Hannah van Binsbergen
Oh, I knew Saint Francis well, we practically grew up together,the handsome French prince and me, sad young smoker.
The boys and girls alike, they said: we can when we want to,
we can always do it, but a greyhound caught up with them and bit them
bit them until they admitted they really wanted something wild.
The shorebirds walked along with him
he really had a gift with those creatures.
And the bite wound told them: young smoker, celebrate your body.
Admit that you take pleasure in it: the privileges of your new life
a sky with a system of coordinates and a high point in the landscape
from which to take it all in.
But the shame, dog, which made everything possible
makes brothers of us all.
Smoke on, why so sad?
Why so sad?
© Translation: 2017, Michele Hutchison
Jonge rokers
Jonge rokers
O, ik kende Sint Franciscus goed, we zijn praktisch samen opgegroeidde knappe Franse prins en ik, sombere jonge roker.
De jongens en meisjes gelijk, ze zeiden: we kunnen wel wanneer we willen
we kunnen het altijd wel maar een hazewind haalde hen in en beet hen
beet hen tot ze toegaven iets werkelijk wilds te willen.
De strandvogels liepen met hem mee
hij had echt een gave met die beesten.
En de beetwond zei hun: jonge roker, vier je lichaam.
Geef maar toe dat je ervan geniet: de privileges van je nieuwe leven
een hemel met een assenstelsel en een hoog punt in het landschap
om het allemaal te overzien.
Maar de schaamte, hond, die alles mogelijk maakte
maakt broeders van ons allemaal.
Rook door, waarom zo somber?
Waarom zo somber?
From: Kwaad gesternte
Publisher: Atlas Contact, Amsterdam
Publisher: Atlas Contact, Amsterdam
Poems of Hannah van Binsbergen
Oh, I knew Saint Francis well, we practically grew up together,the handsome French prince and me, sad young smoker.
The boys and girls alike, they said: we can when we want to,
we can always do it, but a greyhound caught up with them and bit them
bit them until they admitted they really wanted something wild.
The shorebirds walked along with him
he really had a gift with those creatures.
And the bite wound told them: young smoker, celebrate your body.
Admit that you take pleasure in it: the privileges of your new life
a sky with a system of coordinates and a high point in the landscape
from which to take it all in.
But the shame, dog, which made everything possible
makes brothers of us all.
Smoke on, why so sad?
Why so sad?
© 2017, Michele Hutchison
From: Kwaad gesternte
From: Kwaad gesternte
Oh, I knew Saint Francis well, we practically grew up together,the handsome French prince and me, sad young smoker.
The boys and girls alike, they said: we can when we want to,
we can always do it, but a greyhound caught up with them and bit them
bit them until they admitted they really wanted something wild.
The shorebirds walked along with him
he really had a gift with those creatures.
And the bite wound told them: young smoker, celebrate your body.
Admit that you take pleasure in it: the privileges of your new life
a sky with a system of coordinates and a high point in the landscape
from which to take it all in.
But the shame, dog, which made everything possible
makes brothers of us all.
Smoke on, why so sad?
Why so sad?
© 2017, Michele Hutchison
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