Raúl Zurita
The cities of Water (II)
All of you is alive and dead: the grass’ gleam atsunrise and the voice thread that grows in the
deluge, the savage dawn and docility, the scream
and stone.
All my dream gets up from the stones and looks at
All my thirst looks at you, the hunger, my heart’s
endless dread.
I look at you also in the wind. In the snows of the
South American cordillera.
Over there is the sky where I waited for you to
wake up, the posthumous night, the dead country
where we did not die. Over there all wounds and
beatings as I emerged from the demolished dream
I turned my eyes back toward you and saw the vast
stars floating in the sky.
Your face now floats in the sky, behind it a river.
There’s such an old man.
There’s such an old man in the midst of that river
and you look at him.
the cities of water in your eyes
© Translation: 2016, Anna Deeny Morales
From: Sky Below: Selected Works by Raúl Zurita
Publisher: Northwestern UP, Chicago, 2016
From: Sky Below: Selected Works by Raúl Zurita
Publisher: Northwestern UP, Chicago, 2016
Steden van water (II)
Alles in jou is levend en dood: glinsterend gras inde morgenstond en de fluisterstem die aanzwelt
in de stortregen, de wilde dageraad en tamheid,
de schreeuw en de steen.
Al mijn slaap rijst op vanaf de stenen en kijkt naar
Al mijn dorst kijkt naar je, mijn honger, de oneindige
hunkering in mijn hart.
Ik kijk ook naar je in de wind. In de sneeuw op de
Zuid-Amerikaanse cordillera.
Daarginds de straat waar ik wachtte tot jij ontwaakte,
de postume nacht, het dode land waar we niet
gestorven zijn. Daarginds alle wonden en klappen toen
ik verrees uit de stukgebroken droom en mijn ogen
weer op jou richtte en de mateloze sterren in de
hemel zag zweven.
Jouw gezicht zweeft nu in de hemel, erachter stroomt
een rivier. Er staat een stokoude man.
Er staat een stokoude man midden in de rivier en
jij kijkt naar hem
de steden van water in je ogen
© Vertaling: 2019, Lisa Thunnissen
Las ciudades de agua (II)
Todo en ti está vivo y está muerto: el fulgor delpasto en la aurora y el hilo de voz creciendo en
el diluvio, el feroz amanecer y la mansedumbre,
el grito y la piedra.
Todo mi sueño se levanta desde las piedras y te
Toda mi sed te mira, el hambre, el ansia infinita
de mi corazón.
Te miro también en el viento. En las nieves de
la cordillera sudamericana.
Allí está la calle en que esperé que amanecieras,
la noche póstuma, el país muerto en el que no
morimos. Allí están todas las heridas y golpes
cuando emergiendo del destrozado sueño volví
hacia ti los ojos y vi las desmesuradas estrellas
flotando en el cielo.
Tu cara ahora flota en el cielo, detrás corre un
río. Hay un hombre muy viejo.
Hay un hombre muy viejo en el medio del río
y tú lo miras
las ciudades de agua en tus ojos
© 2011, Raúl Zurita
From: Zurita
Publisher: Editorial Delirio, Salamanca
From: Zurita
Publisher: Editorial Delirio, Salamanca
Poems of Raúl Zurita
The cities of Water (II)
All of you is alive and dead: the grass’ gleam atsunrise and the voice thread that grows in the
deluge, the savage dawn and docility, the scream
and stone.
All my dream gets up from the stones and looks at
All my thirst looks at you, the hunger, my heart’s
endless dread.
I look at you also in the wind. In the snows of the
South American cordillera.
Over there is the sky where I waited for you to
wake up, the posthumous night, the dead country
where we did not die. Over there all wounds and
beatings as I emerged from the demolished dream
I turned my eyes back toward you and saw the vast
stars floating in the sky.
Your face now floats in the sky, behind it a river.
There’s such an old man.
There’s such an old man in the midst of that river
and you look at him.
the cities of water in your eyes
© 2016, Anna Deeny Morales
From: Sky Below: Selected Works by Raúl Zurita
Publisher: 2016, Northwestern UP, Chicago
From: Sky Below: Selected Works by Raúl Zurita
Publisher: 2016, Northwestern UP, Chicago
The cities of Water (II)
All of you is alive and dead: the grass’ gleam atsunrise and the voice thread that grows in the
deluge, the savage dawn and docility, the scream
and stone.
All my dream gets up from the stones and looks at
All my thirst looks at you, the hunger, my heart’s
endless dread.
I look at you also in the wind. In the snows of the
South American cordillera.
Over there is the sky where I waited for you to
wake up, the posthumous night, the dead country
where we did not die. Over there all wounds and
beatings as I emerged from the demolished dream
I turned my eyes back toward you and saw the vast
stars floating in the sky.
Your face now floats in the sky, behind it a river.
There’s such an old man.
There’s such an old man in the midst of that river
and you look at him.
the cities of water in your eyes
© 2016, Anna Deeny Morales
From: Sky Below: Selected Works by Raúl Zurita
Publisher: 2016, Northwestern UP, Chicago
From: Sky Below: Selected Works by Raúl Zurita
Publisher: 2016, Northwestern UP, Chicago

LantarenVenster – Verhalenhuis Belvédère