Poetry International Poetry International

Sargon Boulus


The end of the year
        A year of endings
The weather, crows, tightness of the chest
Because of heavy smoking. An ailment
                       A hidden pain)
Made me wander in desolate parts of the town
Before nightfall
I came round the corner
Where my friend,
The storyteller,
Met me face to face
Something had taken the light from his eyes
My witty, old friend
He, himself
Something had twisted his features
From inside: his white eyebrows
The black teeth
His (not for fun) smile looked grief-stricken
An undeveloped picture
A burnt picture
Going to pieces at the slightest breath
We met emerging from the gale
That started yesterday
Pounded signboards of bars and restaurants
Made telegraph wires
Wail in empty places
I shouted: Yousef
What happened to your face, Yousef?
What did they do to your eyes, Yousef?
He said: Please, don’t ask
He said: It was devastating
He said: I came from there
He said: Not me. I am not myself
Not yourself
No, you are not yourself
They and the Gods of Hell
They and the Angel of Death in the door opening
Refugees on the roads
Children in coffins
Women wailing in open spaces
Your family is alright
They greet you from the grave
Baghdad is an ear of grain covered with locusts
I came from there
It was devastating,
He said to me
He went away and disappeared


Aan het eind van het jaar
        een jaar van einden
het weer, kraaien, benauwdheid
door roken, kwalen
dwongen me in onbewoonde delen van het dorp te lopen,
voor het avond werd
sloeg ik de hoek om,
waar mijn vriend,
de verteller,
mij trof.
Iets had het licht uit zijn ogen genomen
mijn geestige vriend,
Iets had zijn gezicht van binnenuit
veranderd: witte wenkbrauwen
zwarte tanden.
Als hij lacht (niet van vreugde) lijkt het op huilen
de droefheid voorbij
als een negatief
een verscheurde foto
die bij het geringste zuchtje uit elkaar valt.
Hij zag me toen we uit de storm kwamen
die gisteravond opstak
muren en uithangborden van restaurants en cafés geselde
en op lege vlakten
telegraafdraden liet fluiten.
Ik riep: Joesoef
wat is er met je gezicht?
wat hebben ze met je ogen gedaan?
Hij zei: Alsjeblieft, vraag me niets
Hij zei: vernietiging
Hij zei: Ik ben van ginds gekomen
Hij zei: Ik niet – ik ben het niet
jij niet
nee, jij bent het niet.
Zij en de goden van de hel.
Zij en de Dood op de drempel.
Vluchtelingen onderweg.
Kinderen in doodskisten.
Jammerende vrouwen op pleinen.
Het gaat goed met je familie.
Ze groeten je vanuit het graf.
Bagdad is een korenaar onder de sprinkhanen.
Ik ben van ginds gekomen.
zei hij
ging weg
en verdween.

(ter nagedachtenis aan Joesoef al-Haidari)



The end of the year
        A year of endings
The weather, crows, tightness of the chest
Because of heavy smoking. An ailment
                       A hidden pain)
Made me wander in desolate parts of the town
Before nightfall
I came round the corner
Where my friend,
The storyteller,
Met me face to face
Something had taken the light from his eyes
My witty, old friend
He, himself
Something had twisted his features
From inside: his white eyebrows
The black teeth
His (not for fun) smile looked grief-stricken
An undeveloped picture
A burnt picture
Going to pieces at the slightest breath
We met emerging from the gale
That started yesterday
Pounded signboards of bars and restaurants
Made telegraph wires
Wail in empty places
I shouted: Yousef
What happened to your face, Yousef?
What did they do to your eyes, Yousef?
He said: Please, don’t ask
He said: It was devastating
He said: I came from there
He said: Not me. I am not myself
Not yourself
No, you are not yourself
They and the Gods of Hell
They and the Angel of Death in the door opening
Refugees on the roads
Children in coffins
Women wailing in open spaces
Your family is alright
They greet you from the grave
Baghdad is an ear of grain covered with locusts
I came from there
It was devastating,
He said to me
He went away and disappeared


The end of the year
        A year of endings
The weather, crows, tightness of the chest
Because of heavy smoking. An ailment
                       A hidden pain)
Made me wander in desolate parts of the town
Before nightfall
I came round the corner
Where my friend,
The storyteller,
Met me face to face
Something had taken the light from his eyes
My witty, old friend
He, himself
Something had twisted his features
From inside: his white eyebrows
The black teeth
His (not for fun) smile looked grief-stricken
An undeveloped picture
A burnt picture
Going to pieces at the slightest breath
We met emerging from the gale
That started yesterday
Pounded signboards of bars and restaurants
Made telegraph wires
Wail in empty places
I shouted: Yousef
What happened to your face, Yousef?
What did they do to your eyes, Yousef?
He said: Please, don’t ask
He said: It was devastating
He said: I came from there
He said: Not me. I am not myself
Not yourself
No, you are not yourself
They and the Gods of Hell
They and the Angel of Death in the door opening
Refugees on the roads
Children in coffins
Women wailing in open spaces
Your family is alright
They greet you from the grave
Baghdad is an ear of grain covered with locusts
I came from there
It was devastating,
He said to me
He went away and disappeared
Gemeente Rotterdam
Nederlands Letterenfonds
Stichting Van Beuningen Peterich-fonds
Prins Bernhard cultuurfonds
Lira fonds
J.E. Jurriaanse
Gefinancierd door de Europese Unie
Elise Mathilde Fonds
Stichting Verzameling van Wijngaarden-Boot
LantarenVenster – Verhalenhuis Belvédère