Luis Chaves
1.Picture this:
two weeks of rain
washed away all the flower pots’
ochre rings.
Whites and darks mixing
in the same washing machine.
A house reduced to cardboard boxes.
The afternoon spinning on the rain’s axis.
The false menthol
of a Derby Light + a Halls.
The color Plasticene bars make
when they’ve been kneaded together.
The world is turning so fast
it appears to stand still.
I thought about saying so
but preferred, as your copilot,
to watch you circle
the parking lot.
The ants came in
the moving boxes.
The new apartment
begins to feel more like a home.
One that belongs to someone else, but a home.
In the new apartment,
the handyman hollows out a wall
searching for the water leak.
This isn’t disorder per se,
it’s order of another kind.
Plastic bags, Sharpie
on boxes, in cursive:
kitchen / books / bathroom
If someone else were to walk in at this moment,
they wouldn’t know if we were moving in or out.
Inert, enclosed
in nicotine,
the brain goes soft,
the heart hardens.
I look older without a shirt on.
I thought about saying so but preferred
to remember the time when I was
your copilot as you kept
circling that parking lot.
Without a sound, Francisca
moves through each space –
here with the bucket,
there with the broom –
inside that mouth,
always closed,
the glint of a gold tooth.
A pause which threatens to become
something else entirely.
Clothes we haven’t unpacked,
the taste of synthetic menthol,
that empty space
where you finally parked the car.
Over a few rounds of beer
some friends were discussing
how long we can keep calling ourselves young.
What does it matter, you thought aloud,
if I was never young to begin with.
Then the fog cleared.
Then the crickets came on.
Here's where a decisive phrase should go
but the t-shirt
from that afternoon we were talking about
fades while the grass grows
and without realizing it,
you begin to use some of my trademark phrases
every six words.
What never will dry in this weather,
what shines whether we like it or not,
the wrong time of year to move,
the brain: a lump of Plasticene,
the heart: two car doors
that only know how to close.
Underneath all of this there’s a song,
even if it can’t be seen or heard.
The promise of a new house
stayed behind in the old one.
What remains of the rainy season is a blend
of all the Plasticene bars –
what will knead together is kneaded
together, the hammering that quiets
the tenacity of a leak,
veining the window.
And the crickets’ song
swelling like another fog.
Underneath all of this there is something better.
1.Je had het moeten zien.
Twee weken noodweer
en weg was het okeren spoor
van de bloempotten.
Alles door elkaar in de wasmachine,
witte was en bonte was.
Een huis teruggebracht tot kartonnen dozen
de middag die draait om de as van de regen.
De valse mentholsmaak
van een zachte Derby + een Halls.
De kleur die plasticine krijgt
als alle staafjes met elkaar worden gemengd.
De wereld maakt zo veel wentelingen
dat het lijkt alsof ze niet beweegt.
Ik wilde het zeggen
maar als bijrijder keek ik liever toe
hoe jij rondjes reed
over de parkeerplaats.
De mieren zijn meegekomen
in de verhuisdozen.
Het nieuwe appartement
begint op een huis te lijken.
Andermans huis, maar toch een huis.
In het nieuwe appartement
hakt de metselaar in de muur
op zoek naar het lek in de waterleiding.
Wat je ziet is geen wanorde,
maar een ander soort orde.
Plastic zakken,
kartonnendozen met viltstift in cursief
Keuken / boeken / badkamer.
Als er nu iemand binnenkwam,
zou hij niet weten of er iemand aankomt of vertrekt.
Omhuld door de nicotine
van de onbeweeglijkheid,
wordt het brein zachter
en het hart harder.
Zonder hemd lijk ik ouder,
dat wilde ik zeggen maar ik dacht liever
terug aan de keer dat ik jouw bijrijder was
en jij rondjes reed
over de parkeerplaats.
Francisca beweegt zich
zwijgend van kamer naar kamer.
Hier met de zwabber,
daar met de emmer.
In haar mond,
die altijd gesloten is,
blinkt een gouden tand.
Een pauze die dreigt
te veranderen in iets anders.
De was niet opgehangen,
de smaak van de valse menthol,
de lege plek
waar je uiteindelijk parkeerde.
Terwijl de bierblikjes rondgingen,
vroegen de vrienden zich af
hoe lang de jeugd eigenlijk duurt.
Jij dacht hardop
‘wat kan mij dat schelen, ik ben nooit jong geweest.’
Daarna ging de wisser van de mist heen en weer.
Daarna barstten de krekels los.
Hier zou een beslissende zin moeten komen
maar het onderhemd verschiet van kleur
op de middag waarop we praatten
terwijl het gras groeide
en jij zonder dat je het merkte
om de zes woorden
mijn stopwoordjes gebruikte.
Dat wat niet zal drogen,
dat wat onvrijwillig blinkt,
een verkeerde tijd voor de verhuizing,
het brein: een massa plasticine,
het hart: twee autoportieren
die alleen maar dicht kunnen.
Hieronder zit een lied,
al hoor of zie je het niet.
De beloften van het nieuwe huis
bleven achter in het oude huis.
Van het noodweer blijft over die kleur
van alle staafjes plasticine
die zich mengen zich mengen,
het gehamer dat het gedruppel
van een lek overstemt,
die regendruppels
als de aderen van het raam.
En het krekelgezang
neemt toe zoals een nieuwe nevel.
Hieronder zit iets beters.
1.Si vieras.
Dos semanas de temporal
borraron la huella ocre
de las macetas.
Revuelta en la lavadora,
ropa blanca y de color.
Una casa reducida a cajas de cartón
la tarde que gira sobre el eje de la lluvia.
El mentolado falso
de un Derby suave + una Halls.
Ese color de la plasticina
cuando se mezclan todas las barras.
El mundo da tantas vueltas
que parece no moverse.
Pensé decirlo
pero preferí, de copiloto,
verte manejar en círculos
por el estacionamiento.
Las hormigas vinieron
en las cajas de la mudanza.
El apartamento nuevo
empieza a parecer una casa.
De otro, pero una casa.
En el departamento nuevo,
el albañil pica la pared buscando
dónde está la fuga de agua.
No es desorden lo que se ve,
es un orden disparejo.
Bolsas plásticas,
cartones con cursiva en pilot
Cocina / libros / baño
Si otro, en este momento, entrara,
no sabría si alguien llega o se va.
Envuelto en la nicotina
de la inmovilidad,
se ablanda el cerebro
y se endurece el corazón.
Sin camisa me veo más viejo,
pensé decirlo pero preferí
recordar la vez que fui tu copiloto
y manejabas en círculos
por el estacionamiento.
Francisca, silenciosa,
se mueve por cada ambiente.
Para allá con la escoba,
para acá con el balde.
Dentro de esa boca,
siempre cerrada,
brilla un diente de oro.
Un pausa que amenaza
con convertirse en otra cosa.
La ropa sin tender,
el gusto del falso mentol,
el espacio libre
donde finalmente parqueaste.
Rodeando latas de cerveza,
los amigos discutían
cuánto dura la juventud.
Pensaste en voz alta
“qué me importa, si nunca fui joven”.
Luego se agitó el borrador de la niebla.
Luego irrumpieron los grillos.
Aquí tendría que ir una frase decisiva
pero se destiñe la camiseta
de la tarde que hablábamos
mientras crecía el pasto
y sin darte cuenta
usabas mis muletillas
cada seis palabras.
Lo que no se va a secar,
lo que brilla sin elección,
un período equivocado para la mudanza,
el cerebro: masa de plasticina,
el corazón: dos puertas de carro
que sólo saben cerrarse.
Debajo de esto hay una canción,
aunque no se escucha ni se ve.
Las promesas de la casa nueva
quedaron en la casa vieja.
Del temporal va quedando ese color
de todas las barras de plasticina
que se mezclan se mezclan,
el martilleo que silencia
la tenacidad de una fuga,
esas gotas de lluvia
como las venas de la ventana.
Y el canto de los grillos
crece como otra niebla.
Debajo de esto hay algo mejor.
© 2011, Luis Chaves
From: Monumentos ecuestres
Publisher: Editorial Germinal, San José
From: Monumentos ecuestres
Publisher: Editorial Germinal, San José
Poems of Luis Chaves
1.Picture this:
two weeks of rain
washed away all the flower pots’
ochre rings.
Whites and darks mixing
in the same washing machine.
A house reduced to cardboard boxes.
The afternoon spinning on the rain’s axis.
The false menthol
of a Derby Light + a Halls.
The color Plasticene bars make
when they’ve been kneaded together.
The world is turning so fast
it appears to stand still.
I thought about saying so
but preferred, as your copilot,
to watch you circle
the parking lot.
The ants came in
the moving boxes.
The new apartment
begins to feel more like a home.
One that belongs to someone else, but a home.
In the new apartment,
the handyman hollows out a wall
searching for the water leak.
This isn’t disorder per se,
it’s order of another kind.
Plastic bags, Sharpie
on boxes, in cursive:
kitchen / books / bathroom
If someone else were to walk in at this moment,
they wouldn’t know if we were moving in or out.
Inert, enclosed
in nicotine,
the brain goes soft,
the heart hardens.
I look older without a shirt on.
I thought about saying so but preferred
to remember the time when I was
your copilot as you kept
circling that parking lot.
Without a sound, Francisca
moves through each space –
here with the bucket,
there with the broom –
inside that mouth,
always closed,
the glint of a gold tooth.
A pause which threatens to become
something else entirely.
Clothes we haven’t unpacked,
the taste of synthetic menthol,
that empty space
where you finally parked the car.
Over a few rounds of beer
some friends were discussing
how long we can keep calling ourselves young.
What does it matter, you thought aloud,
if I was never young to begin with.
Then the fog cleared.
Then the crickets came on.
Here's where a decisive phrase should go
but the t-shirt
from that afternoon we were talking about
fades while the grass grows
and without realizing it,
you begin to use some of my trademark phrases
every six words.
What never will dry in this weather,
what shines whether we like it or not,
the wrong time of year to move,
the brain: a lump of Plasticene,
the heart: two car doors
that only know how to close.
Underneath all of this there’s a song,
even if it can’t be seen or heard.
The promise of a new house
stayed behind in the old one.
What remains of the rainy season is a blend
of all the Plasticene bars –
what will knead together is kneaded
together, the hammering that quiets
the tenacity of a leak,
veining the window.
And the crickets’ song
swelling like another fog.
Underneath all of this there is something better.
From: Monumentos ecuestres
1.Picture this:
two weeks of rain
washed away all the flower pots’
ochre rings.
Whites and darks mixing
in the same washing machine.
A house reduced to cardboard boxes.
The afternoon spinning on the rain’s axis.
The false menthol
of a Derby Light + a Halls.
The color Plasticene bars make
when they’ve been kneaded together.
The world is turning so fast
it appears to stand still.
I thought about saying so
but preferred, as your copilot,
to watch you circle
the parking lot.
The ants came in
the moving boxes.
The new apartment
begins to feel more like a home.
One that belongs to someone else, but a home.
In the new apartment,
the handyman hollows out a wall
searching for the water leak.
This isn’t disorder per se,
it’s order of another kind.
Plastic bags, Sharpie
on boxes, in cursive:
kitchen / books / bathroom
If someone else were to walk in at this moment,
they wouldn’t know if we were moving in or out.
Inert, enclosed
in nicotine,
the brain goes soft,
the heart hardens.
I look older without a shirt on.
I thought about saying so but preferred
to remember the time when I was
your copilot as you kept
circling that parking lot.
Without a sound, Francisca
moves through each space –
here with the bucket,
there with the broom –
inside that mouth,
always closed,
the glint of a gold tooth.
A pause which threatens to become
something else entirely.
Clothes we haven’t unpacked,
the taste of synthetic menthol,
that empty space
where you finally parked the car.
Over a few rounds of beer
some friends were discussing
how long we can keep calling ourselves young.
What does it matter, you thought aloud,
if I was never young to begin with.
Then the fog cleared.
Then the crickets came on.
Here's where a decisive phrase should go
but the t-shirt
from that afternoon we were talking about
fades while the grass grows
and without realizing it,
you begin to use some of my trademark phrases
every six words.
What never will dry in this weather,
what shines whether we like it or not,
the wrong time of year to move,
the brain: a lump of Plasticene,
the heart: two car doors
that only know how to close.
Underneath all of this there’s a song,
even if it can’t be seen or heard.
The promise of a new house
stayed behind in the old one.
What remains of the rainy season is a blend
of all the Plasticene bars –
what will knead together is kneaded
together, the hammering that quiets
the tenacity of a leak,
veining the window.
And the crickets’ song
swelling like another fog.
Underneath all of this there is something better.

LantarenVenster – Verhalenhuis Belvédère