier.
De vol-au-vent is geen dier.
De vlegel is geen dier.
De briket is geen dier.
De staartsteun is geen dier.
De spuuglok is geen dier.
De sintel is geen dier.
De wierbank is geen dier.
De basjie-boezoek is geen dier.
De doordouwer is geen dier.
De kruik is geen dier.
De sandrine is geen dier.
De muntring is geen dier.
De pressurecooker is geen dier.
De inheems is geen dier.
Het mooie praatje is geen dier.
De galge is geen dier.
De kabel is geen dier.
De karkas is geen dier.
De gros is geen dier.
De gabardine is geen dier.
Het bosje is geen dier.
De grove hagel is geen dier.
De arak is geen dier.
De pancreas is geen dier.
De lieslaars is geen dier.
De blindelings is geen dier.
De rotor is geen dier.
De gajes is geen dier.
Het hersentje is geen dier.
De vloer is geen dier.
De spinstok is geen dier.
De tamiflu is geen dier.
Het klapstoeltje is geen dier.
De guirlande is geen dier.
Het kelnerjasje is geen dier.
De griep is geen dier.
De drama is geen dier.
De rist is geen dier.
Het nietje is geen dier.
De lijnzoet is geen dier.
De kwinkslag is geen dier.
De quenelle is geen dier.
De merlot is geen dier.
De fries is geen dier.
De hanlo is geen dier.
Het klaverjasje is geen dier.
De neusgat is geen dier.
De wigwam is geen dier.
De spaan is geen dier.
De tompoes is geen dier.
De orgeade is geen dier.
De filantroop is geen dier.
Het stompje is geen dier.
De dildo is geen dier.
De bamboe is geen dier.
De arsenaal is geen dier.
De ampulla is geen dier.
De karn is geen dier.
De wiel is geen dier.
De marjolein is geen dier.
De jenever is geen dier.
De laatkop is geen dier.
De karbies is geen dier.
De origami is geen dier.
De schijtlijster is geen dier.
De werker is geen dier.
De krik is geen dier.
De waterkan is geen dier.
De iris is geen dier.
De agraries is geen dier.
De lummel is geen dier.
De mysjkin is geen dier.
De krosj is geen dier.
De kalender is geen dier.
De schoelje is geen dier.
De streling is geen dier.
De vizier is geen dier.
De verveine is geen dier.
De spuier is geen dier.
De frees is geen dier.
De slof is geen dier.
De stormeg is geen dier.
De stofzuiger is geen dier.
De hagelbui is geen dier.
De kris is geen dier.
De multatuli is geen dier.
De rochel is geen dier.
De karabijn is geen dier.
De aars is geen dier.
Het zootje is geen dier.
De jan-willem is geen dier.
De gebaar is geen dier.
De saragossawier is geen dier.
De trekker is geen dier.
De blaasroer is geen dier.
De pijlkoker is geen dier.
De gulp is geen dier.
De teirlinck is geen dier.
De guts is geen dier.
De buiteling is geen dier.
De asla is geen dier.
De syzygie is geen dier.
De cratylus is geen dier.
De ganglion is geen dier.
De krokant is geen dier.
De paraplu is geen dier.
De arpeggio is geen dier.
De holster is geen dier.
Het kasteeltje is geen dier.
De vestibule is geen dier.
De tapioca is geen dier.
De schuimwijn is geen dier.
De knijf is geen dier.
De waterpasbaak is geen dier.
De fagot is geen dier.
Het tikje is geen dier.
De mortadella is geen dier.
De hiëroglief is geen dier.
De josette is geen dier.
De uraniër is geen dier.
De fuik is geen dier.
De planter is geen dier.
De vermout is geen dier.
De kinkhoest is geen dier.
Het klappertje is geen dier.
De romorantijn is geen dier.
De kolsem is geen dier.
De joliette is geen dier.
De lul is geen dier.
De blizzard is geen dier.
De lantisk is geen dier.
De ronde tol is geen dier.
Het morsjurkje is geen dier.
De marlijn is geen dier.
De herrie is geen dier.
De klep is geen dier.
De bontekleur is geen dier.
De harp is geen dier.
De rizofoor is geen dier.
De hydrofiel is geen dier.
Het vlaatje-van-kaatje is geen dier.
De ulaan is geen dier.
De eter is geen dier.
Het schrijfleitje is geen dier.
De grauwe staar is geen dier.
De haakbus is geen dier.
De tuberculeus is geen dier.
Het dakvenstertje is geen dier.
De vistuul is geen dier.
De sabelkwast is geen dier.
De bonenstaak is geen dier.
De tetraëder is geen dier.
De griffier is geen dier.
De krokus is geen dier.
De kepie is geen dier.
De froufrou is geen dier.
De babbelaarster is geen dier.
De koksjongen is geen dier.
De koorde is geen dier.
De elefant is geen dier.
De jekker is geen dier.
De pijlkoker is geen dier.
De alsem is geen dier.
De flikker is geen dier.
De solex is geen dier.
Het kuifje is geen dier.
De groene krul is geen dier.
De ligger is geen dier.
De doedelzak is geen dier.
De staartriem is geen dier.
Het lichtjebeentje is geen dier.
De mokkel geen dier.
De karamel geen dier.
De pastille is geen dier.
De kramp is geen dier.
De speling is geen dier.
De sigaret is geen dier.
De schuine mop is geen dier.
Het ovenschoteltje is geen dier.
De sluis geen dier.
De sikkel is geen dier.
De stomp is geen dier.
De onkel is geen dier.
De vulva is geen dier.
De kamasoetra is geen dier.
De tarantella is geen dier.
De snijbiet is geen dier.
De ambidexter is geen dier.
De leren zak is geen dier.
De mandibel is geen dier.
De kroaat is geen dier.
De vennenkool is geen dier.
De kokker is geen dier.
De aquaduct is geen dier.
De potsenmaker is geen dier.
Het cartesiaans duikertje is geen dier.
Het puistje is geen dier.
De cervelaat is geen dier.
De krootse is geen dier.
De nachtbraker is geen dier.
De gympie is geen dier.
De pluimbak is geen dier.
De cancoyotte is geen dier.
De grote beer is geen dier.
De pimpelaar is geen dier.
De clepsydra is geen dier.
Het strontje is geen dier.
De steekdoorn is geen dier.
De spinazie is geen dier.
De girondijn is geen dier.
De knikker is geen dier.
De gigondas is geen dier.
De origineel is geen dier.
© Vertaling: 2008, Jan Demian
L’ibiscus n’est pas un animalLe feuillard n’est pas un animal
Le mascarpone n’est pas un animal
Le chiendent n’est pas un animal
La gangrène n’est pas un animal
L’hydrocotyle n’est pas un animal
La crécelle n’est pas un animal
La chicote n’est pas un animal
La varlope n’est pas un animal
L’oxymore n’est pas un animal
La huche n’est pas un animal
L’osselet n’est pas un animal
La gerbe n’est pas un animal
L’agora n’est pas un animal
L’elbeuf n’est pas un animal
Le nasillard n’est pas un animal
La bâche n’est pas un animal
L’amanite phalloïde n’est pas un animal
Le centiare n’est pas un animal
Le pidgin n’est pas un animal
L’acanthe n’est pas un animal
La peluche n’est pas un animal
Le vilebrequin n’est pas un animal
L’orpailleur n’est pas un animal
La tabatière n’est pas un animal
Le cidre n’est pas un animal
La baudruche n’est pas un animal
Le rein n’est pas un animal
Le huguenot n’est pas un animal
Le ptyx n’est pas un animal
La gifle n’est pas un animal
La crassule n’est pas un animal
La grappe n’est pas un animal
La papardelle n’est pas un animal
Le mange-tout n’est pas un animal
Le sifflet n’est pas un animal
La lasagne n’est pas un animal
Le gourdin n’est pas un animal
L’enclume n’est pas un animal
La verve n’est pas un animal
La gueuse n’est pas un animal
La pisse n’est pas un animal
Le houellebecq n’est pas un animal
Le chèvrefeuille n’est pas un animal
L’hurluberlu n’est pas un animal
Le vérin n’est pas un animal
L’onglet n’est pas un animal
La cuvette n’est pas un animal
L’oklahoma n’est pas un animal
L’escabèche n’est pas un animal
La glaire n’est pas un animal
Le dactyle n’est pas un animal
Le heurtoir n’est pas un animal
La zézette n’est pas un animal
L’hervé n’est pas un animal
La gazette n’est pas un animal
La cravache n’est pas un animal
Le gluau n’est pas un animal
La claie n’est pas un animal
Le garouste n’est pas un animal
Le passepoil n’est pas un animal
La grille n’est pas un animal
La sariette n’est pas un animal
L’escarpin n’est pas un animal
Le serfeuil n’est pas un animal
La herse n’est pas un animal
Le rance n’est pas un animal
L’adirondack n’est pas un animal
L’orbe n’est pas un animal
Le galopin n’est pas un animal
L’igame n’est pas un animal
La canicule n’est pas un animal
Le veule n’est pas un animal
Le ru n’est pas un animal
Le tocard n’est pas un animal
La brioche n’est pas un animal
L’index n’est pas un animal
La glande n’est pas un animal
Le loden n’est pas un animal
La cagette n’est pas un animal
L’amarante n’est pas un animal
La myrte n’est pas un animal
La colique n’est pas un animal
La truelle n’est pas un animal
Le cataplasme n’est pas un animal
Le cambusier n’est pas un animal
La crise n’est pas un animal
La courgette n’est pas un animal
La cuculle n’est pas un animal
Le grognard n’est pas un animal
Le grelot n’est pas un animal
Le verrou n’est pas un animal
La jarettelle n’est pas un animal
La blague n’est pas un animal
Le croche-pied n’est pas un animal
La gamme n’est pas un animal
L’escroc n’est pas un animal
L’esperluette n’est pas un animal
Le pop-corn n’est pas un animal
Le glaviot n’est pas un animal
La glume n’est pas un animal
La granule n’est pas un animal
La garce n’est pas un animal
Le bigleux n’est pas un animal
Le gyrophare n’est pas un animal
La boule n’est pas un animal
L’aisselle n’est pas un animal
La molette n’est pas un animal
Le scaphandre n’est pas un animal
L’onychophage n’est pas un animal
Le collant n’est pas un animal
Le ranelagh n’est pas un animal
La gloire n’est pas un animal
La glu n’est pas un animal
Le charcoal n’est pas un animal
La greluche n’est pas un animal
Le croque-monsieur n’est pas un animal
Le glyphe n’est pas un animal
Le vol-au-vent n’est pas un animal
La gamine n’est pas un animal
La briquette n’est pas un animal
La béquille n’est pas un animal
L’accroche-cœur n’est pas un animal
Le mâchefer n’est pas un animal
L’herbier n’est pas un animal
Le bachi-bouzouk n’est pas un animal
Le queutard n’est pas un animal
La cruche n’est pas un animal
La sandrine n’est pas un animal
La virole n’est pas un animal
La cocotte-minute n’est pas un animal
Le vernaculaire n’est pas un animal
Le baratin n’est pas un animal
Le patibulaire n’est pas un animal
Le funiculaire n’est pas un animal
La carcasse n’est pas un animal
La grosse n’est pas un animal
La gabardine n’est pas un animal
Le boqueteau n’est pas un animal
La chevrotine n’est pas un animal
L’arack n’est pas un animal
Le pancréas n’est pas un animal
La cuissarde n’est pas un animal
L’aveuglette n’est pas un animal
Le rotor n’est pas un animal
La racaille n’est pas un animal
La cervelle n’est pas un animal
Le sol n’est pas un animal
La quenouille n’est pas un animal
Le tamiflu n’est pas un animal
Le strapontin n’est pas un animal
La guirlande n’est pas un animal
Le rondin n’est pas un animal
La grippe n’est pas un animal
Le drame n’est pas un animal
La ribambelle n’est pas un animal
L’agraffe n’est pas un animal
La glycine n’est pas un animal
Le quolibet n’est pas un animal
La quenelle n’est pas un animal
Le merlot n’est pas un animal
La frise n’est pas un animal
Le renaudot n’est pas un animal
La belote n’est pas un animal
La narine n’est pas un animal
Le wigwam n’est pas un animal
La palette n’est pas un animal
Le millefeuille n’est pas un animal
L’orgeat n’est pas un animal
Le philanthrope n’est pas un animal
L’ergot n’est pas un animal
Le godemiché n’est pas un animal
Le bambou n’est pas un animal
L’arsenal n’est pas un animal
L’ampoule n’est pas un animal
La baratte n’est pas un animal
La roue n’est pas un animal
L’origan n’est pas un animal
Le genièvre n’est pas un animal
La ventouse n’est pas un animal
Le cabas n’est pas un animal
L’origami n’est pas un animal
La lopette n’est pas un animal
Le travailleur n’est pas un animal
Le cric n’est pas un animal
L’aiguière n’est pas un animal
L’iris n’est pas un animal
L’agricole n’est pas un animal
Le ringard n’est pas un animal
Le micheline n’est pas un animal.
La croche n’est pas un animal
Le calendrier n’est pas un animal
La crapule n’est pas un animal
Le calin n’est pas un animal
La lunette n’est pas un animal
La verveine n’est pas un animal
La gargouille n’est pas un animal
La broche n’est pas un animal
Le cageot n’est pas un animal
La sarrasine n’est pas un animal
L’aspirateur n’est pas un animal
La grêle n’est pas un animal
Le kriss n’est pas un animal
Le flaubert n’est pas un animal
Le mollard n’est pas un animal
La carabine n’est pas un animal
L’anus n’est pas un animal
Le ramassis n’est pas un animal
Le gérard n’est pas un animal
La geste n’est pas un animal
La sargasse n’est pas un animal
La gachette n’est pas un animal
La sarbacane n’est pas un animal
Le carquois n’est pas un animal
La braguette n’est pas un animal
La céline n’est pas un animal
La gouge n’est pas un animal
La pirouette n’est pas un animal
Le cendrier n’est pas un animal
La syzygie n’est pas un animal
Le cratyle n’est pas un animal
Le ganglion n’est pas un animal
Le croquant n’est pas un animal
Le parapluie n’est pas un animal
L’arpège n’est pas un animal
La gaine n’est pas un animal
Le manoir n’est pas un animal
Le vestibule n’est pas un animal
Le tapioca n’est pas un animal
Le mousseux n’est pas un animal
Le surin n’est pas un animal
La mire n’est pas un animal
Le basson n’est pas un animal
La pichenette n’est pas un animal
La mortadelle n’est pas un animal
Le hiéroglyphe n’est pas un animal
La josette n’est pas un animal
Le sodomite n’est pas un animal
Le verveux n’est pas un animal
Le planteur n’est pas un animal
Le vermouth n’est pas un animal
La coqueluche n’est pas un animal
La capsule n’est pas un animal
Le romorantin n’est pas un animal
La carlingue n’est pas un animal
La joliette n’est pas un animal
La queue n’est pas un animal
Le blizzard n’est pas un animal
La lentisque n’est pas un animal
La toupine n’est pas un animal
La salopette n’est pas un animal
Le merlin n’est pas un animal
Le boucan n’est pas un animal
La valve n’est pas un animal
Le toutcouleur n’est pas un animal
La harpe n’est pas un animal
Le manglier n’est pas un animal
L’hydrofoil n’est pas un animal
Le croque-madame n’est pas un animal
Le uhlan n’est pas un animal
Le mangeur n’est pas un animal
L’ardoise n’est pas un animal
La cataracte n’est pas un animal
L’arquebuse n’est pas un animal
Le poitrinaire n’est pas un animal
La lucarne n’est pas un animal
La vistule n’est pas un animal
La dragonne n’est pas un animal
L’échalas n’est pas un animal
Le tétraèdre n’est pas un animal
Le greffier n’est pas un animal
Le crocus n’est pas un animal
Le képi n’est pas un animal
Le froufrou n’est pas un animal
La caillette n’est pas un animal
Le marmiton n’est pas un animal
La corde n’est pas un animal
L’oliphant n’est pas un animal
La vareuse n’est pas un animal
L’armoise n’est pas un animal
La tantouze n’est pas un animal
Le solex n’est pas un animal
La houppette n’est pas un animal
L’édicule n’est pas un animal
La poutre n’est pas un animal
La cornemuse n’est pas un animal
Le trousse-queue n’est pas un animal
Le croc-en-jambe n’est pas un animal
La gonzesse n’est pas un animal
Le caramel n’est pas un animal
La pastille n’est pas un animal
La crampe n’est pas un animal
La marge n’est pas un animal
La cigarette n’est pas un animal
La gaudriole n’est pas un animal
La cassolette n’est pas un animal
L’écluse n’est pas un animal
La faucille n’est pas un animal
La tubulure n’est pas un animal
L’oncle n’est pas un animal
La vulve n’est pas un animal
Le kamasutra n’est pas un animal
La tarentelle n’est pas un animal
La blette n’est pas un animal
L’ambidextre n’est pas un animal
L’outre n’est pas un animal
La mandibule n’est pas un animal
Le croate n’est pas un animal
Le fenouil n’est pas un animal
La grenaille n’est pas un animal
L’aqueduc n’est pas un animal
Le loustic n’est pas un animal
Le ludion n’est pas un animal
Le bouton n’est pas un animal
Le cervelas n’est pas un animal
La houlette n’est pas un animal
Le noctambule n’est pas un animal
La basket n’est pas un animal
Le volant n’est pas un animal
La cancoyotte n’est pas un animal
La grande ourse n’est pas un animal
La piccole n’est pas un animal
La clepsydre n’est pas un animal
L’orgelet n’est pas un animal
La groseille n’est pas un animal
L’épinard n’est pas un animal
Le girondin n’est pas un animal
La bille n’est pas un animal
Le gigondas n’est pas un animal
L’original n’est pas un animal
Publisher: First published on PIW, Rotterdam
Poems of Jean-Michel Espitallier
The hibiscus is not an animalThe ingot is not an animal
The mascarpone is not an animal
The elymus repens is not an animal
The gangrene is not an animal
The pennywort is not an animal
The rattle is not an animal
The stump is not an animal
The frog seat is not an animal
The oxymoron is not an animal
The pannier is not an animal
The osselet is not an animal
The vomit is not an animal
The agora is not an animal
The gingham is not an animal
The nasion is not an animal
The tarp is not an animal
The amanita phalloides is not an animal
The centiare is not an animal
The sabir is not an animal
The acanthus is not an animal
The plush is not an animal
The crankshaft is not an animal
The gold-digger is not an animal
The etui is not an animal
The cider is not an animal
The wimp is not an animal
The kidney is not an animal
The huguenot is not an animal
The ptyx is not an animal
The clout is not an animal
The kebab bush is not an animal
The cluster is not an animal
The fettuccine is not an animal
The mange-tout is not an animal
The booing is not an animal
The lasagne is not an animal
The bludgeon is not an animal
The anvil is not an animal
The verve is not an animal
The commons is not an animal
The piss is not an animal
The amis is not an animal
The honeysuckle is not an animal
The braggart is not an animal
The jack is not an animal
The topside is not an animal
The basin is not an animal
The oklahoma is not an animal
The escovitch is not an animal
The glayre is not an animal
The dactyl is not an animal
The buzzer is not an animal
The zsa zsa is not an animal
The hervey is not an animal
The gazette is not an animal
The cat-o’-nine-tails is not an animal
The noose is not an animal
The trellis is not an animal
The hirst is not an animal
The pedestal is not an animal
The grill is not an animal
The sari is not an animal
The pump is not an animal
The chervil is not an animal
The aglaulus is not an animal
The rancid is not an animal
The appalachians is not an animal
The urba is not an animal
The urchin is not an animal
The igame is not an animal
The dog day is not an animal
The effete is not an animal
The rill is not an animal
The loser is not an animal
The paunch is not an animal
The appendix is not an animal
The gland is not an animal
The tweed is not an animal
The hamper is not an animal
The amaranth is not an animal
The myrtle is not an animal
The diarrhoea is not an animal
The trowel is not an animal
The poultice is not an animal
The cabin boy is not an animal
The crisis is not an animal
The zucchini is not an animal
The scapula is not an animal
The beefeater is not an animal
The curfew is not an animal
The bolt is not an animal
The fishnet is not an animal
The hoax is not an animal
The shamble is not an animal
The scale is not an animal
The swindler is not an animal
The ampersand is not an animal
The butterkist is not an animal
The flob is not an animal
The husk is not an animal
The grist is not an animal
The harpy is not an animal
The squint is not an animal
The siren is not an animal
The bowl is not an animal
The armpit is not an animal
The knurl is not an animal
The scuba is not an animal
The onychophagist is not an animal
The hose is not an animal
The raghnallach is not an animal
The kudos is not an animal
The pritt-stik is not an animal
The coke is not an animal
The gal is not an animal
The sarnie is not an animal
The glyph is not an animal
The vol-au-vent is not an animal
The tyke is not an animal
The firelighter is not an animal
The crutch is not an animal
The gewgaw is not an animal
The soot is not an animal
The album is not an animal
The hadji is not an animal
The sleazebag is not an animal
The jug is not an animal
The judy is not an animal
The ferrule is not an animal
The kuhn rikon is not an animal
The vernacular is not an animal
The blarney is not an animal
The suspect is not an animal
The funicular is not an animal
The carcass is not an animal
The gross is not an animal
The gabardine is not an animal
The copse is not an animal
The buckshot is not an animal
The funk is not an animal
The pancreas is not an animal
The thigh boot is not an animal
The shuteye is not an animal
The rotor is not an animal
The rabble is not an animal
The brain is not an animal
The soil is not an animal
The distaff is not an animal
The tamiflu is not an animal
The strap-on is not an animal
The wreath is not an animal
The log is not an animal
The cold is not an animal
The drama is not an animal
The flock is not an animal
The hook is not an animal
The wisteria is not an animal
The gibe is not an animal
The dumpling is not an animal
The merlot is not an animal
The frieze is not an animal
The booker is not an animal
The blackjack is not an animal
The nostril is not an animal
The wigwam is not an animal
The palette is not an animal
The yarrow is not an animal
The orgeat is not an animal
The philanthrope is not an animal
The sprocket is not an animal
The dildo is not an animal
The bamboo is not an animal
The arsenal is not an animal
The blister is not an animal
The churn is not an animal
The wheel is not an animal
The marjoram is not an animal
The juniper is not an animal
The plunger is not an animal
The basket is not an animal
The origami is not an animal
The queer is not an animal
The prole is not an animal
The jack is not an animal
The ewer is not an animal
The iris is not an animal
The rural is not an animal
The passéist is not an animal
The orient is not an animal
The quaver is not an animal
The agenda is not an animal
The scoundrel is not an animal
The snuggle is not an animal
The lunette is not an animal
The verbena is not an animal
The gargoyle is not an animal
The brooch is not an animal
The oaf is not an animal
The buckwheat is not an animal
The hoover is not an animal
The hail is not an animal
The kris is not an animal
The flaubert is not an animal
The greenie is not an animal
The musket is not an animal
The anus is not an animal
The bunch is not an animal
The jerry is not an animal
The shrug is not an animal
The sargasso is not an animal
The gunslinger is not an animal
The blowpipe is not an animal
The quiver is not an animal
The zip is not an animal
The dion is not an animal
The gouge is not an animal
The pirouette is not an animal
The ashtray is not an animal
The syzygy is not an animal
The cratylus is not an animal
The ganglion is not an animal
The chewit is not an animal
The umbrella is not an animal
The arpeggio is not an animal
The girdle is not an animal
The manor is not an animal
The lobby is not an animal
The tapioca is not an animal
The cava is not an animal
The skean is not an animal
The target is not an animal
The bassoon is not an animal
The flick is not an animal
The mortadella is not an animal
The hieroglyph is not an animal
The lolita is not an animal
The sodomite is not an animal
The trammel is not an animal
The planter is not an animal
The vermouth is not an animal
The pertussis is not an animal
The bolus is not an animal
The romorantin is not an animal
The gestapo is not an animal
The jester is not an animal
The queue is not an animal
The blizzard is not an animal
The mastic is not an animal
The tureen is not an animal
The dungaree is not an animal
The marline is not an animal
The racket is not an animal
The valve is not an animal
The rainbow is not an animal
The harp is not an animal
The magnolia is not an animal
The hovercraft is not an animal
The doorstop is not an animal
The lancer is not an animal
The diner is not an animal
The slate is not an animal
The cataract is not an animal
The arquebus is not an animal
The leper is not an animal
The skylight is not an animal
The vistula is not an animal
The wrist-strap is not an animal
The stake is not an animal
The tetrahedron is not an animal
The registrar is not an animal
The crocus is not an animal
The kepi is not an animal
The frou-frou is not an animal
The reticulum is not an animal
The busboy is not an animal
The bowstring is not an animal
The horn is not an animal
The blouse is not an animal
The mugwort is not an animal
The poof is not an animal
The moped is not an animal
The cap is not an animal
The mosque is not an animal
The ridgepole is not an animal
The cornemuse is not an animal
The queue-jump is not an animal
The hopscotch is not an animal
The gonzo is not an animal
The caramel is not an animal
The lozenge is not an animal
The cramp is not an animal
The edge is not an animal
The fag is not an animal
The antic is not an animal
The potpourri is not an animal
The lock is not an animal
The sickle is not an animal
The tubulure is not an animal
The uncle is not an animal
The vulva is not an animal
The kamasutra is not an animal
The tarantella is not an animal
The beet is not an animal
The ambidextrous is not an animal
The goatskin is not an animal
The mandible is not an animal
The croat is not an animal
The fennel is not an animal
The shot is not an animal
The aqueduct is not an animal
The flake is not an animal
The cartesian diver is not an animal
The pimple is not an animal
The saveloy is not an animal
The tyrant is not an animal
The sleepwalker is not an animal
The sneaker is not an animal
The frill is not an animal
The cheezwiz is not an animal
The great bear is not an animal
The piccolo is not an animal
The clepsydra is not an animal
The sty is not an animal
The gooseberry is not an animal
The spinach is not an animal
The menshevik is not an animal
The marble is not an animal
The stout is not an animal
The original is not an animal
© 2008, Keston Sutherland
The hibiscus is not an animalThe ingot is not an animal
The mascarpone is not an animal
The elymus repens is not an animal
The gangrene is not an animal
The pennywort is not an animal
The rattle is not an animal
The stump is not an animal
The frog seat is not an animal
The oxymoron is not an animal
The pannier is not an animal
The osselet is not an animal
The vomit is not an animal
The agora is not an animal
The gingham is not an animal
The nasion is not an animal
The tarp is not an animal
The amanita phalloides is not an animal
The centiare is not an animal
The sabir is not an animal
The acanthus is not an animal
The plush is not an animal
The crankshaft is not an animal
The gold-digger is not an animal
The etui is not an animal
The cider is not an animal
The wimp is not an animal
The kidney is not an animal
The huguenot is not an animal
The ptyx is not an animal
The clout is not an animal
The kebab bush is not an animal
The cluster is not an animal
The fettuccine is not an animal
The mange-tout is not an animal
The booing is not an animal
The lasagne is not an animal
The bludgeon is not an animal
The anvil is not an animal
The verve is not an animal
The commons is not an animal
The piss is not an animal
The amis is not an animal
The honeysuckle is not an animal
The braggart is not an animal
The jack is not an animal
The topside is not an animal
The basin is not an animal
The oklahoma is not an animal
The escovitch is not an animal
The glayre is not an animal
The dactyl is not an animal
The buzzer is not an animal
The zsa zsa is not an animal
The hervey is not an animal
The gazette is not an animal
The cat-o’-nine-tails is not an animal
The noose is not an animal
The trellis is not an animal
The hirst is not an animal
The pedestal is not an animal
The grill is not an animal
The sari is not an animal
The pump is not an animal
The chervil is not an animal
The aglaulus is not an animal
The rancid is not an animal
The appalachians is not an animal
The urba is not an animal
The urchin is not an animal
The igame is not an animal
The dog day is not an animal
The effete is not an animal
The rill is not an animal
The loser is not an animal
The paunch is not an animal
The appendix is not an animal
The gland is not an animal
The tweed is not an animal
The hamper is not an animal
The amaranth is not an animal
The myrtle is not an animal
The diarrhoea is not an animal
The trowel is not an animal
The poultice is not an animal
The cabin boy is not an animal
The crisis is not an animal
The zucchini is not an animal
The scapula is not an animal
The beefeater is not an animal
The curfew is not an animal
The bolt is not an animal
The fishnet is not an animal
The hoax is not an animal
The shamble is not an animal
The scale is not an animal
The swindler is not an animal
The ampersand is not an animal
The butterkist is not an animal
The flob is not an animal
The husk is not an animal
The grist is not an animal
The harpy is not an animal
The squint is not an animal
The siren is not an animal
The bowl is not an animal
The armpit is not an animal
The knurl is not an animal
The scuba is not an animal
The onychophagist is not an animal
The hose is not an animal
The raghnallach is not an animal
The kudos is not an animal
The pritt-stik is not an animal
The coke is not an animal
The gal is not an animal
The sarnie is not an animal
The glyph is not an animal
The vol-au-vent is not an animal
The tyke is not an animal
The firelighter is not an animal
The crutch is not an animal
The gewgaw is not an animal
The soot is not an animal
The album is not an animal
The hadji is not an animal
The sleazebag is not an animal
The jug is not an animal
The judy is not an animal
The ferrule is not an animal
The kuhn rikon is not an animal
The vernacular is not an animal
The blarney is not an animal
The suspect is not an animal
The funicular is not an animal
The carcass is not an animal
The gross is not an animal
The gabardine is not an animal
The copse is not an animal
The buckshot is not an animal
The funk is not an animal
The pancreas is not an animal
The thigh boot is not an animal
The shuteye is not an animal
The rotor is not an animal
The rabble is not an animal
The brain is not an animal
The soil is not an animal
The distaff is not an animal
The tamiflu is not an animal
The strap-on is not an animal
The wreath is not an animal
The log is not an animal
The cold is not an animal
The drama is not an animal
The flock is not an animal
The hook is not an animal
The wisteria is not an animal
The gibe is not an animal
The dumpling is not an animal
The merlot is not an animal
The frieze is not an animal
The booker is not an animal
The blackjack is not an animal
The nostril is not an animal
The wigwam is not an animal
The palette is not an animal
The yarrow is not an animal
The orgeat is not an animal
The philanthrope is not an animal
The sprocket is not an animal
The dildo is not an animal
The bamboo is not an animal
The arsenal is not an animal
The blister is not an animal
The churn is not an animal
The wheel is not an animal
The marjoram is not an animal
The juniper is not an animal
The plunger is not an animal
The basket is not an animal
The origami is not an animal
The queer is not an animal
The prole is not an animal
The jack is not an animal
The ewer is not an animal
The iris is not an animal
The rural is not an animal
The passéist is not an animal
The orient is not an animal
The quaver is not an animal
The agenda is not an animal
The scoundrel is not an animal
The snuggle is not an animal
The lunette is not an animal
The verbena is not an animal
The gargoyle is not an animal
The brooch is not an animal
The oaf is not an animal
The buckwheat is not an animal
The hoover is not an animal
The hail is not an animal
The kris is not an animal
The flaubert is not an animal
The greenie is not an animal
The musket is not an animal
The anus is not an animal
The bunch is not an animal
The jerry is not an animal
The shrug is not an animal
The sargasso is not an animal
The gunslinger is not an animal
The blowpipe is not an animal
The quiver is not an animal
The zip is not an animal
The dion is not an animal
The gouge is not an animal
The pirouette is not an animal
The ashtray is not an animal
The syzygy is not an animal
The cratylus is not an animal
The ganglion is not an animal
The chewit is not an animal
The umbrella is not an animal
The arpeggio is not an animal
The girdle is not an animal
The manor is not an animal
The lobby is not an animal
The tapioca is not an animal
The cava is not an animal
The skean is not an animal
The target is not an animal
The bassoon is not an animal
The flick is not an animal
The mortadella is not an animal
The hieroglyph is not an animal
The lolita is not an animal
The sodomite is not an animal
The trammel is not an animal
The planter is not an animal
The vermouth is not an animal
The pertussis is not an animal
The bolus is not an animal
The romorantin is not an animal
The gestapo is not an animal
The jester is not an animal
The queue is not an animal
The blizzard is not an animal
The mastic is not an animal
The tureen is not an animal
The dungaree is not an animal
The marline is not an animal
The racket is not an animal
The valve is not an animal
The rainbow is not an animal
The harp is not an animal
The magnolia is not an animal
The hovercraft is not an animal
The doorstop is not an animal
The lancer is not an animal
The diner is not an animal
The slate is not an animal
The cataract is not an animal
The arquebus is not an animal
The leper is not an animal
The skylight is not an animal
The vistula is not an animal
The wrist-strap is not an animal
The stake is not an animal
The tetrahedron is not an animal
The registrar is not an animal
The crocus is not an animal
The kepi is not an animal
The frou-frou is not an animal
The reticulum is not an animal
The busboy is not an animal
The bowstring is not an animal
The horn is not an animal
The blouse is not an animal
The mugwort is not an animal
The poof is not an animal
The moped is not an animal
The cap is not an animal
The mosque is not an animal
The ridgepole is not an animal
The cornemuse is not an animal
The queue-jump is not an animal
The hopscotch is not an animal
The gonzo is not an animal
The caramel is not an animal
The lozenge is not an animal
The cramp is not an animal
The edge is not an animal
The fag is not an animal
The antic is not an animal
The potpourri is not an animal
The lock is not an animal
The sickle is not an animal
The tubulure is not an animal
The uncle is not an animal
The vulva is not an animal
The kamasutra is not an animal
The tarantella is not an animal
The beet is not an animal
The ambidextrous is not an animal
The goatskin is not an animal
The mandible is not an animal
The croat is not an animal
The fennel is not an animal
The shot is not an animal
The aqueduct is not an animal
The flake is not an animal
The cartesian diver is not an animal
The pimple is not an animal
The saveloy is not an animal
The tyrant is not an animal
The sleepwalker is not an animal
The sneaker is not an animal
The frill is not an animal
The cheezwiz is not an animal
The great bear is not an animal
The piccolo is not an animal
The clepsydra is not an animal
The sty is not an animal
The gooseberry is not an animal
The spinach is not an animal
The menshevik is not an animal
The marble is not an animal
The stout is not an animal
The original is not an animal
© 2008, Keston Sutherland

LantarenVenster – Verhalenhuis Belvédère