Ruth Lasters
The fact that no one ever saw the complete formation of an ice sheet,really every second of how a pond congeals into
walkability. Of course there is no complete witness to this, not now
and not in the past. That sure point of contact with
people from earlier times suddenly brings them close, as if they are
looking at me through the murky surface of ice. Especially in the middle
near the frozen carp in the hole like a gap in time, through which they
seem to signal the consolation that now of all times there
are about as many of them missing, on the other side as we
have brain cells, as if in the head
of all who have been here
there is the wildest scintillation.
Dat niemand ooit de hele vorming van een ijsvlakte zag,echt elke tel van hoe een vijver tot betreedbaarheid
stolt. Allicht is daar geen enkele totaalgetuige van, nu en
vroeger niet. Dat zekere raakpunt met
mensen uit eerdere tijden maakt hen plots nabij, alsof ze door
de troebele ijsspiegel naar mij kijken. Vooral in het midden
bij de vastgevroren karper in het wak als een tijdgat, waardoor zij
wel de troost lijken te seinen dat zij uitgerekend nu
met ongeveer evenveel ontbreken, aan de andere zijde zijn als wij
zenuwcellen hebben, als zit er in ons hoofd
van elk van wie hier is geweest
de felste sprankel.
© 2015, Ruth Lasters
From: Lichtmeters
Publisher: Polis,
From: Lichtmeters
Publisher: Polis,
Poems of Ruth Lasters
The fact that no one ever saw the complete formation of an ice sheet,really every second of how a pond congeals into
walkability. Of course there is no complete witness to this, not now
and not in the past. That sure point of contact with
people from earlier times suddenly brings them close, as if they are
looking at me through the murky surface of ice. Especially in the middle
near the frozen carp in the hole like a gap in time, through which they
seem to signal the consolation that now of all times there
are about as many of them missing, on the other side as we
have brain cells, as if in the head
of all who have been here
there is the wildest scintillation.
From: Lichtmeters
The fact that no one ever saw the complete formation of an ice sheet,really every second of how a pond congeals into
walkability. Of course there is no complete witness to this, not now
and not in the past. That sure point of contact with
people from earlier times suddenly brings them close, as if they are
looking at me through the murky surface of ice. Especially in the middle
near the frozen carp in the hole like a gap in time, through which they
seem to signal the consolation that now of all times there
are about as many of them missing, on the other side as we
have brain cells, as if in the head
of all who have been here
there is the wildest scintillation.

LantarenVenster – Verhalenhuis Belvédère