Anneke Brassinga
If every instant’s an obscure beginningof aftermath that only after centuries
will shed light upon this now –
the known words are but stellar glimmerings
arriving breathless, far too late.
What does that leave us to talk about?
Only the water’s enticing murmuration
in strictured present tense, no rope
to tag onto; least of all
at the raging moment of your being blown
to foam in a continuously falling
continuously once more rising gale.
Als ieder ogenblik een ongekend begin isvan nasleep die pas over eeuwen
licht zal werpen op dit nu –
zijn de bekende woorden sterrenschijnsel,
amechtig arriverend, veel te laat.
Waar kunnen we dan nog over praten?
Alleen de lokstem van het water zwatelt
in strikt hedendaagse taal, geen touw
aan vast te knopen; zeker niet
op het razende tijdstip van je verschuimen
in een onophoudelijk liggen gaande
onophoudelijk weer opstekende storm.
© 2005, Anneke Brassinga
From: Wachtwoorden
Publisher: De Bezige Bij, Amsterdam
From: Wachtwoorden
Publisher: De Bezige Bij, Amsterdam
Poems of Anneke Brassinga
If every instant’s an obscure beginningof aftermath that only after centuries
will shed light upon this now –
the known words are but stellar glimmerings
arriving breathless, far too late.
What does that leave us to talk about?
Only the water’s enticing murmuration
in strictured present tense, no rope
to tag onto; least of all
at the raging moment of your being blown
to foam in a continuously falling
continuously once more rising gale.
From: Wachtwoorden
If every instant’s an obscure beginningof aftermath that only after centuries
will shed light upon this now –
the known words are but stellar glimmerings
arriving breathless, far too late.
What does that leave us to talk about?
Only the water’s enticing murmuration
in strictured present tense, no rope
to tag onto; least of all
at the raging moment of your being blown
to foam in a continuously falling
continuously once more rising gale.

LantarenVenster – Verhalenhuis Belvédère