Raúl Zurita
The front paws bent, pulled back against theslightly open mouth. Its tiny claws black with
earth and then the incisors becoming red.
Thousands of little incisors spotted with blood
and the night. Thousands of letters full of love
melting like a small fleck of blood under the
gauze of snow, under the light gauze of snow
wrapped around all the mountains.
Susana speaks words bent double under the land
or the water or the black air. Under the earth of
the tiny claws.
The little claws of the rabbit that’s been run over.
Its tiny claws and the hardened black earth
behind them. Its eyes are earthy, like two small
mounds of earth that grow in the black night.
The sky is black, there are daisies. Its eyes buried
under the bare earth that all the little claws have
The gouged eye sockets. Bruno bends, falls.
© Translation: 2009, William Rowe
From: INRI
From: INRI
Zijn voorpoten dubbelgeklapt, ingetrokken tegen hethalf geopende snuitje. Zijn minuscule klauwtjes zwart
van de aarde en dan de rood kleurende snijtanden.
Duizenden kleine snijtanden bespikkeld met bloed
en de nacht. Duizenden brieven vol met liefde
die uitlopen als een kleine spetter bloed onder
het gaas van sneeuw, onder de zwachtel van tule
van de sneeuw van alle bergen.
Susana spreekt woorden uit, dubbelgeklapt onder het veld
of het water of de zwarte lucht. Onder de aarde van de
minuscule klauwtjes.
De kleine klauwtjes van het overreden konijn. Zijn
minuscule klauwtjes en daarachter de zwarte, hard
geworden aarde van het veld. Zijn aardachtige ogen
die zich als twee bergjes aarde ophopen in
de donkere nacht. De hemel is zwart, er zijn margrieten.
Zijn ogen begraven onder de omgeploegde aarde die
alle piepkleine klauwtjes ophopen.
De lege oogkassen. Bruno klapt dubbel, valt.
Las patas delanteras dobladas, recogidas contra el hocico entreabierto. Sus diminutas garras negrasde tierra y luego los incisivos enrojeciéndose.
Miles de pequeños incisivos punteados de sangre
y la noche. Miles de cartas llenas de amor
aguándose como un pequeño copo de sangre bajo
la gasa de la nieve, bajo la venda de tul de la
nieve de todas las montañas.
Susana dice palabras doblada bajo el campo o el
agua o el aire negro. Bajo la tierra de las
diminutas garras.
Las pequeñas garras del conejo atropellado. Sus
diminutas garras y la tierra negra del campo
endurecida en su revés. Sus ojos terrosos
acumulándose como dos montoncitos de tierra en
la noche negra. El cielo es negro, hay margaritas.
Sus ojos enterrados bajo la tierra campestre que
acumulan todas las minúsculas garras.
Los ojos vaciados. Bruno se dobla, cae.
© 2004, Raul Zurita
From: INRI
Publisher: Editorial Visor, Madrid
From: INRI
Publisher: Editorial Visor, Madrid
Poems of Raúl Zurita
The front paws bent, pulled back against theslightly open mouth. Its tiny claws black with
earth and then the incisors becoming red.
Thousands of little incisors spotted with blood
and the night. Thousands of letters full of love
melting like a small fleck of blood under the
gauze of snow, under the light gauze of snow
wrapped around all the mountains.
Susana speaks words bent double under the land
or the water or the black air. Under the earth of
the tiny claws.
The little claws of the rabbit that’s been run over.
Its tiny claws and the hardened black earth
behind them. Its eyes are earthy, like two small
mounds of earth that grow in the black night.
The sky is black, there are daisies. Its eyes buried
under the bare earth that all the little claws have
The gouged eye sockets. Bruno bends, falls.
© 2009, William Rowe
From: INRI
From: INRI
The front paws bent, pulled back against theslightly open mouth. Its tiny claws black with
earth and then the incisors becoming red.
Thousands of little incisors spotted with blood
and the night. Thousands of letters full of love
melting like a small fleck of blood under the
gauze of snow, under the light gauze of snow
wrapped around all the mountains.
Susana speaks words bent double under the land
or the water or the black air. Under the earth of
the tiny claws.
The little claws of the rabbit that’s been run over.
Its tiny claws and the hardened black earth
behind them. Its eyes are earthy, like two small
mounds of earth that grow in the black night.
The sky is black, there are daisies. Its eyes buried
under the bare earth that all the little claws have
The gouged eye sockets. Bruno bends, falls.
© 2009, William Rowe
From: INRI
From: INRI

LantarenVenster – Verhalenhuis Belvédère