Raúl Zurita
The cities of Water (III)
You know you’re dead for love and don’t love.All the bridges are broken and your weary
parents go back to where they came from, they
won’t return anymore to visit.
They’ve spent a thousand years on all that and
just now you wake. Lethargic you touch your
face and feel below your skin the work of a
skeleton that will outlive you like the rock at
the lake bottom that outlives the neck it
You know you’re dead for love and don’t love.
You then make yourself a cup of coffee and
distracted turn on the radio, you sit, and get
up again, turn on the shower like a daily
morning prayer and feel the old blow.
Like thousands of years ago all the bridges
had been dug out and there’s no way to
You know you’re dead for love.
You know you’re dead for love, but he loves you.
You lift up your face,
the cities of water in your eyes
© Translation: 2016, Anna Deeny Morales
From: Sky Below: Selected Works by Raúl Zurita
Publisher: Northwestern UP, Chicago, 2016
From: Sky Below: Selected Works by Raúl Zurita
Publisher: Northwestern UP, Chicago, 2016
Steden van water (III)
Je weet, je bent dood voor de liefde en hebt niet lief.Alle bruggen zijn kapot en je uitgeputte ouders
keren op hun schreden terug, ze komen niet meer
op bezoek.
Duizenden jaren zijn verstreken na dat alles en nu
ben je net wakker.
Slaapdronken betast je je gezicht en voel je onder de
huid het werk van de schedel die je zal overleven zoals
op de bodem van het meer de steen de nek overleeft
waaraan hij vastgebonden was.
Je weet, je bent dood voor de liefde en hebt niet lief.
Dus je zet koffie voor jezelf drukt afgeleid de radio
aan, gaat zitten, staat weer op, draait de douchekraan
open als een dagelijks ochtendgebed en voelt
de oude klap.
Zoals duizenden jaren geleden alle bruggen zijn
losgerukt en er is geen weg naar buiten:
Je weet, je bent dood voor de liefde.
Je weet, je bent dood voor de liefde, maar hij heeft je
lief. Je heft je gezicht op,
de steden van water in je ogen
© Vertaling: 2019, Lisa Thunnissen
Las ciudades de agua (III)
Sabes que estás muerta para el amor y no amas.Todos los puentes están rotos y tus padres ya
cansados se devuelven sobre sus pasos, ya no
vendrán a visitarte.
Han pasado miles de años de todo eso y ahora
acabas de despertar.
Somnolienta te tocas la cara y palpas bajo la piel
el trabajo de la calavera que te sobrevivirá como
en el fondo del lago la piedra sobrevive al cuello
a la que fue atada.
Sabes que estás muerta para el amor y no amas.
Te preparas entonces un café y enciendes con
distracción la radio, te sientas, te levantas de
nuevo, abres la ducha como un cotidiano rezo
matutino y sientes el antiguo golpe.
Como hace miles de años todos los puentes han
sido arrancados y no hay salida:
Sabes que estás muerta para el amor.
Sabes que estás muerta para el amor, pero él te
ama. Levantas la cara,
las ciudades de agua en tus ojos
© 2011, Raúl Zurita
From: Zurita
Publisher: Editorial Delirio, Salamanca
From: Zurita
Publisher: Editorial Delirio, Salamanca
Poems of Raúl Zurita
The cities of Water (III)
You know you’re dead for love and don’t love.All the bridges are broken and your weary
parents go back to where they came from, they
won’t return anymore to visit.
They’ve spent a thousand years on all that and
just now you wake. Lethargic you touch your
face and feel below your skin the work of a
skeleton that will outlive you like the rock at
the lake bottom that outlives the neck it
You know you’re dead for love and don’t love.
You then make yourself a cup of coffee and
distracted turn on the radio, you sit, and get
up again, turn on the shower like a daily
morning prayer and feel the old blow.
Like thousands of years ago all the bridges
had been dug out and there’s no way to
You know you’re dead for love.
You know you’re dead for love, but he loves you.
You lift up your face,
the cities of water in your eyes
© 2016, Anna Deeny Morales
From: Sky Below: Selected Works by Raúl Zurita
Publisher: 2016, Northwestern UP, Chicago
From: Sky Below: Selected Works by Raúl Zurita
Publisher: 2016, Northwestern UP, Chicago
The cities of Water (III)
You know you’re dead for love and don’t love.All the bridges are broken and your weary
parents go back to where they came from, they
won’t return anymore to visit.
They’ve spent a thousand years on all that and
just now you wake. Lethargic you touch your
face and feel below your skin the work of a
skeleton that will outlive you like the rock at
the lake bottom that outlives the neck it
You know you’re dead for love and don’t love.
You then make yourself a cup of coffee and
distracted turn on the radio, you sit, and get
up again, turn on the shower like a daily
morning prayer and feel the old blow.
Like thousands of years ago all the bridges
had been dug out and there’s no way to
You know you’re dead for love.
You know you’re dead for love, but he loves you.
You lift up your face,
the cities of water in your eyes
© 2016, Anna Deeny Morales
From: Sky Below: Selected Works by Raúl Zurita
Publisher: 2016, Northwestern UP, Chicago
From: Sky Below: Selected Works by Raúl Zurita
Publisher: 2016, Northwestern UP, Chicago

LantarenVenster – Verhalenhuis Belvédère