Anneke Brassinga
No more than with the stones and the grassor yonder blown-off hat
can there be prattle with your alabaster flesh
which in the guise of a cloud
comes drifting by. A thousand gulls on their sand
slurp razor shells empty, squawk-squabbling.
Words are grit in an inarticulate racket,
even my knee
can’t grasp what I say,
let alone that you
far beyond the almighty, watery abyss
would hear any of it.
The sea a bed full of silken tassels
as if any rest were still
ever to be found there.
Zomin als met de stenen en het grasof gindse afgewaaide hoed
valt er te praten met je lichaam van albast
dat als wolk vermomd
komt aangedreven. Duizend meeuwen op hun zand
slobberen messenscheden leeg, krakélend.
Woorden zijn gruis in een taalloos kabaal,
zelfs mijn knie
snapt niet wat ik zeg,
laat staan dat jij
ver achter de heersende, waterige afgrond
iets ervan zou horen.
De zee een bed vol zijden kwasten
alsof daar ooit nog
rust te vinden is.
© 2005, Anneke Brassinga
From: Wachtwoorden
Publisher: De Bezige Bij, Amsterdam
From: Wachtwoorden
Publisher: De Bezige Bij, Amsterdam
Poems of Anneke Brassinga
No more than with the stones and the grassor yonder blown-off hat
can there be prattle with your alabaster flesh
which in the guise of a cloud
comes drifting by. A thousand gulls on their sand
slurp razor shells empty, squawk-squabbling.
Words are grit in an inarticulate racket,
even my knee
can’t grasp what I say,
let alone that you
far beyond the almighty, watery abyss
would hear any of it.
The sea a bed full of silken tassels
as if any rest were still
ever to be found there.
From: Wachtwoorden
No more than with the stones and the grassor yonder blown-off hat
can there be prattle with your alabaster flesh
which in the guise of a cloud
comes drifting by. A thousand gulls on their sand
slurp razor shells empty, squawk-squabbling.
Words are grit in an inarticulate racket,
even my knee
can’t grasp what I say,
let alone that you
far beyond the almighty, watery abyss
would hear any of it.
The sea a bed full of silken tassels
as if any rest were still
ever to be found there.

LantarenVenster – Verhalenhuis Belvédère