Anneke Brassinga
The air retains our movements,raises a hurricane
out of that single breath, your last.
A feather before the mouth blown away:
the sparkling of the days and
diligent drinking in
of the moment. The earlier and
later vistas scattered round about.
The spring water, clear
as tears. But how you laugh at me now,
drink to me at the kitchen table –
queen of the wind-swept spaces where
not a soul can survive. I’ll be
dead long enough, you say, pour
us another one. Having escaped fate
we break the bread of recollection, chink glasses.
De lucht bewaart onze bewegingen,roert orkaan
uit die ene adem, je laatste.
Een veer voor de mond weggeblazen:
de flonkering der dagen en
nijvere indrinking
des ogenbliks. De verten van vroeger
en later eromheen gespreid.
Het bronwater, helder
als tranen. Maar hoe je me uitlacht nu,
aan de keukentafel me toedrinkt –
vorstin van doorwaaide ruimten waar
geen mens meer bestaat. Ik kan nog
lang genoeg dood zijn, zeg je, schenk
nog eens in. Ontsnapt aan het lot
breken we het brood van herinnering, klinken we.
© 2005, Anneke Brassinga
From: Wachtwoorden
Publisher: De Bezige Bij, Amsterdam
From: Wachtwoorden
Publisher: De Bezige Bij, Amsterdam
Poems of Anneke Brassinga
The air retains our movements,raises a hurricane
out of that single breath, your last.
A feather before the mouth blown away:
the sparkling of the days and
diligent drinking in
of the moment. The earlier and
later vistas scattered round about.
The spring water, clear
as tears. But how you laugh at me now,
drink to me at the kitchen table –
queen of the wind-swept spaces where
not a soul can survive. I’ll be
dead long enough, you say, pour
us another one. Having escaped fate
we break the bread of recollection, chink glasses.
From: Wachtwoorden
The air retains our movements,raises a hurricane
out of that single breath, your last.
A feather before the mouth blown away:
the sparkling of the days and
diligent drinking in
of the moment. The earlier and
later vistas scattered round about.
The spring water, clear
as tears. But how you laugh at me now,
drink to me at the kitchen table –
queen of the wind-swept spaces where
not a soul can survive. I’ll be
dead long enough, you say, pour
us another one. Having escaped fate
we break the bread of recollection, chink glasses.

LantarenVenster – Verhalenhuis Belvédère